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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Not this again...Thread closed bruh.
  2. CAT5

    * looks for glasses* *remembers that I sat on them yesterday* ffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujbvakhfjslbgsb;al'ebal;hf
  3. CAT5

    I actually agree with you to an extent. Truth and truth seeking will never make you popular, and it has never been popular since the beginning of time. Ultimately, we're all invested in deception and our own self-deceptions, and the truth can shatter all of that in an instant. And that's not a comfortable feeling. Similar to that Peterson quote, the truth is like fire - it fucking burns. And who wants to get burnt? The beautiful thing tho is that fire also purifies. But I digress. I can relate to you in a sense. Ever since I started speaking and relaying what I perceive to be "truth" - it's costed me both online and offline. In fact, there are people on this very forum - people I considered good friends, whom I shared good laughs with an even opened up to on a deeply personal level - who have cut me off simply over sharing thoughts that I perceived to be true. Nowadays, these very same ppl that I used to kick it with don't hesitate to talk shit about me behind my back. It is what it is. But here's what I've learned in my pursuit of truth. The truth does not need a spokesperson. It simply is. Whether ppl want to recognize it or not - that's up to them. We all have free will, so trying to debate, convince, or beat people over the head with what we perceive to be the "truth" is an absolute waste of time. The best way to speak your truth is to simply live it. To embody it. Those with eyes to see, will see it. Those with ears to hear, will hear it. It'll reach who it needs to. Perfect example: The people I just mentioned that cut me off - did so because of thoughts i've been sharing on social media, and probably because I started posting increasingly biblical things there. It's never my intent to be controversial, adversarial, or contrary for the sake of being contrary, so I was surprised at how some ppl responded. I mean, I've even been accused of being a homophobe (which makes perfect sense with me being the admin of a VK forum, right? 🙄) and lord knows what else. But guess what? No matter what these people say about me - NOT ONE of them can say that I've ever done anything wrong to them, or that i've treated them like shit, or anything like that. In fact, quite the opposite. And to my knowledge, if I ever did offend anyone - I ALWAYS apologized and tried to make amends/work things out. So lemme ask you. What's the weightier matter? What's most important? My thoughts on feminism??? on politics???, or the fact that I treat you with respect and love as a fellow human being??? You see, I ALWAYS show love, and I ain't NEVER been a hater. Shit, ask around. The only reason I'm admin here is because ppl trust me and know i'm a cool-ass dude, and they know I've put a ton of time and love into this community. They know my character. So the fact that those ppl cut me off and continue talk shit about me, lets me know that those ppl are not truly seeing me. Rather, they're seeing some imaginary character that they've constructed in their minds based off my opinions on abstract ideologies. So instead of looking right in front of them, and saying "wait, CAT is a cool dude. He's always been kind and reasonable with me. Let me try to understand where he's coming from before judging him or jumping to conclusions" - they just jump straight to "CAT disagrees with feminism? WOW. HOW DARE HE. HE'S A FUCKING MONSTER. I'LL NEVER TO TALK TO HIM AGAIN!!!" It's pretty juvenile, but it shows you just how willing people are to invest in their own self-deceptions, instead of looking at reality/the truth. People will destroy whole relationships over inconsequential ideological differences instead of looking at the reality of what really matters. We saw a lot of this in the last election with ppl going "Unfriend me if you voted for Trump", and ppl do this all the time in other ways. Hell, people are often wiling to hurt others and even kill over these differences. Which is crazy. I would call this a religious inclination...but I think it's merely an ignorant human inclination...because this tendency to want to divide and antagonize ppl based on their beliefs happens in pretty much every sphere of human interaction - not just in religion. In fact, often times, the ppl who behave like this claim to be the most open-minded, liberal, and non-religious. It's completely schizoid. So this is why I advocate "embodying" and living your truth - because words are abstract. Actions are concrete. Ppl can take your words and twist them, and interpret your opinions in a million different ways, but the best way to see what someone believes is to look at their actions. People can believe what they want to, but actions don't lie. And I always try to act out of love. I don't always get it right, and I fuck up just like anyone else, but I always continue to make that attempt. So to me, how you act and treat other people is more "true" than any abstract ideological or intellectual concepts....or anything you can "say". Cuz I can go to anyone with all of the proof and empirical evidence of whatever you wanna talk about, but if i'm an asshole about it....if I do it without compassion, understanding, and love - then it's most likely not going to be received - so what good is it? Anyways, i'm just rambling at this point.
  4. CAT5

    Please DO NOT link to porn here. Thanks.
  5. giphy.gif

    1. CAT5


      u good. i'm just fuckin witchall.

    2. colorful人生


      "This is the most action this forum has seen in months!"


