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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Well I was playing a lot of Witcher 3 but since the new patch that dropped yesterday broke every single damn mod I had installed, I'll be taking a break from that game and playing something else until all my mods are updated... maybe I'll restart that modded Deus Ex playthrough I was talking about the other day in the upcoming game thread. Other than that I've been playing Odin Sphere on and off the past few days. I'm also gonna be picking up Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE next week for the WiiU, so that's something I'll be playing a lot of soon.
  2. Original Saku

    Yes true but you also have to think not everyone has Windows 10 nor wants it (like me). I think the amount of money they would make from steam from people on older OS would offset the cut that valve takes honestly. Yeah and I understand that. Mainly the reason why this worries me the most is because I actually really respect EasyA and in particular I trust Bern Moore and Michael Damiani's views and opinions on games, especially Final Fantasy. I hope it was just a bad build that they played. Okay I just need to take a second and just say how much I appreciate Nintendo bringing this game over here, I'm so happy for this DQ love!
  3. Original Saku

    For anyone interested in this and clamoring for more info, here's the interview with Kojima himself after the sony conference.
  4. Original Saku

    That's actually a very great point that I didn't think of, multiplayer games will definitely be an issue, I'm interested to see how they will handle it. Personally none of that matters to me, I'm primarily a PC gamer, I own consoles for exclusives but I don't usually play multiplayer games on console because they just aren't very good for that due to performance etc. and the multiplayer games I do play on consoles aren't ones that I play competitively but more ones i play with friends for fun so.... I have no reason to buy these upgraded consoles because I have a PC that is still gonna outperform them and better graphics in exclusives is not a justified reason to shell out the money. So really I guess when it comes down to it and how you look at it, this is mainly a good thing for PC gamers since better graphics on consoles mean less graphic downgrades for us. Nice to see a new area finally, looks pretty awesome man this shit is nuts, looks fun as hell. airships fuck yeah!
  5. Original Saku

    yes you are correct, it won't be nearly as great as an actual generation bump since they aren't leaving the old hardware behind and that will affect the things that developers can't do mechanic wise, but graphic wise it will be virtually the same as a new generation iteration. We won't nearly see as many graphically gimped games as we have been seeing especially in PC games. Now we don't really know how they are going to be handling these games and how they will make them work on both the old and new hardware, so there's still a chance that they will be able to do more stuff mechanic wise with the newer hardware while having the different version for older hardware just without the new mechanics.... but yeah now that I think about that it doesn't sound very feasible though xD Regardless still a very good thing for the industry.
  6. Original Saku

    Yeah Microsoft's conference was actually a lot better than it has been in recent years, and believe it or not the Scorpio and the Neo (PS4K) are very good things for the industry as a whole just simply because we'll be getting another generation bump so soon after the last. Which means consoles get more powerful which means developers don't have to gimp their games as much which in the long run equals better games being made. Plus Microsoft putting all their exclusive games on Windows 10 is a bold move and I respect them for that even though I don't see why they just don't use fucking Steam like everyone else does... lol some pretty unsettling stuff for FFXV fans in the video below Man this sounds really rough, I'm definitely feeling scared for square right now after listening to this podcast and easyallies's experience with the game over this weekend and Judges week... hopefully like they say in the podcast maybe it was just something not gelling with them at the time or just a bad build of the game.... please don't let this be a bad game, hell I'll take just a good game... it doesn't have to be amazing just let it not be horrible.
  7. Original Saku

    For anyone interested here is a YouTube playlist I've made with every game trailer/reveal, gameplay demo, and interview I could find from E3 2016. It is quite a big playlist so... I'll be adding more stuff to this playlist as the week progresses.
  8. Original Saku

    hey I mean that's cool too, I'm just saying I'm not gonna be using it in my playthrough, although being able to precisely aim magic actually does sound useful/cool... I still think it will make the game a little too easy mode being able to freeze time at any moment, but I know not everyone thinks challenging = fun. moving on... I know I'm not the only one hype for this Open world Spiderman game being developed by Insomniac Games and it's totally separate universe from the upcoming movie.... Yes please! If anyone can make a good Spiderman game it will be Insomniac. ahh this game looks better and better each time I see it, you can definitely see the difference in graphical fidelity when you compare this to the first game, I'm so excited for this. Gravity Rush is such a sleeper hit and i love it to death
  9. Original Saku

