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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    We're literally living in the fucking Truman Show
  2. New 88kasyo!




    Very straightforward for them, but fun!

  3. Yo, PSA: If you don't like some of the topics being posted (in forums dedicated to those kinds of posts). Ignore them. I PROMISE you they won't ruin your life.


    Now if someone is actually breaking forum rules or posting inappropriate content. Let us know. We have a report button for a reason.

    1. secret_no_03


      Thank you for defending free speech within the forum rules and guidelines as I always try to operate within them.

    2. CAT5


      Don't get it twisted. At the end of the day, we're just an online forum and we can allow whatever we want to here, so this isn't about free speech: I'm just trying to be fair and balanced.

  4. Happy Birthday! Rejoice!!!

    1. Komorebi


      Thank you!!

  5. CAT5

    There's a lot of real things that black ppl should be outraged at....a fuckin anime character isn't one of them.
  6. CAT5

    If you leave us again, I'm permabanning you.
  7. Blessed born day, Jig!!! I think we're both officially relics in the J-rock community at this point, ahaha. :P Love u bruh!

    1. Jigsaw9


      Indeed, but the iron claws of time have been generous to us! Domo arigato Mr. Neko-Five-o!

  8. CAT5

    Always liked Maki Yano's voice
  9. CAT5

    Recently started Kimetsu no Yaiba...I'm only about 6 eps in, so a bit behind, but I've really been enjoying this one so far. Really great production quality all around.
  10. CAT5

    shalom, shalom
  11. CAT5

    Not sure really whether to take it as a compliment or not, but my older brother has been going through some things lately, so I sat with him, listened to his issues, and offered him some counsel. He told me that "he wish he could record me (what I was saying) right now", ahahaha. It's funny, because I don't consider myself to be particularly wise, and on the contrary - I actually believe myself to be quite naive and bumbling in a lot of ways - so the fact that I could offer my brother some words that could feed his spirit and uplift his countenance....I was genuinely shocked at his response. But I feel where he's coming from. I've found myself having that exact same reaction towards a lot of the people I've met over the past 2 years....literally wishing I could record our conversations because they were just that impactful. So i get it. I'm just surprised that someone would say the same about me. I think it may be what some refer to as the spirit of wisdom, or perhaps the spirit of truth....because as I was talking to my brother, it's like I was talking to myself as well, as the words cut me just same...they applied to me just as much as they applied to him. Whatever the case - I know I don't know much, and I can often be a complete idiot, so it's pretty surreal being able to "channel" something like that, and actually affect someone in a positive way. So I suppose my brother's response is a compliment in a sense, but I can't imagine myself taking credit for it.
  12. Yoooo. congrats on going gold! :D

  13. CAT5

    peelingwards - i'm faster than you
  14. It's been a while since I cranked a Band Battle thread, but I thought this would make for an interesting match up! I've seen both Kizu and DIMLIM referred to as saviors of modern VK, but which band is MH REALLY feelin' the most? So, as always - which band do you prefer, and why? キズ (Kizu) Samples: VS DIMLIM Samples: hajime!!!
  15. It's Trade-Off time again!



  16. might be a lil too late for that, bruh
  17. CAT5

    All this talk of reparations for ADOS....bleh. Throwing money at a group of people who've been destroyed at practically every level is not going to help - in fact, it may very well do the opposite.
  18. CAT5

    Bro, you KNOW i'm outta touch: EGO-WRAPPIN' released a new album last month, and I'm just now finding out about it. :wan-18:

    1. Zeus


      you still got the touch for me :D

  19. Found the new sakanaction album pretty disappointing, unfortunately. The single tracks are still fantastic, but I felt lukewarm about all of the new songs (outside of the PV track). :tw_pensive:

    1. Spectralion


      I would ask something rhetoric.
      Where do you found it 😂

    2. CAT5



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