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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Finally got around to picking up Soul Caliber 6, and man I'm in love! I've only played a little bit so far, but this already blows the past few releases of this franchise out of the water! Hopefully they release Hilde as DLC, as she pretty much became my main fighter on 4 and 5.
  2. CAT5

    This has become a major life goal for me! I could imagine nothing more beautiful, noble, and rewarding than marrying, starting, maintaining, and nourishing a family. Kids are wonderful and they're a blessing to be sure - you can learn a lot from them. I look forward to both the challenge and the privilege of hoisting that level of responsibility onto my shoulders, and I'm excited to see the man that I'll grow to be through it.
  3. oh shii I'm "Supreme" up in dis bih



    jk, I love yall :tw_joy::tw_joy::tw_joy:

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      crunch-wrap supreme

    2. CAT5


      LMAO goodbye, piisu 🤣

  4. CAT5

    I'm just shouting into the wind, honestly...seeing that cancerous garbage promoted does aggravate me, but even just me venting about it here is a waste of energy. These media outlets are gonna do what they're gonna do, regardless of the implications. The only real way to combat the dysfunction perpetuated by these media outlets and the culture surrounding them is to exemplify proper function in our own lives, support those who also eschew dysfunction, and actually teach children right instead of leaving them to be indoctrinated by the media and society at large.
  5. CAT5

    meanwhile.... I wouldn't be half as annoyed at pitchfork, if they at least supported artists that are actually talented, creative, and empowering as much as they push this degenerative nonsense.
  6. CAT5

    Way to go, Ro! I'm not into comic books personally, but I went ahead and subscribed! I support this!
  7. CAT5

    I have to say, despite all of the issues, I've been very impressed with these last two episodes, and this entire season thus far. Hard to believe there's really only two episodes left.
  8. Boy these fans is sick in the goddamn head
  9. CAT5

    Congratz on going gold!!! :D

    1. yomii


      thank you ‪⸜(*ˊᵕˋ* )⸝‬

  10. It appears you've reached some sort of benchmark denoting the duration of your fleshly vessel's sojourning here on earth. Perhaps you should celebrate it!




    1. reminiscing2004


      I can be partners with two people! srsly.

      if you can't find anyone :thumbs:

  12. CAT5

    There is no reply but sweet wind blew by lang
  13. Dope! I'm only familiar with the music of dip and Redrum, but I've at least heard of the others. Thanks for sharing this.
  14. CAT5





    ahaha, this was pretty great!

    1. platy


      I can now rest in peace.


      Glad you liked it :D


  15. Yall be sure to join @Shir0's trade-off before sign-up ends!



  16. The upcoming siraph album is gonna be sick! Samples sound amazing:



  17. CAT5

    The fact that you're even asking this question shows that your heart is in the right place. Just do what you can and leave it at that. There's no use in burning yourself out trying to ignite fires in other people.
  18. CAT5

    TDT by Big K.R.I.T.
  19. CAT5

    Although I've not visited myself, I actually know and fellowship with quite a few of the individuals from this community, as they have a satellite institution here in my city. The origins of this village are pretty fascinating. It was established in the late 1960's by a group of "African Americans" who, during the height of the civil rights movement (when most 'African Americans' were fighting to fully integrate into the U.S.), basically gave a HUGE middle finger to the United States, migrated to Israel, and started their own way of life. I can definitely attest to the fact that the people I've met who were born in this village or have interfaced with this community to any great extent have all been upstanding people. It's wonderful to witness how people can flourish as individuals (and on a collective basis) when those people are nourished in a culture that's not inherently poisonous.
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