    LOL that's cool sorta... I mean I won't use it because I like my games challenging and this just seems like a thing for casuals who aren't good at games I guess... like he says "this isn't just a way to make the game easier", but let's be real here, that's totally what it is... This thing is gonna make the game trivially easier. on second look, I really do like this trailer... there's a lot of really cool stuff going on in there.
  10. Original Saku

    bloodstained does look really good I give you that Here's the new Berseria trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EKKW2g1gP0 I'm really digging the tone of this trailer, I hope this is gonna be good... we really need a good Tales game. Also really liking the voice acting so far, I hope Bamco finally realizes we like dual audio in our games xD finally new NieR: Automata gameplay! Early 2017 hype! although I have a feeling it might get delayed past that date, this game has so much potential to be amazing.
  11. Original Saku

    I believe they worded it as a "rebirth" for the franchise in the interview I saw. for anyone interested here's the videos for the God of War demo they did last night and the interview they did after the conference.
  12. Original Saku

    Ubisoft press conference was actually the second best conference this year imo, and yeah there was some slow/low points but overall their conference had very good vibes which is very important I think. Aisha Tyler is awesome as well, she is probably one of the best things to ever happen to Ubisoft, she is so outgoing and passionate and you can really tell that she cares, I love her. presentation wise Ubisoft gets a 4/5 from me, the good vibes and just overall cheerfulness of their conference was a great reminder that you don't always have to do serious stuff at these things. Games wise it was a bit weaker... they showed off a lot of great games that I'm super hyped about (For Honor and Steep in particular) but then their was a few that fell flat in both the way they showed them off and just general excitement. more like 2.5-3/5 games wise I would say. yeah that was a bit weird but I'm trying to look at objectively and from that standpoint the dubstep probably wasn't the worst thing ever. Not to mention a lot of stuff happening in the actual trailer was pretty hype. I at least felt like I saw a lot of new stuff in the trailer that I hadn't seen before from the game, but then again I don't follow the game that heavily because I feel like we've already seen so much of that game that it really doesn't matter at this point. VR is a love hate thing, you either are super pumped for it or you don't give two shits about it. I'm in the camp that understands it's importance for the future as a technology and a platform but still hold a skepticism at the current form of the tech. with that said I do feel like Sony handled it very well, they showed what games they wanted to in very quick and to the point trailers, nothing too long, and most importantly no strange VR stage demos that look stupid and then moved on from it very quickly like how it should be. I was really surprised with Kojima's game being their in a trailer format, I did not think that we would get a trailer so that was very surprising. I knew that God of War was gonna be there, but that didn't prepare me for what was to come in that demo, so hype.... btw it's not a reboot, they said in an interview afterward that it's still in the same timeline and everything that happened in the previous game are still canon and that it's just been quite a few years have passed. Another game that surprised me was Days Gone, it looks great... but most surprising was the tech that was shown off in that gameplay demo at the end of the conference, the little zombie goblin monsters piling over each other scrambling and just destroying everything in their path... like holy shit, that is next gen to me, really impressive tech. The game that almost gave me a heart attack was Resident Evil 7, not in my wildest dreams did I think it was gonna be there, I had hunches that maybe we would see the Resident Evil 2 remake since it was already announced but never this. The greatest thing about that reveal is that I guarantee that no one in that theater or at home watching the stream had any idea that it was RE until the last few seconds which is genius on their part because that's how you turn heads at E3. I think a lot of people are gonna be confused though, I've already seen people thinking that RE7 is gonna be first person... no it's not. The demo will be first person, they're essentially doing the P.T. thing that Konami did. VR will be first person. The actual game will be third person over the shoulder like it always has been and that I'm 100% sure of. other than that the demo has me very excited just from a atmosphere standpoint, I can't wait for the true return of RE survival horror
  13. Original Saku

    Sony's conference was a 5/5 conference presentation wise, one of the best E3 press conferences I've seen in all these years I've been watching them, perfect pacing, just game after game, tons of game play and a deemphasis on chatter in between trailers and hardware specific crap. It was quick and to the point while still being epic in proportion and the things that they shouldn't of probably included but did anyways (skylanders and VR) were still executed extremely well in a timely manner that didn't bore us to death. They nailed it completely and definitely raised the bar for what E3 press conferences should be instead of the train wreck that was EA this year. Plus that orchestra was freaking amazing definitely a nice touch and just blows my mind to think of the experience in house while watching the trailers and then having the orchestra playing the background score to the trailers... like holy shit that had to be bone chilling. Game revel wise it still doesn't beat last years Sony conference, probably nothing will ever reach the heights of that trifecta, but every single game they showed off was a game I would play if given the chance (even COD and legos) and there wasn't a single trailer that really felt like "uhhhh what the hell is this crap?" or "why are they showing the game off like this?" which always seem to be present at most conferences, their game reveals had really good direction and we didn't get anything close to the fakeness of the Ghost Recon Wildlands game play demo we saw earlier in the day at Ubisoft or the eye rolling face palming bullshit that was EA's "behind the curtain" look at Mass Effect Andromeda and Star Wars... like no thank you EA we actually like the curtain, we don't need to see some artist (who's not a real artist btw *coughactorcough*) sitting at his desk clicking away supposedly making the game. You're just filling time in your trailer so we get to see less of the actual game and more of your bullshit, just show us the damn game! In comparison Sony killed it with every reveal and left me feeling satisfied at the end. Even Surprised me with a few and almost gave me a heart attack with one in particular. Good job and Jesus Christ I wonder how they will top this next year...
  14. Original Saku

