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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    OMG the hype is real
  2. Original Saku

    lol... it has been in its so called "final arc" for like 2 years now xD
  3. Original Saku

    honestly I'm cool with that, that means I can play FFXV and get it out of the way before it comes out, it'll make a good appetizer for P5
  4. Original Saku

    YES! been waiting for this announcement for a good while, I'm glad it's finally official. FFXII is the best FF of the past 15 years in my opinion and is personally ranked in my top 5 FF games in the entire franchise, I'm so glad It's getting the remaster treatment It's also awesome that everybody will get to experience the game with the original Japanese voice acting and the zodiac job system, which by far is the best version of the game.
  5. Original Saku

    I'm still trudging along unfortunately... it's been getting petty unbearable lately but I'm pretty sure it's getting towards the very end, but then again Kubo has been ass pulling for years now with bleach xD the manga started going down hill after the Aizen arc for sure
  6. Original Saku

    lol... it's funny because I thought it was one of the best episodes this season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Original Saku

    no prob, it's such a good album too.. quite honestly gomi might be one of the best albums I've listened to so far this year.
  8. Original Saku

    yeah I can see how he could get on peoples nerves, but I personally find him to have a great voice for my preferences
  9. Original Saku

    ぼくたちのいるところ。(Bokutachi no Iru Tokoro.) - ごみ (gomi) New Discovery from last month, Bokutachi no Iru Tokoro. This group is like a breath of fresh air for me at the moment and their new album released last month is just ridiculously good on all fronts and the production... don't even get me started on that, it's kinda hard to believe these guys are indie honestly イロメガネ (Iromegane) - 37.2℃ Another new Discovery, last month was just full of musical exploration for me ^ ^ Iromegane as far as I can tell is the solo project of Higashi Ayu who I can't seem to find much info about other than she won some music competitions awhile back... if anyone has more info let me know, I'm interested. Setting that aside this album is just absolutely delightful in it's presentation, There's a lot to digest when it comes to the sheer amount of different styles and genres incorporated in this album, there's a little something for everybody here, give it a listen. odol - YEARS possibly one of the most chill bands you can listen to, new album released called YEARS ... *chillaxing intesifies* but no srsly a really great album from a really great indie rock band. It Definitely topped their first album for me, I'm enjoying it quite a bit right now. check it out and you won't be disappointed.
  10. Original Saku

    woah that's pretty crazy.... I must look more into this
  11. Original Saku

    It's all about the fantasy I think, it's not that people who like incest plot lines want to sleep with their own real life sibling(s), but that doesn't mean that they can't find the thought of it in a purely fantasy scenario arousing... for example I like some anime with incest plotlines, like Oreimo and I even watch and read some hentai and eroge manga with incest plots, and it does arouse me, but then again I don't have a sister nor am I gay so my brother is out of the question... the point is it's not real. I think people get so bent out of shape about it without realizing that it's not real, so there's no harm being done... it's like lolicon, same concept. I know a guy who can't/won't watch anime with any "loli" characters, it doesn't matter if it's tasteful or inappropriate he just nopes the fuck out at the site of any characters that are slightly underaged... no matter if the show is ridiculously good or not. Obviously he is being ridiculous but to him the line between real and fantasy is closer than with other people i think xD
  12. Original Saku

    just type the tags manually... do people really use the button?
  13. Original Saku

    ah Overwatch that over hyped game that people pay 60 bucks for one game mode and skins? no thanks xD no srsly though I want to play and I know it's fun as hell with friends since I played the beta, but I'm not paying that much money for a incomplete game... you might as well be buying an early access or beta phase game.
  14. Original Saku

  15. Original Saku

    I have it sitting in front of me right now, I haven't played it yet... going to later tonight, I'll post my thoughts here soon for you
  16. Original Saku

    Finally finished Uncharted 4 and I have to say the ending was pretty great... all I'm going to say is that it has some pretty good closure that I'm satisfied with. I want to start playing Witcher 3 again... especially since the new expansion is coming, but I don't know if I'll be able to tear myself away from dark souls 3 long enough to give it the attention it needs. gonna go pick up the new TMNT game from Platinum tomorrow as well!
  17. "Hold the door!" :wan-22:

    1. doombox


      That one hurt so much. :lolita_sad:

    2. SwampMan


      right in the feels.

    3. beni



  18. Original Saku

    They aren't very long games, unless you make them last... for instance I still haven't beat Uncharted 4 even though I've been playing it since launch, but that's because I've only been playing a few hours at a time and exploring everything xD If I wanted to I could have had it beat a few days after I got it, but yeah I would rather savor it plus I'm playing the game on hard and that slows things down a bit
  19. Original Saku

    OMG i watched Dan's Gaming play this game last year live on twitch for horror month and it's probably the funniest let's play of a survival horror game ever xD the voice acting is terribad just watch it instead of putting yourself through the torture of playing it.
  20. Original Saku

    damn again? somebody has been busy XD
  21. Original Saku

    Man... re zero Is so good. It constantly has me on the edge of my seat and the cliffhangers are so good and bad at the same time.. How am I supposed to wait a week after that ending xD Theres been a lot of really good shows recently, damn what's going on
  22. Original Saku

    not even gonna do ratings for albums I didn't think were good, just gonna list albums that are potentially going on my end of the year list. So pretty much stuff that I have enjoyed from this year so far.
  23. Original Saku

    百鬼夜行 actually refers to the "Night Parade of One Hundred Demons" which is a popular concept in Japanese Folklore... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyakki_Yagy%C5%8D that is most likely why they are wearing demon like costumes, makeup, etc.
  24. Original Saku

    man it would be so cool to see these guys and gals live, but too bad it's a Cali thing Everybody that's going I wish you a great time
  25. Holy fuck! why is Ayumi's new album so good? wasn't she supposed to be washed up or something? First time I've listened to her in years and this thing is so good, where the hell has she been hiding this material at? xD

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      the intro track "Tasky" is really awesome xD but yeah I'm really liking "Mad World" and "Summer Love" after the initial listen. A lot of the songs were pretty good though, like I said I didn't feel like skipping anything while I was listening.

    2. Masamune


      Not listened to her in awhile, gonna give a listen. :)

    3. peffy


      Just listened to it.. my gut reaction is that it's mostly better than her recent stuff but her current voice/singing method still bug me. "Tasky" was the best (pretty much all of the "task" intro/interludes are great). I think I liked "Summer Love" & "You are the only one" the most. Also, I didn't recognize her on the album cover lol, she looks a lot older.

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