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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    You just made me think of this video... 😛
  2. Ok, @yomii....I might have to rescind the statement I made on your status not too long ago! There are some cool features here, and this definitely has the potential to be dope!
  3. CAT5


    Hey there, welcome to the forum! Feel free to make yourself at home! If you have any questions/concerns, just feel free to hit up the staff (members with blue/red/green names). Enjoy!
  4. CAT5

    Art in the Age of Automation by Portico Quartet
  5. I feel like throwing together a random J-rock mix of about 10 songs or so. If I do, who's willing to listen?

    1. indigo


      I'm up for it! 

    2. Gesu


      Me~ ^_^

    3. CAT5


      aww, shucks! :hum:


      I'll whip something up within the next week or so and send it y'all way!

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  6. My dear Dispo, WHATEVER DO YOU MEAN?!? ahahaha, i'm just fuckin withchall. I like the song.
  7. Yoooooo @plastic_rainbow ,@reminiscing2004, @indigo - you guys every heard of this band? I just stumbled across them and they sound DOPE!!!



    1. plastic_rainbow


      yoooo this sounds awesome!! thanks for sharing~

    2. indigo


      That sounds sick, I've been pretty out of loop with Japanese music lately. 

    3. reminiscing2004


      I recognized the name from the split with KMKMS, but never checked it out! Thanks @CAT5 :)

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  8. Just realized there was a new VELTPUNCH mv out!



  9. CAT5

    This world is fucked beyond belief. But despite how treacherously people treat one another...and despite how poorly we even treat ourselves...to be courageous enough to even just try to do better in the face of such overwhelming bleakness, and not just fall into the mire of spiritual destitution like the rest... That's such a beautiful thing!
  10. CAT5

    I'm not sure if these guys are classified as VK or pseudo-VK or whatnot, but they're a jazz-rock band that may appeal to you. "really good guitar" is a bit vague for me, as I'm not super familiar with Sugar...BUT, here's one of my favorite bands called 八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88kasyo Junrei). They're not VK...but the vocalist is male Here are some of their songs that u can skim through:
  11. CAT5

    Spoiler Warning: I enjoyed the episode! I see where both of you are coming from @Zeus and @Bear tho. There's definitely a lot of cheese and predictability atm, but I gave up on the show ever being as good the first two seasons (those were my favorite). I did't mind the lack of action in the first EP, because I was actually looking forward to certain character reunions and interactions, but those were a bit underwhelming as I felt the script overall was pretty wanting. The effort was appreciated, though. I do share @Zeus's concern about reconciling all of the individual character arcs in a meaningful and satisfying way tho. For the amount of people that have died, the cast is still pretty huge. And depending on how this last season plays out, it seriously has the ability to taint the legacy of the series or even improve it imo. After all of the characters' individual journeys and struggles - I think it would be cheap of D&D to simply write all of that off because "OMG ICE ZOMBIES WE ALL GONNA DIE". So my only real hope for the series at this point is that they can play into the grandeur of this final battle without completely belittling or devaluing all of the individual characters that have made the show so compelling up til this point. That's already happened to some extent...and I can understand why some of that was even necessary, but I really do hope they'll be able to find some sort of balance in the end.
  12. There rarely seems to be a time when I'm not in the mood to listen to this song.



  13. CAT5

    That's one of my favorites too! If you ever get around to listening to their albums, I think you'll really enjoy them. Their most recent album was really good, but they're all great imo! This is probably THE FIRST Seiko Oomori song that I REALLY enjoy! Which is pretty ironic since it's an anime OP. I'm not sure what this says about her career, or my music taste for that matter
  14. HITORIE was one of my favorite bands, and wowaka was a brilliant musician. My heart goes out to all of his family, friends, and fellow fans.
  15. siraph finally releasing an album in May!



  16. I miss sgt.! It almost seems as if all of the Japanese instrumental bands worth their salt have either vanished or lost their savour.




    1. Zeus


      last thing i heard was that one of the members left. that was years ago.

  17. CAT5

    Been slowly watching My Hero Academia and just realized that the music is composed by the same guy who did the OST for Gundam Build Fighters (林ゆうき / Hayashi Yuuki) - and that's pretty exciting for me, as I thought the music for the Build Fighters series was great. Dude really excels at creating that "heroic/motivational" vibe in his music and it fits perfectly with these series:
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