      "Well now that I look at it, it seems like more evidence to the contrary..."

    3. Tokage


      this but unironically

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  6. CAT5

    Some random thoughts I had while out walking this morning... It's easy to see the negative effects that human beings have had on nature and wildlife...on our environment....but I don't think many people realize that other people are part of our environment too. Probably because we can't always actually "see" the effects as viscerally as, say, an oil spill. but that doesn't mean our words and actions have no effect. It's essentially a spiritual matter, and altho spiritual matters can't be seen, they can be discerned. Just like you can't see the wind, but you can discern the effects of it ---> the natural world is simply a reflection of the spiritual. So in like manner, the way we interact with our material environment has the same implications of how we interact with the "spiritual environment" of other human beings. Everything we say, do, and don't do - affects others. It's all too easy to litter in the minds of others, to trample over the gardens of the heart, and to dump our toxic waste into the deep waters of the spirit. But the opposite is also true...we can help each other pull up those weeds, we can water each other, we can plant seeds of positivity and love. We can take what was made ugly, and make it beautiful again. We can take what was made filthy, and make it clean again. We can take what was made desolate, and make it abundant again. We can take what was made depressed and lifeless, and fill it with joy and meaning again. Or we can simply tend to our own yards, and watch the rest go to hell. Either way, how we choose to interact with our environment is up to us. In the beginning, The Most High created light and separated it from darkness. He also made male and female in his own image - so we have that same ability - to separate light from darkness, order from chaos, and good from evil in our own lives. We can choose the manner in which we want to operate in our environments - whether it be for better or worse. Being aware of the fact that you DON'T have to be an environmental toxin is one thing. But actually living your life trying NOT to be...well, that's what truly being conscious is. And it don't really get no "woker" than that. Everything beyond that is just vanity. Be eco-friendly
  7. CAT5

    Hi, let's be friends. (iron blooded orphans is an alternative series, but i highly recommend it btw. perhaps the best alt. gundam series there is.
  8. CAT5

    oh yeah, well, she trippin'
  9. CAT5

    We have to be really careful here. Just because something sounds outlandish doesn't necessarily make it so. There are a lot of lies in this world and often times, our knee-jerk reactions to thoughts and ideas that challenge our immediate paradigm are more a function of our own indoctrination than it is critical thought and diligent research. For instance, if I were to blindly accept this world's current narrative, I'd believe that my African ancestors were unsophisticated savages until the European came and "civilized" them, when in actuality, the opposite is actually the case. History will always be biased towards whomever is in power at the time. Nothing is new under the sun tho, and so much of what the Europeans came to know was derived from the ancient, (for lack of a better term) "black" civilizations that were ruling prior to them. Case in point - Egypt. Ancient Egypt was called Kemet, and Kemet literally means "land of the blacks" or "black lands". Which DEFINITELY does not jive with how Ancient Egypt has been portrayed in the media. This actually brings me to your mention of the "Middle East". Both Egypt and Israel are considered to be part of the Middle East. But Egypt is clearly in Africa and Israel actually lies on the same tectonic plate as Africa...Israel is literally landlocked to Egypt with the exception of the Suez Canal, which is MAN-MADE. So technically speaking, Israel is in North-east Africa. The sun itself testifies to the fact that the people occupying the countries of Egypt and Israel now are not indigenous to those regions. So why designate these two counties as part of the "middle east" instead of considering them part of Africa? Whose narrative does that serve? What type of lies would start to unravel if we actually viewed those two historically important countries as part of Africa? The answer is: a lot. You can do the research and look at the evidence yourself, or you can believe the Middle East is a thing simply because some white guy came along and classified that region as such. You can believe whatever you want.
  10. CAT5

