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Status Replies posted by chemicalpictures

  1. 251+84

  2. How could someone who has never contributed anything positive but only leech dare to threaten the place where they have taken so many things from for free like this though? 

  3. How could someone who has never contributed anything positive but only leech dare to threaten the place where they have taken so many things from for free like this though? 

  4. not even two days and ppl are losing it

  5. No shade to LONDBOY fans, but I did not enjoy the new album. "Open your heart" (their first single) is still BY FAR my favorite song of theirs. None of the new songs on this album even compare. What did everyone else think of 少年事変 (shounen jihen)?


  7. MYGOD that LONDBOY's full album is disappointing.

  8. Have you ever heard a song that is so perfect and flawless, it made you tear up a good deal? I might have a bit or was on the verge before, but I must say that happened to me just last night. Damn you Shocking Lemon and your perfect display of emotion and angst.

  9. heartless was such a good band... miss Syu's voice

  10. what was the name of that 1 band that was like discount DEZERT again? did their album come out yet/??

  11. Hey blackdoll, I've asked a few people about this already but I would like to ask you as well. Do you happen to have DISGUST's song "PAIN ME" that was available for free on there website? Because it's no longer on their and no one seems to have uploaded it anywhere else. If you could I would really appreciate it. Also I saw where you requested "Calling My Name" by DISGUST and you later posted their song they uploaded on youtube "Corruption" so I was wondering if you happen to have that song to. 


    Thanks if you can.

  12. MoNoLith - Byakuya < 3

  13. you know after got a depression for maybe one year now i can smile again .

  14. 'Nuther question: what good Moran songs are there? I wanna try them out ;w;

  15. What's up with Pentagon's どうでもええけど "homage" to Linkin Park? at least I hope it's an homage, would make it less awkward

  16. How would you guys translate the following phrase: "かなでる フアンシー おおきみ きの パズル", romaji being "kanaderu fancy ookimi kino puzzle"?

  17. does anyone take their music with them? via phone or mp3 player or w/e, my question is how. how do you have enough space. tell me your secrets

  18. Youtuber react to visual kei.

    Oh god.


  19. Does anyone knows what the hell Roy sings in LONDBOY's iris on 00:20 to 00:40? Can't figure out for shit!

  20. life iz addition.

  21. Please join us this month on recommended tracks! We love guest reviews!

  22. why does everyone hate jazz kei

  23. God, How I miss xTRiPx ╥﹏╥

  24. The lyrics for Far East Dizains - Inhale <3

  25. Freaking addicted to NIA's PRAYER. What a song! What they are waiting to release its PV?

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