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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. yes as long as it's Japanese and it's an album that has been released since 2010 you're good I'm gonna try to make a list myself, but it's probably gonna take a while... this is definitely not an easy matter for me xD
  2. Original Saku

    I changed the title of the topic to better reflect what this thread is all about, it was something that had been bothering me lately... carry on xD
  3. Original Saku

    Okay were gonna do this! In no particular order because that would take way too long to sort out xD Despair's Ray KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND deadman Dir en grey MUCC Rentrer en Soi 9GOATS BLACK OUT Plastic Tree D 12012 there we go. pretty much a ton of bands that are either long gone or a shell of their former self XD Although Plastic Tree is still kicking ass and so is DEG but those aren't really considered VK anymore probably missing a few though.
  4. Original Saku

    I'm like halfway through Man in the High Castle and it's pretty cool i guess, need to finish it soon. Also Watched Netflix's Making A Murderer and was pretty floored with it. Really good documentary, very shocking tbh.
  5. Original Saku

    actually digging this band as of late... I listened to that live-dist collection album from last year that was on the staff best list and then listened to the new album they just released this week and I can get behind it XD Good to see that the scene can still produce good bands like this
  6. Original Saku

    currently bouncing between these three; Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen (PC) Blade & Soul (PC) Bloodborne (PS4) Also getting ready to start a 100% Dark Souls Playthrough and I've been thinking of playing some Xcom: Enemy Within before Xcom 2 comes out on the 5th. busy busy when it comes to video games lately xD
  7. Original Saku

    In other news apparently Obsidian is not opposed to the idea of making another Fallout game! Now this is a pretty awesome piece of news granted it's not a confirmation or anything but to just hear that Obsidian would love to work on another fallout game is pretty awesome that makes it a more likely possibility than before and I personally would love to see another spinoff, maybe it'd take place in New Orleans or even somewhere else that we wouldn't expect! and there's a new trailer for the Attack on Titan PS4 game from Tecmo Koei not gonna lie looks pretty promising. The graphics are perfect. The Destruction is awesome tho definitely a awesome feature. This has potential to be really fun, the biggest thing I feel that they need to get right is the controls, if the controls aren't tight and responsive and make sense then the game is not probably not gonna be very fun to play. I would also add more gore to the game... there was a bit in this trailer but not nearly enough, it should be as gory as possible imo.
  8. Original Saku

    okay thanks I'm actually glad it's not gonna come out till 2017, this year is gonna be so swamped with great games that if this also came out this year I would probably just keel over xD
  9. Original Saku

    I didn't even know they were still around... just shows you how much I pay attention to the scene xD Still that sucks and I feel bad for the fans, hope they all go on to lead successful projects after this!
  10. well this is what I've been dealing with today... http://imgur.com/5P2Dods http://imgur.com/KrFGNQI

    1. Ito


      I'm jealous

    2. colorful人生


      Hopefully it warms up well enough tm so I can get the snow off my car T_T. NC drivers in the snow suck too (reasoning behind this iconic picture from 2 years ago... http://tinyurl.com/gm7fq6p)

    3. yakihiko


      The dog looks really funny running or trying to on this snow. Hope everything is okay there!

  11. Original Saku

    Yeah because it's episodic so they can release episode 1 in 2017, although I haven't heard any concrete release window yet... where did you hear that it was coming out in 2017? rumor? source please? I initially would predict that we would get episode 1 late this year since the game looked pretty far along in that demo they did at PSX but who knows... I'm really not looking forward waiting months possibly years for them release all the episodes so I can buy a complete physical copy all at once.... also there's the whole pricing debacle, like if they charge over $30 per episode that's gonna be retarded.
  12. Original Saku

    New trailer for VALKYRIA: AZURE REVOLUTION ! Shit looks dope. Really digging the art direction and also the soundtrack during the trailer is pretty great I hope we can get some actual gameplay footage soon tho.
  13. Original Saku

    I kno rite xD I made a character the other night and instantly was thrown in a queue with 3000 people ahead of me... Needless to say I did not get to play the game that night
  14. Original Saku

    New Shenmue 3 screens have surfaced! Source (Twitter) looks good for now, gotta keep in mind that this game is targeting a December 2017 release window so it is still a few years away, better to be grateful were even getting screenshots at all this early in the development cycle
  15. Original Saku

    what do you mean not a video game...? looks like one to me xD speaking of Blade & Soul I'm fixing to start up a character as well
  16. Original Saku

    oh man this thread has really gotten me into a RES mood.... fuck I need to go download their disco now xD
  17. Original Saku

    RES no brainier.
  18. Original Saku

    done. interesting research.
  19. some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard or rather the worst localization I've ever seen is most definitely Digimon Adventures. Watch this video and you will never look at digimon the same again, the English dub pretty much destroyed the show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m4gksdBEdE
  20. Original Saku

    not enjoying durarara? that's a bummer... loving it myself
  21. Original Saku

    this place has it... http://www.theisozone.com/downloads/misc/ost/shadow-of-the-colossus-original-soundtrack-flac/ don't know if the links work, I didn't check XD but they have it in FLAC so there's that EDIT: the link works just checked it btw great OST <3
  22. Original Saku

    all the time, hell I'm still procrastinating on getting a new job... (fyi I've been unemployed for literally years) XD
  23. Original Saku

    Oh man that's rough... I don't even know how I would feel if I was in that position.
  24. Original Saku

    I'm listening to the new ゲスの極み乙女。 album currenty
  25. Original Saku

    anybody watch Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu yet? So far it's my standout new show out of the ones I've tried so far. Two episodes in so far and I really dig it, the characters are pretty interesting and the whole show being abut something that I don't know much about really let's me learn quite a bit. I've heard of Rakugo before but didn't know what it was called, I've actually seen it in other anime but have never watched an anime focused on it. btw for people interested this is what Rakugo is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakugo Pretty cool I think What other new shows is everyone enjoying?
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