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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    im dead
  2. Original Saku

    New Fallout 4 DLC has been announced, dated, and detailed! https://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/fallout-4-add-ons-automatron-wasteland-workshop-far-harbor-and-more/2016/02/16/77
  3. Original Saku

    lol that's what I like about Grimgar tho xD I like that's it's slow paced and depressing, it's way more realistic that way. If you or I was transported to some fantasy world with no memories of anything prior to waking up I imagine our experiences would be very similar to that of the characters in Grimgar. The world is gritty and hard to survive in, much more so since you wouldn't have any of the skills to do so, you would literally have to start from the bottom. It would be like being a newborn babe trying to learn how survive again. I don't want another show with overpowered main characters and plot armor so thick that they couldn't die even if they tried to. I don't need a definitive protag that has some hidden potential and all that mess. and I don't want some major time skip or training arc to progress the story to the point where the characters are godlike. Characters should struggle and have a hard time adapting to this new strange world they've been thrown into, they should have inner conflicts with what is happening to them and they should die if they make critical mistakes or hell just die for being unlucky. having characters who just automatically accept their situation and be totally okay with it would so unrealistic and just unappealing to me. The show has progress but it's just not the kind of progress you want, you want something to happen to give the show a focus and the characters a goal. and then for the character to work towards that goal and triumph or whatever. but that's probably not gonna happen because from what I've seen so far this show seems more about these specific characters and their struggles in adapting to this new environment and their relationships and bonds with each other and not about the world or anything else happening outside really. I would almost say it has a very "slice of life" vibe to how they are focusing on the more mundane things that are occurring around these characters sometimes. and that's the charm of this show if you ask me.
  4. Original Saku

    oh... yeah I don't care about any of that stuff... lol as long as it has a versus mode for tournaments that's good enough for me... so yeah it is the casuals that are complaining xD
  5. Original Saku

    The people who are complaining about it aren't even the people who are gonna be playing it at a high level and keeping the tournament scene alive for the next 5 years anyways. It's most likely the people who are gonna play it for the first week and then never touch it again let alone go and play it competitively, I say let them complain, they don't matter anyways. I haven't seen or heard any of the pros complaining about the game, in fact out of all the pro players who have been streaming the game this weekend on twitch with their early copies, I haven't heard anyone of them complaining about the game at all. actually most seem pretty stoked for the game and the imminent tournament competitive play that is to come. out of curiosity what are people complaining about?
  6. Original Saku

    So apparently Deadpool slayed at box office this weekend beating out a lot of foxes other superhero movies (xmen movies) that were considered more widespread and family friendly due to the PG-13 rating. and that's with a budget a fraction of the size. long story short this may lead to more super hero movies that are rated R . here's a article that I read about all this.
  7. Original Saku

    and a brook super converter so i can use my PS3 Fightstick on PS4
  8. Honestly as soon as they announced Scarlet as Major Kusanagi I instantly lost all hope in the adaption... She's a horrible actor in my opinion and I just plain don't like her, really overrated. All she is, is a pretty face that sells movies as far as I'm concerned. The minute they confirmed she was doing the movie I knew then that they were more concerned with making the movie sell well then making a faithful adaptation for the fans. I hope that it can prove me wrong though, but I just don't see me being able to watch it without cringing at the Hollywood bullshit they are most certainly gonna include.
  9. there's already a thread for this topic, next time please use the search function before making new threads as they may already exist Merged. and it's gonna be a disaster. I have no expectations for this trainwreck xD
  10. Original Saku

    Deadpool. Everything I ever wanted from a deadpool film, this movie delivered. I am very satisfied and am looking forward to the sequel
  11. Original Saku

    So I was browsing my video feed and came across this... Talk about awesome news, I would be so stoked if Capcom revived this series... let's say they release a HD remaster collection of the old games sometime next year and then the year after that we would get a brand new Onimusha game on PS4... that would be so amazing.
  12. Original Saku

    Yeah I totally get that, but what I'm saying is that What Ubisoft did with that game was tantamount to betraying everyone who waited and payed for it (at least I felt betrayed). The graphics stuff doesn't really matter (well it does but not as much as some other things), what really matters is how bad their game was after 5 years of development, no matter what anyone says you can't say that game wasn't a bad "open world" game because it was a really bad one. Objectively bad (compared to the good open world games out there). Now does that mean you can't have fun with it just because it is a bad open world game? no certainly not. I guess what I'm getting at is don't throw your money at these mega publishers/developers with preorders and day one purchases, wait a few days and read a review or watch a stream or just go read some forums... Just don't let these corporations walk all over us. If more people did this then all these shitty games that get released broken and utterly defective wouldn't make millions and in turn maybe we would get less broken games. As consumers we should have the power to change this. No I always play those games at night by myself in the dark
  13. Original Saku

