I co-sign the hell out of this - tho I do differ from you on a few things that i'll touch on below.
I wholly agree that engaging in one night stands and whoredom in general benefits absolutely no one. Just as @Zeus noted, everyone I know who's lived that lifestyle has regretted it as well. Hell, my body count is nowhere near the numbers you listed, but even I regret the "casual" sex I've had. Those were some of the most empty, soul-less experiences I've ever had and it served absolutely no (positive) purpose.
Unlike you, however, I am absolutely for slut-shaming. Doesn't matter if you're a male or a female -> Engaging in whoredom benefits no one and is destructive on many levels. But I think the emphasis should be put on the act - not the person. People can change. People can grow, so we should not condemn anyone for it - but the act itself should be condemned, because it's the act that is destructive and harmful. People might think I'm a prude for this, but I don't care. If you want a real-life case study for this - just look no further than the so-called African American "community". You'll get a firsthand look at what rampant whoredom does to a people. Hint: It's not fun. As someone who belongs to the so-called African American community, I've seen and experienced the pain, suffering, misery...the pervasive destruction that it causes firsthand. So you're damn right I don't support being a slut - male or female.
Personally, I don't believe in sexual compatibility or sexual experimentation either. I think these are ideas that place sex in a realm where it doesn't need to be. Cuz honestly, if you're with someone and yall are seriously committed to each other, yall can simply learn how to please each other and figure out what works for yall as you go. Likewise, with experimentation, I think it's a much better idea to experiment within the safety of a serious, committed relationship than to just experiment with different ppl just for the sake of it.