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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. I knew SADIE couldn't stay consistent....I knew it.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Did they release something good for once?

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Nope. Madrigal Maria was imo a solid release despite it being Uroboros lite but my point is that they'll release something that's worthy and then follow it up with something terrible...

  2. GALLOWS: Best album of 2014 so far...

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Thanks Tetora! And I haven't heard much of Kra. Send some songs my way.

    2. Tetora


      On youtube search for any of these: Kra (fushigi, honne, kakusei distortion, alice, hohoemi). Maybe you will like, maybe you wont.

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  3. NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST: The only indie band that has the balls to go down and dirty.

    1. Senedjem


      cool joke

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      im down to be proven wrong

  4. Anyways this is great news. I too hope that this would be good enough to prompt a DESPA come back. More icing on the cake that Lynch. will be performing as well. Good news!
  5. Ro plz

    This. So much. I think a lot of this supposed "rivalry" or bashing stems from people's distaste in STU, hell even possibly Rinkaku and The Unraveling. Its pretty much just spite. And its not as if we didn't know that DIR EN GREY was going to take it down a notch. Kaoru specifically stated MULTIPLE times that their newer releases are going to be simple and quite honestly, its understandable. They successfully progressed substantially after the Marrow of a bone to Dum Spiro Spero. That takes a lot, especially having to deal with 7 strings vs 6 strings and fairly complex song structures. To want to tone down, while still keeping the essence of groups sound for a while is OK. It shows maturity. It shows that they too are human beings who know when to take necessary breaks. There are other bands other than DIR EN GREY that one may listen to at the end of the day if one isn't happy with the direction the band is going in. The end. This sudden spark of "hate" is what's the popular thing to do. And while Kyo is the front man for Dir en grey, he doesn't even have that much musical say compared to Kaoru or Die. So if anything the comparison music wise vs Sukekiyo makes absolutely no sense... As far as Shinya goes, he is one of my favorite drummers but its no secret that once the band started treading into more difficult territory, he's flawless in the studio but live, he cannot hold his own for some reason. Kaoru and Die have done a better job being clutch on the areas they may have had issues in, but I consistently notice the same minor screw ups in every single recent live DVD release. I dunno if its him not practicing or what....Chances are, the newer stuff they'll be playing will be better for him.
  6. Ro plz

    So far Sustain the Untruth-DIR EN GREY IMMORTALIS-SUKEKIYO GALLOWS-LYNCH. That's it so far. Haven't really delved much into J-ROCK much this year honestly.
  7. Ro plz

    SUKEKIYO's IMMORTALIS is weird, and bizarre in the most awesome way...its also very nostalgic. I legit feel like I'm listening to RENTRER EN SOI, DIR EN GREY, and 9Goats All at the same time. Its nice to be able to get a blast from the past as well as a taste of what is now. I love this. I also totally agree with the above posters thoughts about DIR EN GREY's new album having to be better to take the attention from this. But with the way Kaoru and Toshiya are talking, musically I don't think It will hold up to IMMORTALIS. Man, first few listens and I'm giving this a 9/10. Boss.
  8. Ro plz

    This is what I'm talkin about. Buck Tick has always been a band that has rarely let me down. Really enjoying this song!
  9. Ro plz

    I used to spend 10-15 for consecutive Dir en grey and GazettE releases but I stopped. Since then, I'm behind on quite a few releases to add to my collection and there's new bands that I too hope to buy music from as well. Soon, I'll be spending more...
  10. Ro plz

    I'm enjoying this album for the most part. For me it sounds like the continuation of EXODUS and Inferiority Complex (which I liked a lot more than I BELIEVE IN ME). Recenty, I've been a lot more open to metalcore than before so those aspects don't really bother me. With the exception of BULLET, I loved how well they incorporated these aspects into their songs. I also feel like some of the songs are newer, more awesome versions of songs from EXODUS and Inferiority complex. Example: GALLOWS is pretty much the new sinister love child of INVISIBLE and MARROW (two songs that are personal favorites) and PHOENIX is a more awesome version of They're all afraid. The low points for me are RING, ENVY and GUILLOTINE. They just didn't stick and and the album could've done without em. Other than that, the album is great. DEVIL is the right amount of heavy and poppy and I can't stop listening to it! Another great promo song. I liked EXODUS a lot but I feel like this album appeals to me more. Contender for one of the top albums of 2014? Yes. 8.5/10
  11. OH MY GOSH GALLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Tokage


      - actual quote by victorian-era criminal

    2. Senedjem


      "sacré bleu, guillotine!" - marie antoinette probably

    3. freesia


      i think it's not mind-blowing, but not disappointing either!

