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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Well I used to divide by asian and western music, then artists, then releases. but I I got so behind on tagging music that I just have random "new folders" just chilling in my music folder each with hundreds of un-tagged/un-categorized releases... it's pretty bad, but I would have to work on tagging and organizing, and that could take months
  2. Original Saku

    ex machina talk about a fucking trippy movie, like holy fuck that shit was strange.... definitely not falling in love with any robots anytime soon xD
  3. Original Saku

    Doesn't sound bad, their album was pretty good, so I hope this is as well
  4. Original Saku

    damn you dropped the money for that beast? (970 here) Really though you should have waited a little longer since pascal is coming in the next month or two... even if you weren't gonna buy one of the pascal cards the price on the 900 series is for sure gonna get a cut once the new cards are released.
  5. Definitely the language barrier, people just don't understand the concept of vocals not being the only part that matters in music, there's this weird perception (at least where I'm from) that the most important part of a song is the vocals and if it doesn't have vocals or it's in another language then it's not worth their attention... I can't even begin to explain how backwards this is, music is made up of more than just the vocalist and the lyrics, but people are hard pressed to listen to a pure instrumental song around here, it seem no vocals = boring music that's not worth the time. Not to mention there's a little something call vocal melody that you don't need to understand the language to hear. then there's the people that see VK bands and it turns into a sexism thing.
  6. Original Saku

    My monthly J-indie and J-underground recs are gone now... sad day
  7. Original Saku

    awesome, I still listen to the first album from 2013 every once in a while, so I will definitely be looking for this
  8. Original Saku

    yeah surprisingly enough ToZ is actually a really decent PC port, which is crazy because Bamco have horrible track records for their PC ports, and their last Tales port which was Tales of Symphonia was absolute trash, but i mean that port was even bad on PS3 as well, so it was like they did a bad port of a bad port xD here's Durante's port report for ToZ if youre interested in looking more into it; http://www.pcgamer.com/tales-of-zestiria-port-analysis-durantes-verdict/
  9. Original Saku

    Of course this is true, although I recommend pumping health purely because it's easier to learn the game if you have more chances to mess up and get hit by accident and still survive... tanking will get you no where in this game for the most part. My rule of thumb is if it's your first playthrough then you should pump health so you get more chances to survive mistakes during boss encounters thus more time to learn boss patterns. Many challenge/speed runners do this on their first playthroughs when they are tying to learn boss move sets and how they react to different things. overall it's just good practice to have more health than you need when learning these games imo. Timing is a big part of the game for sure, especially when it comes to dodging. I wouldn't bother with parrying until later, especially if you're a beginner. Overall parrying is no where near as easy or overpowered as the first game, so it shouldn't used as a crutch, but more as a situational mechanic for certain enemies and encounters. Backstabs are still really good but not as easy to land as previous games since enemies overall have better A.I. now and some even have anti backstab moves that prevent you from landing them. yeah kiting is definitely very viable, no use in charging multiple foes at once, that's just asking to get rekt.
  10. Original Saku

    Oh you're playing 3? That's cool, I kinda assumed you were playing 1,dont know why xD but yeah man, that's a good mindset for sure, keep playing and eventually you'll get better and more used to the mechanics. A few beginners tips below if you want some help, no story spoilers below btw just in case your worried about spoilers
  11. Original Saku

    Difficulty isn't actually artificial at all, it's all about learning the enemies movesets and how to accurately counter certain enemies, it's a learning experience. and honestly souls isn't a hard game, I mean you technically start the game out on the easiest difficulty. if you want to see artificial difficulty you should try to play the game on New Game+7, that shit is bananas xD but i digress, souls is not for everybody. some people won't be able to get passed the unique storytelling that Miyazaki is known for and that's alright, some people just prefer a more linear explicit form of storytelling and plot.
  12. Original Saku

    I would definitely give them the same bands that i started out with back in the day. the pillows Asian Kung-Fu Generation L'arc en Ciel and then from their I would branch them out into the more indie stuff. I really wouldn't recommend trying to get somebody into Jmusic with VK, especially close minded American people where I'm from... they tend to take a look the band and instantly write it off as "tranny music" and won;t change their mind afterwards (speaking from experience btw) definitely would introduce VK later on once the base has been established.
  13. Original Saku

    Yeah that is a bit of procrastination on their part for sure xD but Harada takes forever to do anything and everything, so nothing new there... I mean it took them nearly 10 years in between the release of Tekken 6 and the release of Tekken 7 here in the states
  14. Original Saku

    No actually that makes a lot of sense, the Tekken 7 and SFV tournament scenes are just now starting to take off and the last thing those tournament players want right now is a new game to practice and play when they're still trying to focus on the current games. Over saturation would be bad as a whole for the FGC and I totally see why they would want to wait a few years to resume the development instead of releasing later this year or next year. tl;dr... not really bullshit, just catering to the tournament scene... which is not really a stupid decision on their part since that's who drives their games years after release when the casual players couldn't give a fuck.
  15. Original Saku

    there's this really crazy theory going around lately, I link it in the spoiler below... warning major spoilers so don;t watch if that matters to you xD
  16. it's Kodansha.... who gives a fuck what the publisher thinks, of course their gonna support it, they are ultimately gonna make money some way from the movie so they aren't not gonna support it XD
  17. Original Saku

    oh hey welcome back, it's been a while
  18. Original Saku

    mfw I realized I find Mana cute as fuck in his lolita era ^///^ but yeah MM are great, definitely up there in the all time VK greats.
  19. Happy Birthday friend!


    I don't know anybody with the same birthday as mine IRL. But it's cool to share birthdays with internet homies :D


    Have a good one <3

  20. Original Saku

    Dude that was sick, even though it was just your room xD Really nice camera though, the shots were all so crisp and I really liked the way you shot it as a whole btw I would totally watch that gunpla showcase if you did it!
  21. Yeah I read about that yesterday, pretty crazy... They supposedly are denying that they were using the CGI on scarlet but instead admitted they were using it on other actors to make them look more Asian... which doesn't make no sense. Sounds like they got caught red handed and don't want to own up fully so instead they are trying to bullshit xD but yeah regardless of whether this is true or not I'm done hoping this film will be good at all... it's gonna be awful and I know it
  22. unngghh... i dread this movie so much xD how can one actress make me cringe so much?
  23. Original Saku

    thanks. I was trying to avoid doing that, but oh well, it did indeed fix my blurry issues
  24. Original Saku

    yeah I'm almost certain that it's taking the smaller avatar that you can find in your profile page and resizing it to the one in your posts, but the thing is it's not doing that to other people....
  25. Original Saku

    Avatars are better now, though i would prefer them to have more verticality like they use to have... this will do i suppose. edit; for some reason no matter what photo i use my avatar ends being a blurry mess after the cropping :/
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