    Imagine this. A man loses his keys. He tells himself, "I left them here. I know I left them here. They were right here on the table". And so he spends a good amount of time searching for his keys in the small vicinity of that table. All the while thinking, "well maybe it fell here or maybe it's behind here". and so he repeats this cycle over, and over, and over - for a good 15/20 mins or so. Well, finally the man gets frustrated with this process, and he gets sick of looking in the same 3 or 4 places...in that small vicinity, and still not finding his keys. So he abandons his knowledge. All the " i know i left them here", "i know they were here, etc" - > he abandons all of that. And at this point, he embraces something wonderful. He then starts to say: "The keys can be anywhere." Because they're not where I "knew" they were. Therefore, the keys can be anywhere. So at this point, the man starts to back-track, tracing his steps, and basically starts to look in all possible places. Wherever keys can be. And so now, the whole house opens up to him. The keys could even be outside at this point, or in his car, or perhaps he dropped them on the ground somewhere? All of these different possibilities open up to him all of a sudden. And so once the man reaches this point, and realizes he doesn't know where his keys are at, and that they could be anywhere - he quickly finds them. ------ This little story basically sums up my experience in seeking "God", so to speak. Like the man looking for his keys, I was SO invested in my own self-deceptions...in my own error...that I closed myself off from all of the possibilities...even things that were literally right in front of my face/glaringly obvious in retrospect. It wasn't until I rejected what I THOUGHT i knew, that I was then able to perceive things as they actually are - and not what I thought they were. To be clear, I reached this point a little over 2 years ago. I was at a place in life where what I knew (or thought i knew) was no longer sufficient. And I had a choice: kill myself or grow. I chose life...or perhaps life chose me? Doesn't matter. The point is that I was humbled to the extent that I had no choice but to let go of what I knew (because what I knew had lead me to a dead end), and open myself to new possibilities. Subsequently, I was led to the bible. I say "led" because, in my sincere quest for wisdom and truth, it's almost as if The Most High himself was dropping breadcrumbs in my path - in the form of several different resources - the most important of which being people. And so, in following this newfound trajectory, I decided to learn about and study the bible. Mind you, I come from a non-religious household. I've never attended a church service and prior to this point in my life, I'd never even read the bible. But I always had a deep-seated feeling that there was something "more" than simply this material world. And so throughout my life, I entertained several different ideas from atheism, polytheism, buddhism, to different schools of spiritual thought. Before studying the bible, I think I'd settled on simply believing in the universe (whatever that means) and describing myself as "spiritual, but not religious" . But I digress. The point is, I stayed away from the bible and religion in general because I saw the fruits of its practitioners - both in my own life and throughout history, and wanted nothing to do with it. So as I began to seriously study the bible without any religious background or context, the first thing I realized was that I was harboring a ton of opinions and thoughts on the bible that simply were not true. Most of the impressions and thoughts that I had about the bible and 'God' in general were immediately falsified upon sincere inspection. Like many people, a lot of my thoughts about the bible and 'God' were derived from shitty experiences with religious people, observing the evil, hateful things people have done in the name of religion, seeing how religion and the bible are portrayed in media, etc. Basically, you could say that I believed in all of the rumors and gossip about "God" and the bible without ever exploring it or seeking him on my own. Unfortunately, this is how most people are. We're so invested in our own thoughts, beliefs, and feelings...so invested in our own deception that we cannot see things for what they truly are. We're so small and infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things, yet we're all so sure of the things we know and the things we think. But that's the funny thing about thought. Thought is a more collective process than most realize, as many of the thoughts we have are not necessarily a result of our own thinking. In fact, thinking in and of itself is more difficult than people realize - simply because it requires effort, and we as humans are practically hardwired to take the route of least resistance. So it's more often the case that the thoughts we have are given to us from elsewhere, or they just 'appear' in our heads and we believe them because it feels good to. For some, perhaps their thoughts on the bible, god, and religion derived from what they learned as a kid going to church with their parents, or maybe the thoughts came from a documentary or an article that made sense to them. Maybe even their own imagination. Whatever the case, rarely do people scrutinize, critique, and actually try to validate (or invalidate) these thoughts and actually seek understanding on them. So for me, since studying the bible, and actually putting the word into practice, my life has changed drastically and continues to change. My entire outlook has changed in fact. All of the thoughts I had prior have been completely decimated. For instance, I thought the bible was a religious text, but religion has nothing to do with the bible. A lot of people avoid the word because of how religion has taken the ancient texts, grossly misinterpreted them and used them for hateful and nefarious purposes. It's no different than ppl avoiding listening to certain bands because their fans are such raging assholes. Those ppl have no idea if they'd actually enjoy the band or not, but they let the actions of others sway/taint their opinion instead of just listening to the band for themselves. It's the same with the bible. People don't know any better, so they let their opinion of the bible and "God" be tainted by religion and religious zealots instead of sincerely studying it for themselves. A ton of religious doctrines will fly right out the window by simply reading the texts for what they are, without even having to do any indepth study. You gotta think. The bible is one book. One collective of texts. So where does all of these different religions come from? You have the big three "Abrahamic" religions...and within Christianity alone you have a crapload of different sects, denominations, and doctrines....This don't add up. You're telling me ALL of these different religions are correct? This alone is enough to confuse ppl and keep them away from the word, and The Most High IS NOT the author of confusion. Would it not just make sense to read the text and study for yourself? Instead of relying on endless (mis)interpretations? Furthermore. All religions have a start date. Meaning it was created by man at some point. If I truly believe in an all-mighty creator, why would I follow something a man came up with instead of what the creator provided himself? You see, religion is born when man tries to define his path towards 'God'. But what sense does that make? Shouldn't the creator himself define for us the path to reach him? When a man creates an app, does he not provide instructions on how to use that app? He doesn't just create an app and say "figure out how to use it". Why would The Most High be any different? I could go on for days, and I'm a complete baby in the word. I've only been studying for 2 years so far and it's impossible for me to relay just how endlessly deep and profound the word is. I've not even scratched the surface. I literally get my mind blown by the word on a regular basis, and so many things that I wondered about and always questioned prior to coming into the word now make perfect sense. For instance, the Transatlantic slave trade, the true identity of the so-called African American, the real reason so-called African Americans (and other descendants of the slave trade) are oppressed and downtrodden all over the world...all of this is explained in the Bible. And so much more. But I implore everyone....please DO NOT take my word for anything. Do your own research. And if you prepare yourself to truly seek The Most High, prepare for your entire world to shift. So in closing, I'll say this. I do not follow any religions, but I do keep the word of our creator. I could list a million reasons why, but it's not my job to convince anyone of anything. I'm more than open to talking to or discussing the word/bible with anyone and even answering questions, but my knowledge is small and I mostly certainly do not know everything. But knowing that you don't know is the first step. "Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seem to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.”
  11. CAT5

