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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    THIS But it's not just men. It's women, too. It's everybody. Most people simply do what they were taught to do, whether they learned directly or indirectly. And I'm not talking about academics - I'm referring to how we're being taught to live in general. When you look at society as a whole, particularly western society - it's clear that what we're doing isn't working...that what we've been learning (and subsequently acting out) isn't good enough. We live in a society that perpetuates, encourages, and even rewards dysfunction. So is it any wonder that we're all depressed, anxious, and stressed out of our minds? These are things WE'RE ALL affected by. This also raises the question: What and how are we being taught? Do we even have the tools to better educate ourselves? If so, what are they? .... Ya know, I've gotten shit for saying negative things about feminism before, as people are quick to assume that anti-feminism = anti-woman or anti female-empowerment, which is absolutely fucking ridiculous. But I'm of the opinion that all of these different social movements can go...be it feminism, men's rights activism, red pill, MGTOW, black lives matter...whatever the fuck. They all appear to be well-meaning movements on the outside, but as they say, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" - and ultimately, these movements seem more like dysfunctional solutions to a misdiagnosed problem. It's like trying to cure a cancer patient with cyanide. Meanwhile, they actually have AIDS . Sure, your *intentions* may be to cure the patient (which is great), but your actions are just introducing more toxic elements to an already deteriorating structure - the cause of which has not been fully explored. So from what I can tell, the real problem seems to be much deeper...and it transcends both men and women, black and white, rich and poor, etc. Whatever it is, it effects society as a whole. And society isn't some nebulous thing. It does exist outside of us, yet we all make up society individually as well. So if men are lost (and we definitely are), would that not also imply that the whole is lost as well? So all I'm saying is that perhaps we should endeavor to take a more balanced and holistic approach to viewing and scrutinizing these important social issues, instead of blindly entertaining all of these divisive ideologies that constantly pit one group of people against the next. Meanwhile, the whole suffers. How is society going to get anywhere if the right leg is constantly at war with the left? The body needs both of them to walk properly. And so I'm glad that @Zeus brought that point out, because it offers an additional perspective (without demonizing other perspectives) and shows that there's often more going on beneath the surface than we might be willing to explore. These are complicated issues.
  2. Happy Birthday! Hope all is well!

  3. CAT5

    I appreciate both your proposal and your genuine concern for the community, lil' sis. But unfortunately, I don't see the need for something like this - and here's why: This is already an open forum, so people are free to discuss and debate whatever topics they'd like to as long as they abide by the forum rules. 'Civility' is already a prerequisite to posting here, and we've got tons of forums/sub-forums suitable for a variety of topics. It's already the job of staff to quell unnecessary drama . We're not always as efficient as we'd like to be, but fuck, we're human. sue us Too many people would just use this as an opportunity to indulge in pointless one-upsmanship instead of seeking genuine understanding. And lastly, this forum just isn't mature enough to debate important topics without taking things personally. Hell, half of the community would already be triggered before the debate even got started. 🤷‍♂️
  4. CAT5

    SiR - D'evils on Vimeo.
  5. I initially came into Japanese music through anison/soundtracks and JPOP. But it was L'arc-en-ciel and HYDE around 2004/2005-ish that really spearheaded my descent into J-rock in general. They were still in the pop/mainstream/accessible realm, so it wasn't a huge divergence for me. Visual Kei, on the other hand, was a bit more difficult for me to crack into, as I hadn't had much exposure to "darker" or "heavier" music at the time. But more than that, the general vocal styles that I'd been exposed to initially (DIR EN GREY, Gazette, 12012, and others i forget) were pretty much the antithesis of what I appreciated in vocalists. I just couldn't wrap my head around it (altho i've grown to appreciate and enjoy some of these styles over time). It was RENTRER EN SOI and D'espairsRay who i'd credit with getting me into the VK scene (for as much as one could say that I was actually "into the scene" haha). This was in the span of late 2005/early 2006. Around mid to late 2007 is when I first began delving into the J-indie scene through bands like Ling Tosite Sigure, 9mm Parabellum Bullet, OGRE YOU ASSHOLE, and Lostage...
  6. CAT5

    Tag Eins Tag Zwei by F.S. Blumm & Nils Frahm
  7. For those who like Japanese Emo, alt of the society just put their most recent album on Spotify and other streaming platforms!



  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Wow, so Sakanaction are FINALLY releasing a new album!






  10. CAT5

    Interesting. When you change your tune up, or manifest peculiar behavior to those around you, most would rather make assumptions about said change and delve into gossip, slander, and backbiting instead of simply seeking genuine inquiry into the matter. What is the core motivation for such behavior? This is par the course tho. And I'd say it speaks volumes about human nature.
  11. CAT5

    Kenpuu Denki Berserk Cowbop Bebop Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (both seasons) Hunter x Hunter 2011 ONE PIECE Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam I guess I really like Gundam!~
  12. #MorningGrindChunez Let's GET IT!!!




    "Haters don't feel you

    Till yo name mentioned

    Scripture tell me

    No one excluded

    When rain drippin

    We all part of the picture

    It's just our frames different

    And I still ride for my set

    I just bang different"


    Tobe too raw!!!




  13. Happy birthday, man! I hope all is going well, and cheers to another year full of amazing music! :cheers:

  14. Thanks! Glad I could be of help somehow!
  15. CAT5

    Wait a minute... you're #TeamPisces too???  :P




    Ahaha, Happy Birthday! It's been a pleasure having you on the team, so cheers to more fun & productive MH shenanigans to come. Blessings!

    1. platy


      You too? Yaas dreamy, overly dramatic pisces queens come through! It's been a pleasure being part of the team. thank you! ~☆

  16. CAT5

    Thanks for being honest with us, and yourself as well. It takes a brave person to admit their faults, and admit to fucking up. The internet can be a cruel place, as anonymity brings out the worst in people. But remember this, the way people treat others is often a good indication of how they feel about themselves. So just have empathy on those who come at you with hate and negativity. Believe it or not, they need it too. And no need to beat yourself up. Every single one of us is flawed as fuck, we all do dumb shit, and ain't nobody better than another. What matters most is that you learn from your mistakes and do better. So if you want to leave, that's up to you, but you're always perfectly welcome here!
  17. CAT5

    ahaha, same! There's only 9 tracks, and we've already heard half the album!
  18. CAT5

    Another one! This is shaping up to be quite an album methinks...
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