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Status Updates posted by CAT5

  1. Happy Birthday, dude! 

    1. chemicalpictures


      thank you so much, my man! cheers!

  2. Happy Birthday, Dude!!! Have a good one!

  3. Happy Birthday, Enjoy!

    1. Anne Claire

      Anne Claire

      Thank you, Cat! :3

  4. CAT5

    Happy Birthday, fam! Rejoice!

    1. yomii


      thank you Cat! :lovely:

  5. Happy Birthday, Fitz!! Hope you have a brilliant day! :lolita_love:

    1. fitear1590


      Aww, thanks, d00d! :D

  6. Happy Birthday, Hiroki! Hope you have an amazing day, good sir! :lolita_love:

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Seconded! Happy Birthday @hiroki!!

    2. hiroki


      @CAT5 @The Reverend thank you both!!! i had an awesome day :hum:

  7. Happy Birthday, Hiroki! Wishing you all the best~! :3 

    1. hiroki


      Thank you CAT!! <333

  8. Happy birthday, man! I hope all is going well, and cheers to another year full of amazing music! :cheers:

  9. Happy Birthday, Maria! I keep forgetting how young you are, haha. Have a good one~

    1. yakihiko


      Happy birthday :D 

  10. Happy Birthday, Seimei! Enjoy! :'D

  11. Happy Birthday, young man! Hope it's been a good one for ya.

  12. Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday! :D

    1. helcchi


      Thank you!!

  14. Happy Birthday! Have a good one!

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Thanks! :-)

    2. yakihiko


      @Ada Suilen Happy birthday :D Make some money today to get a NINTH' super powerful ultra edition copy \^o^/

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      @yakihikoMy forbidden dream :-P Thanks!

  15. CAT5

    Happy Birthday! Have a good one! :D 

    1. qotka


      Thank you! :D Good to see you on the internets again~!

  16. Happy Birthday! Have a good one~

    1. Arkady


      Thank you! 😃

  17. Happy Birthday! Have a great one!

    1. saishuu


      thanks a lot, man! :)

  18. Happy Birthday! Hope all is well!

  19. Happy Birthday! Rejoice!!!

    1. Komorebi


      Thank you!!

  20. Happy Birthday. Have a good one! :3

    1. freesia


      Thanks , CAT!! :blob2:

  21. Have a blessed born day, bro! Rejoice!!! :D

    1. chemicalpictures


      aw man, thank you so much!

  22. CAT5

    Hope you've been having a blessed born day, my friend! Rejoice! :D#PiscesRule #PiscesGang

    1. platy


      Thank you, fellow 🐟 #PiscesPossee

  23. Hoping the upcoming la la larks album somehow makes up for the last 6 years without school food punishment! :wan-08:

    1. Zeus


      i haven't even heard some of their new stuff! what is it?

    2. CAT5


      the last larks single was released in 2015, so i'm sure you heard that? They did just drop this short PV tho:



    3. Zeus


      last thing i heard had Q&A on it. didn't hear this though thanks!

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  24. I don't believe in Lizard people, but Coonmala Harris damn sure looks like she could be one.

    1. zombieparadise


      Definitely something off about her.

  25. I don't fuck with Thanksgiving, but I definitely fuck with giving thanks! :lol: So I appreciate yall, even those of you who may hate or dislike me. Yeah, I know I'm old, cringy and embarrassing, but I could give a fuck. Yall enjoy yall day! :P

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