    As the late great Curtis Mayfield said in a song, "We can deal with rockets and dreams But reality, what does it mean?" Also, here's a relevant unpopular opinion: I don't even think we've been to space ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. CAT5

    Romantic love and the concepts of "being in/falling in/falling out of love" are some of the most dysfunctional ideas ever. Love is a verb. Either you do it or you don't. Fuck outta here with that other shit. "Follow your heart" is some of the stupidest advice ever. People's hearts are full of all manner of sick, twisted inventions, and most of us decieve ourselves daily as to the contents thereof. "Do whatever makes you happy". Also bullshit advice. Ask your local crackhead or alcoholic how that's working out for them. We're living in hell. Chasing happiness in hell doesn't seem like a good strategy. The fact that everyones chasing happiness is evidence enough, as it clearly shows you that happiness must not be the default state of this world if everyone is chasing after happiness to destract themselves from the fact that they're living in hell. We're living in a time where 60 years ago, there was no such thing as "organic" food. Why? Cuz all the food was organic back then. We're also living in a time where muhfuckaz is seriously debating if there are more than 2 genders, the family unit is being obliterated, the poor are still being shat on, everyone is depressed & anxious, and muhfuckaz are becoming more divisive by the minute...you'd truly HAVE to believe that we evolved from some damn monkeys to think this world has progressed anywhere. Anywhere good at least.
  13. CAT5

    It's wild how The Most High will use other people to reveal things to you that you've been inquiring about. And these people usually have no clue what's happening. Blows my mind.
  14. CAT5

  15. CAT5

    Easier said than done, but try to take it easy on yourself, sis! Relationships are often one of the most difficult aspects of human life...I mean, we been at this shit for thousands or millions of years (depending on your perspective), and we still can't get this shit right. Hell, most of the ppl in relationships today have absolutely no idea what they're doing either,and are just wingin' it at best. It's also natural that you'd feel these kinds of things after a breakup....,but give it time. Time will both heal and reveal all things. Besides, you'll be surprised what life will bring your way, so don't count yourself out just yet!
  16. CAT5

    sheesh. I hope this band keeps pushing forward. They'r one of the few, newer VK bands that I've taken a serious interest in.
  17. CAT5

    Ya know. Despicable as it is, people lie all of the time. You have people that lie for absolutely no reason, you have people that think telling white lies somehow makes it less of a lie. You've got lies of omission. You've got ppl who deliberately lie for selfish and/or nefarious means. Even some of the most upright folks will lie if it benefits them. And hell, most of us lie to ourselves on a daily basis. People lie. But what amazes me is that some people have a hard time even just entertaining the possibility that many things that have been accepted as fact or that people put their trust in, whether we're speaking about history or modern times, could indeed be lies. Maybe it's because being so-called "woke" has become such a meme that people seem less inclined to consider ideas that might directly contradict the status quo or history as we know it? I don't know. But I don't even think it's a matter of being woke, honestly. I think it's a matter of common sense: Just because one has a title like historian, scientist, politician, banker etc....that does not exempt them from fallibility, corruptibility, or the human condition. Everything we put our trust in is the product of other human beings, most of which are just as fucked up as we are (if not more). That's a sobering thought. Knowing how humans are, it just makes me wonder how many personal/political/religious agendas and biases have shaded the lenses through which we view the world.
  18. CAT5

    New ATATA is fun!
  19. - also for the record, i don't give a fuck about this movie or the "controversy" surrounding it - i just think this shit is funny
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