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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    UE4 is a really good game engine so no complaints here
  2. Original Saku

    Bloodborne Final Fantasy Type-0 Witcher 3 MGS5 Phantom Pain Disgaea 5 Fallout 4 (with mods) Honestly though only bloodbourne or Witcher deserves GOTY. Type-0 is technically a remaster but was the first time released here this year, MGS5 is incomplete so no matter how fun it is just not cutting it, Disgaea is too niche too win, and Fallout 4 has tons of problems and nowhere near as impressive as the aforementioned games plus it's only been out for barely a month and doesn't deserve to be on the list unless you include the modding community in the consideration. Xenoblade Chronicles X would probably be a very good contender but it's been out for 4 days so I'm not gonna even attempt to put it on the list. My personal GOTY is Bloodborne tho with Witcher 3 being a really really close second with the only thing dividing them is amount of time invested.
  3. Original Saku

    It's an alpha, it'll get better... hopefully
  4. Original Saku

    http://trakt.tv./ there's that site, never used it myself but it might be worth checking out.
  5. Original Saku

    Yeah fuck that. Why can't they just release it all at once? So sick of episodic games. This to me just screams money grubbing, they'll probably release it in 5 parts, with each part being $15 or $20 that will equal $80-$100... Instead of selling the whole game for the traditional $60 they will milk the fans for more money because they know that they will buy it anyways. really stupid and even if that's not the case, I still don't won't to buy this game in parts...for one episodic games are made for the digital platform which means unless you plan to buy it digital you won't be able to buy the game physical until all the episodes are released and when/if they even do a physical release later on however many months later. Not everybody buys digital and a game like this I'm pretty sure a lot of people are gonna want to buy a physical version but also want to play at launch and not have to wait to play the game. which either means you buy the game twice or you wait. tdlr; makes no fucking sense and square is probably fucking up.
  6. Original Saku

    There's a little site called Jpopsuki that can help you out with that problem if you need an invite message me and I'll hook you up.
  7. Original Saku

    It is extremely comfortable, I've been doing 5-8 hour fallout sessions on my pc with this chair and I haven't had any discomfort yet. The chair is a bit stiff at first but after using it for the last two weeks it has been broken in quite nicely. And yes it does kind promote proper sitting position with the back support,that's not to say that you can't slouch in this chair but it's much more comfortable while sitting upright. Honestly after using it for the past few weeks it's probably one of the best investments I've ever made, my back feels so much better after long computer sessions.
  8. Original Saku

    ughh not turn based.... that's horrible. oh well still looks pretty cool, I know all the turn based peeps are mad salty right now though me included xD
  9. Original Saku

    Bought one of these monsters recently for my desktop. I needed more space for storing music and movies Also picked me up some more Arctic Silver 5, I'm planning to do a full cleaning/dusting and maintenance on my PC soon and I ran out of thermal compound so my CPU water cooler will love this.
  10. Original Saku

    Tried 水曜日のカンパネラ a few days ago after reading CAT's blurb for Zipang and I'm pretty hooked to the sound, It's a very acquired sound I think but I pretty much took to it instantly (probably because I like weird music xD). I totally agree that the production on this album is insane so crisp and clear. I've listened to PELICAN FANCLUB's 1st mini ANALOG from early this year but haven't gotten around to the ST yet, I will do that soon Nice to see them on the list though. Kidori Kidori is awesome, I've been a fan since I first listened to their El Blanco album back in 2013, They totally deserve to be on the list. Just a really fun band that makes really fun music.
  11. Original Saku

    yeah it's pretty annoying as I'm an avid Windows 7 user and everytime I turn on my computer I get a pop up telling me to upgrade, good thing I rarely turn my PC off xD I will agree though that it's better to upgrade to 10 if your coming from 8.
  12. Original Saku

    Creed was amazing, Saw it Sunday night and much like @Flame-X it blew me away as well. Still think Mad Max is my favorite movie this year but Creed definitely came really close almost to the point I would say that I enjoyed them both equally as much.
  13. Original Saku

    It's malware. How do I know? because the same thing happened to me earlier this year. Best thing to do is to uninstall any suspect browser extension or programs and then it might also be worth completely reinstalling the browser as well. After that do a full virus scan with your antivirus program of choice and/or look into malware bytes or something similiar. After all that, pray to god it's gone. If not and the malware is still present then the only thing you can do is backup the important stuff and do a full clean install of windows. Sadly I had to do a clean install of windows myself back in September because of malware, it's a bitch but the best way to totally ensure that you get rid of it. And honestly you should clean install windows once a year anyways for performance reasons. good luck!
  14. Original Saku

    Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta dropped today so playing a lot of that right now and Xenoblade Chronicles X comes out tomorrow here in NA so I'll be playing that soon
  15. Original Saku

    Just upgraded my mouse, it was long over due. picked up a refurbished Corsair M65 for 30 dollars Also finally upgraded to some high quality high speed memory. 2x8GB dual channel kit of G.Skill Sniper Series DDR3 2400Mhz ram
  16. Original Saku

    I downloaded Vena back when it first dropped but haven't gotten around to listening to it yet... after reading your blurbs I'm gonna go check it out right now! Thanks for lighting a fire under my bum xD Edit: Also after reading beni's blurb for Chara (who is an artist I've never checked out before) I'm gonna go pick up Secret Garden and give it a spin. Hooray to discovering new music. Wonderful blurb btw
  17. Original Saku

    I'm dead right now xD so good, kudos to the video maker for combining two of my favorite things at the moment one punch man and fallout 4
  18. Original Saku

    Zeltgeist is a really good starting point, so is fourth wall
  19. Original Saku

    Yeah they're pretty similar to the old turn based final fantasy games but with a more noticeable focus on the fantasy setting. In fact I'm pretty sure DQ is actually more popular than FF in Japan... It's one of those series that is extremely popular and highly touted inside of Japan but never caught on majorly overseas.
  20. Happy Thanks giving everyone :)

  21. Original Saku

    Speaking of Nintendo 3DS, anyone else besides me really hype and excited about the announcement of Dragon Quest VII & VIII coming to the 3DS over here in the west? Honestly the best announcement ever and made that already good nintendo direct even better for me. I somewhat had lost hope of them ever localizing VII and then the cherry on top is not only will they be doing VII but also VIII which is literally one of the best RPGs on the PS2.
  22. Original Saku

    more info on the new Valkyria Chronicles prequel
  23. Original Saku

    ^ Toukiden is a action role playing "hack n' slash" game developed by Tecmo Koei, It's sort of similar to Monster Hunter in some ways and other more simple hack n' slash games of that genre (ie. God Eater, Freedom Wars). Visually I would say it has sort of a Dynasty or Samurai Warriors look, which makes sense seeing as they also make those gasme series as well.
  24. Original Saku

    new "Valkyria Chronicles" game announced and it's gonna be a prequel! pretty hyped for that as sega seriously needs to get off their ass and use some of these great IP's the have like this one. Also a HD remaster of the 1st game is pretty cool too... personally I wish the would release the 3rd game over here finally :/
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