    It wasn't really the story that people were outraged or criticized against, I mean sure the story wasn't that great or original in my opinion, but the main thing that people criticize that game for is Ubisoft's lack of QC Testing before release. Like that game launched with over a hundred bugs and most of them was stupid shit that could of been fixed easily before launch if they did a proper quality check to begin with but instead they decide they were just gonna release it regardless and fix it later after they took all of our money, which is honestly the worst thing ever. Some of the bugs were never fixed to this day and this is all just the console version of the game... you don't even want me to get started on the butchered and downgraded un-optimized PC port that they released that was clearly pandering towards the console market in their execution. The worse thing of all, even worse than the plethora of bugs was actually the lack of features in the game... This is an open world game and some of the stuff that they didn't implement is just strange, stuff that you would expect an open world game to have are just totally missing. This game was in development for 5 years and was supposed to deliver a "next gen" experience and instead totally crashed and burned except by the time everyone realized this Ubisoft had already raked in millions from preorders and day 1 purchases that were fueled by empty promises and 5 years of hype that was built up by there crooked marketing team and development team. Watch this video if you truly want to see how messed up shit was with that game (make sure annotations are turned on) I'm not trying to tell you what to do and I'm glad you had a fun experience with the game (i mean at least someone did...) but there is so many other superior open world games that you could be playing instead. /informative rant
  14. Original Saku

    Yes. the short answer; Yes, but not without doing some things to make it work... for more info refer HERE and Yes.
  15. Original Saku

    Dagashi Kashi is pretty good imo. I find it to be pretty interesting with all the candy and snack knowledge that's being dropped every episode and the characters are decent and there's been more than a few times I've laughed my ass off so far... I mean obviously if your not into Slice of Life Comedy series or random snack trivia then you'll probably find it pretty boring xD I'm gonna rank this season's new shows I guess, My Favorites (basically what I'm enjoying the most) Boku dake ga Inai Machi Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Honorable Mentions (stuff that I really like but I'm not enjoying as much as above) Bubuki Buranki Dagashi Kashi Dimension W Koukaku no Pandora Muisaigen no Phantom World Schwarzesmarken Tabi Machi Late Show Just Decent Barely (either shows that I think are just not that good compared to the rest, or shows I haven't been able to get completely into yet) Divine Gate HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation Prince of Stride: Alternative Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu Skip (Shows I think can be safely skipped if you don't have time) Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm Luck & Logic Nijiiro Days Norn9: Norn+Nonet Ojisan to Marshmallow Ooyasan wa Shishunki! Oshiete! Galko-chan Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut
  16. Original Saku

    I still haven't played outlast or SOMA yet... haven't had time for horror games lately I heard outlast was really jump scary tho, oh I also heard there suppose to be making an outlast 2 I think.
  17. Original Saku

    I know. I've thought about it several times before. But I don't want to end up hating video games so... yeah. I've seen too many twitch casters who end up hating games because of there stream obligations/schedule. I don't want to turn into one of those guys who only play games for work and not for fun xD although I might start streaming casually with no commitments soon for fun.
  18. Original Saku

    I'm somewhat of a special case since I consider gaming to be my main hobby (even above anime and music) so I spend most of my money on it... Couple that with the fact that I'm a NEET (and the lifestyle that entails) and then you can probably guess why I have so much time to play all the games I want to. I probably play on average at least 40 hours a week and at most 60 hours and that's not just one game either since I rarely play the same game the entire week. I have somewhat of a system where I have a "pool" of games that I'm currently playing and I try to switch the game I'm playing every few days or so, sometimes I even play more than one game in the same day depending on mood. When I get to a point where I feel like I've completed a game or want to "shelve" the game for a while I replace it with a new game. I hope I explained that well...? I don't know I've been a gamer so long and I'm so involved with the industry and what's happening that I jkust have a way that I do things and it just works I guess xD tl;dr - I'm a no lifer who has way to much time on my hands to play all the games that I want to.
  19. Original Saku

    Xcom 2, just amazing...
  20. Original Saku

    Playing Gravity Rush Remastered on my PS4... God this game is so awesome, I loved the vita version of this game to death but this PS4 version is so much better and easier to play. I feel like a pro while playing this game with a Dualshock4 compared to the vita xD
  21. Original Saku

    Yeah I can definitely agree that Square has got a lot of people's attention right now, their marketing is on point at the moment and they have so many hype games announced right now.
  22. Original Saku

    ehh... I'm excited for the game, and I'm a bit hyped for it I suppose... but in all honesty Persona 5 is where my hopes and dreams are at right now xD
  23. Original Saku

    That's great thanks for the heads up <3
  24. Original Saku

    Yeah the NES and SNES have tons of great RPGs so that would definitely be my choice for a classic console. If your looking for more modern titles though then definitely go with the PS2, so many great JRPGs from that era.
  25. Original Saku

    The progress report they did yesterday said that the game was 80% done right now I think. here's the video for the report. gameplay looks awesome, also it seems they've changed the UI a bit which looks pretty cool. I like that they have this sorta stealth gameplay aspect, it's different which tells me that they are trying new things... that's a good thing imo. looking forward to the release date announcement, I'm gonna guess it's gonna be a Q3 release (somewhere in Aug,-Sept.).
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