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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Man deadman is really amazing, probably my favorite out of all of aie's bands! great stuff. I need to listen to them more often since I rarely go back that far into my music roots
  2. I have a laptop and phone and tablet and multiple portable game systems all with full charges most of the time... so yeah I'm covered. An if by some crazy chance I'm stuck without power for an extended period of time then I also have several battery banks chilling here too
  3. Original Saku

    Most of the people who complain about the combat in Witcher are people who want it's combat to be like Dark Souls or Bloodborne, and when their expectations are way too high they crash and burn in a fit of rage... I've seen so many posts comparing Witcher 3 to Bloodborne it's ridiculous. People saying that they can't get into Witcher 3 because the combat is not as polished and fluid as Bloodborne so they just don't play the game because Bloodbourne supposedly has "ruined" them... My advice just do you man and enjoy whatever you enjoy lol. Also if you haven't already, there's an option in the menus called "alternative movement" I believe... it basically makes the out of combat movement so much more bearable imo. personal Rant incoming... please ignore Look I'm a huge fan of the soulsbourne games and if you were to ask me out of the two which game has the better combat system then I would definitely tell you Bloodbourne, but Witcher does so many other things better than Bloodbourne so I really don't get the deal. People act like they can't enjoy other games because of soulsbourne franchise and I honestly feel like it's so stupid to say that it has ruined you xD Are seriously trying to tell me that you want to play the same exact style of game for the rest of your life? Miyazaki is a genius and his games are just as magnificent, especially the way he goes about storytelling and world building, but if he sticks to the same formula without deviating or trying something new then eventually down the line it's gonna get old and hes gonna lose fan support no matter how much we like his current and recent entries. I guess what I'm trying to say is take a second and branch out to other games and keep n open mind instead of comparing every new game with your personal favorite to try to find things that aren't as good, or reasons not to play.
  4. Original Saku

    Playing Hitman all day since it came out. Pretty fun stuff and definitely a step above from Absolution. Despite the performance issues on PC some people are encountering and the drama over the "episodic" format, I can say that the game is pretty fun and I'm having a good time experimenting and checking out all the little secrets. Also in the middle of my Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin 100% playthrough, and is also my first time playing the SOTFS content which has been pretty wonderful so far.
  5. Original Saku

    Beer is an acquired taste, and really after the first few you won't care how it bad it tastes if you get what I mean
  6. A bit too much engrish for my tastes but the other parts that aren't "Happy Birthday!" the entire time are pretty nice. Still gonna look out for this album
  7. Original Saku

    I see. Thanks for your opinion, it has explained a lot. Also I agree Escape from Alcatraz 10/10 all day xD
  8. Original Saku

    really? The characters in the two movies seemed pretty similar to me honestly, both main characters are rather similar (the clever sort), both wardens were alike (the dickhead), both movies had a character with a pet mouse, both had the black guy character that made a bond with the white guy main character thus transcending race, both had a older male character who had something taken away from them by the dick warden and thus died as a result.... like I could go on for a while here. both had a fucked up character who was trying to anally rape the main character and both got what was coming to em. Both movies had a main guard who was pretty much a asshole. if you ask me there are a lot of similarities between the two movies when it comes to character archetypes and certain plot setups....
  9. Original Saku

    was surfing the TV stations the other night and saw that Escape from Alcatraz was about to come on, so I watched it xD Classic Clint Eastwood film, been a while since I watched this one. Reminded me of how well made movies were back then. Also I never noticed this before but did Shawshank Redemption totally rip off this movie? I ask because I also caught Shawshank recently a few weeks ago on TV and my god did it seem pretty damn similar... I know that Escape from Alcatraz is based on a true story so is it just that Shawshank Redemption is also based on the same story? Even so some of the similarities are just unsettling.
  10. Original Saku

    I bought the intro pack from steam yesterday, but haven't gotten around to trying the beta yet... will probably try it out later tonight if i can find some time.
  11. Original Saku

    Bought this limited run Dark Souls Solair vs Hellkite Drake T-shirt from Teespring today for any dark souls fans here's the link, there still 10 days till the deadline. https://teespring.com/hellkitedragon#pid=369&cid=6513&sid=front
  12. Original Saku

    So hype for Diamond is Unbreakable
  13. Original Saku

    I finally 100%ed Dark Souls on PC last night, and it only took me 97 hours XD now that makes it twice that I've plated that game (once on 360 back in the day). It actually took me longer to plat Bloodborne tho (took me around 130 hours) but that was mainly because of the extra DLC trophies and the stupid chalice dungeon trophy that probably took me over 20 hours alone Now I'm gonna take a few days break and play something else... probably gonna go play Gravity Rush and/or the Uncharted Collection that I've been neglecting xD Then I'll be back on Dark Souls II so I can 100% that before III comes out
  14. Cool been waiting for a new album to drop, I didn't know they went major either :0
  15. Original Saku

    it's cool, next time just remember not everybody uses horriblesubs or one of the other speedsubs out there so waiting a few days till quality fansubs come out isn't very uncommon.
  16. Original Saku

    Flame... Spoilers pls
  17. Original Saku

    Double post incoming, the new Dark Souls III trailer just launched... Man this is the only thing I need in my life right now I swear... If I could play any game right at this exact moment then it would be DSIII
  18. Original Saku

    new Uncharted 4 trailer just dropped and it looks absolutely breathtaking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8eljIdpHc0 Like holy shit that looks so good... Naughty Dog seems like they're working their programming magic on PS4 just like they did with PS3. It still boggles me how they get their games to look so good on such outdated hardware (outdated by PC standards), like if you go back and look at Uncharted 3 and TLOU on PS3 you probably would never guess the hardware it's running on is outdated by like 10 years xD
  19. Original Saku

    I don't know if you're being serious or not but I will actually watch it for plot xD I'm actually quite interested in it since you don't see many Rugby anime out there and plus Madhouse is doing it so I'm hoping for some sports show magic. them muscles tho. XD
  20. Original Saku

    Naw I haven't tried Vega out yet but I have seen some tournament play and it seems like people are playing a lot more aggressive with him compared to the slow methodical play Vega players did in IV. Not to say that you probably couldn't play him like that in V, but it seems to me like the games as a whole is a lot more rush down offensive oriented this time around. And yeah soulsborne is so so good, I can't wait for DSIII. It's like the only thing I think about now a days XD definitely go back to souls games if you get a chance
  21. Original Saku

    Playing a lot of Dark Souls the past few weeks, currently trying to 100% it on PC and then I plan to do the same for Dark Souls 2 until 3 comes out in April. Also playing a shit ton of Street Fighter V right now I;'mm still trying to get a feel for the game and how it plays and deciding on who my main character is gonna be and then I'll start practicing hardcore after that, tournament season is just about to start so i need to do some major work before I'll feel confident. Also still playing Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, Xcom 2, and Gravity Rush on the side when I have time and I get tired or need a break from Dark Souls xD Still going back to Bloodborne like once a week as well to work on a few character builds I have in the works.
  22. Original Saku

    I hope they do a better job with this one then they did with xillia and zestiria... hopefully a new engine is in the works.
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