  12. Ro plz

    http://www.mobypicture.com/user/hazuki_lynch/view/16729092 Someone on tumblr posted this. I believe its from the new album.
  13. mejibray's drummer is amazing...

  14. Listening to this now...I am very impressed. I just listened to Butterfly again recently and It wasn't bad but compared to KISS, it fell short.......hardcore.
  15. Ro plz

    Very curious to see how RINKAKU and Sustain The Untruth will be translated by SADIE. They have a bad tendency to not be consistent quality wise. Like they'll have a boss album and their mini's/single cept for GAIN will be crap. And it hasn't even been a proper gap imo from MADRIGAL to this... Skeptical.
  16. Ro plz

    These previews sound extremely promising. Just as I suspected GALLOWS is the continuation of EXODUS but much better. DEVIL was also a pretty nice track as well. Looking forward to this one!
  17. Ro plz

    I think the Gauze tour is JUST a tour with probably some renewed versions of those exact songs. I too was expecting the album sooner. I hope maybe a single to hold us over until then that they'll announce later though. Anyways, good news regardless though.
  18. Ro plz

    Oh man the second days set totally blew the first one out of the water man. Stoked for this release!!! Can't believe I missed out on the chance to be there even more now haha ;-;
  19. L'arc en ciel had some BOSS songs back in the day...

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Dune was a pretty awesome album

  20. Ro plz

    I was waiting for an official announcement. Hazuki and co. kept posting twitpic's of them in the studio. I'm glad that they're dropping Lightning and Ballad (i liked them). Seems like they're picking up where EXODUS left off. And I loved that release. I'm stoked for it.
  21. I actually got one of my best friends into the GazettE and DIR EN GREY first then OZ, and a few other bands. The language barrier wasn't much of an issue. Its just finding actual music that actually resonated with him.
  22. Ro plz

    Sustain the Untruth out of the new batch of A sides is by far the weakest one out of the bunch. However It was very much expected and we knew exactly what we were getting. This is the first time in awhile where I've actually enjoyed just one of the instrumentals and that was Toshiya's bass. My goodness he went hard on it and it was awesome imo. I do appreciate the weird vibe of the song that Kaoru and Die were trying to give off with their parts in the verses but Kaoru's was just weak. All he did was go up and down the wah pedal...But I guess that's what contributes to the simpleness I guess. Shinya, with not much to work with did his thing, nothing special. Overall, this is a listenable A side but I prefer Rinkaku, hell even the Unraveling than this. They were both pretty simple as well but much better. 7.0/10 Ruten No Tou acoustic was the highlight of the single. While it is pretty much the same exact thing as the original, I really enjoy Die's part in the second verse and both his and Kaoru's in the bridge. Brings chills down my spine....WHOOSSHHH! I love the drumming which adds to the feel of the song. I do agree with Zess when he says that Kyo's screaming didn't fit with the song. It could have done without it. Toshiya's bass playing was also another highlight. If anything though, I wasn't expecting a DSS remake song so soon, kind of seems odd if you ask me. I would've preferred another oldie song but then again they DID just release the Unraveling for nostalgia so I can see and understand the call behind it. 9/10 The live songs are always either a hit or miss...nah just a miss. We have so many live versions (via Audio Rip/CD and or the DVD's) so whenever I see one on a single, I listen to it a few times then get rid off it. Nothing special honestly even though Gaika is one of my fav songs of of Uroboros (No rating). I'll probably end up getting buying this for my collection. I'm impatiently waiting for the DVD to be uploaded. That is the main reason I actually cared for the release.
  23. Ro plz

    I personally hate the older version. Ruki's vocals were way to....rugged?? The older version sounds so much more cleaner vocal wise and instrumental wise. Sounds like a debo ass rerecording. While I do agree that the band has had some what of a bad streak from pretty much everything leading to TOXIC, I do feel like some of the time, Its the popular thing nitpick/hate on them in the J-rock fandom. Say what you will but up until then even with the so-so ness of STACKED, they are a talented band and can make good music (as we've recently seen in Beautiful Deformity) if given the time and creative freedom. A lot of people refuse to see this for some reason.

    1. Augie1995


      ^CD doesn't necessarily have to be good to make it on their. The band just needs to have big supporting fan group that buys their CDs no matter what. It's the power of the fans

    2. Augie1995
    3. madygrain


      Fans don't deserve power, the same we don't deserve music as bad as Nightmare's.

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  25. VAMPS really isnt all that special.

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