    looks pretty good to me, but I like 3D CG in anime so.... yeah. really though CG anime has gotten a lot better in the past few years, this looks pretty good actually when you think about it in those terms
  15. Original Saku

    Are you not familiar with Vanillaware? George Kamitani? Ring any bells? games include Princess Crown, Odin Sphere, Grimgrimoire, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Dragon's Crown... Like seriously Vanillaware is highly touted as the vanguard of 2D side scrolling RPGs in the modern industry, without them the genre would have probably died a long time ago. Before they came into the industry the 2d genre was heavily stagnated graphically. While a huge 3D graphics focus was taking place at the time, Vanillaware and George Kamitani were able to evolve 2D graphics and visuals eventually into what it is today. Some of the most beautiful art and stories you will ever play will be Vanillaware games. In fact when Odin Sphere originally released on the PS2 in 2007 (at the end of the systems life cycle) it was considered the best looking game visually on the system by a lot of people and still is considered one of the most beautiful games of all time art wise. The $60 price is justified simply because the only way to play this game before now was to either buy a PS2 copy and play it on there or pirate it and play it on emulator. For such a Iconic game in Vanillaware's catalog to finally get a re-release on modern consoles coupling with the fact that it's actually a superb remaster with lots of quality of life improvements, and increased visuals (like I don't even know how that's even possible, the original was already one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen) and added mechanics all running at a smooth 60 frames per second without any performance hitches.... yeah I would say this remaster is more deserved of the sixty dollar price tag than most remasters. All I can say is give it a chance, maybe a few hours of play... the combat might be a tad on the repetitive side which is probably the only thing I can fault the game on but it's fun and to me that makes up for it. The story and art are the main draws for the game though, if after a few hours of play and you can't find anything to like in either then the game is just not for you, maybe try one of their other games instead since they all have distinct art and stories that differ from each other.
  16. Original Saku

    Recently got me a pair of Edifier Exclaim E10's for my computer setup Still burning them in right now, but I'm pretty impressed so far with the sound quality. For a pair of 2.0 computer speaker for under $100
  17. Original Saku

    Actually beat you to it already, played it late last year when GOG was doing a deal on the bundle... it holds up. Although I didn't complete my playthrough yet, I think I might restart it with the DX Revision mod/overhaul before mankind divided comes out... I just need to find the time. I really don't think the game needs a full on remake honestly, the original is a masterpiece but suffers from dated mechanics and tech, a remaster would work perfectly... something along the lines of upgraded textures and models with revamped mechanics with quality of life changes would do just nicely in my opinion. Don't get me wrong though, if Edios Montreal were to announce a remake at E3 next week I would be hype and stoked for it, but I would also be very afraid for them because remaking such an influential game like that is just inherently scary I believe.... like the pressure on them would be huge!
  18. Original Saku

    mini games? what mini games? A remaster of the original deus ex would be wonderful, now a remake? no thank you... I don't want them touching that masterpiece.
  19. Original Saku

    Deus ex: Mankind Divided 17 minute gameplay demo with Developer Commentary Jesus... I need this game now, thank god it's only a few months away... I hope it doesn't get a delay (again), Probably my most anticipated game right now for 2016
  20. Original Saku

  21. Original Saku

    I don't even really care that the protag is black, I'm more interested in the San Fransisco setting with the tech centric vibes the area brings with it and the troll/meme/internet imagery and vibe they've gone with dedsec this time around... really caught my eye. I hope there's not as much shooting in this one as well, or at least if I don't want to go guns blazing I hope there are more options this time around.
  22. Original Saku

    hey I respect that. don't let anyone tell you otherwise While I'm not particular happy with the first Watch Dogs actually I was quite disappointed with it, but I will admit this game is starting to look a lot better... I can't help to be a little interested with the direction their going. I'm gonna keep an open mind, especially since Ubisoft actually does have a track record with releasing really bad games but awesome sequels. btw here's the longer video that has a lot more info if you interested. there was also an announcement trailer for Injustice 2 I'm interested in what the hell is going on with the all the transforming suits xD is that gonna be a thing in the actual game?
  23. Original Saku

    such an underrated game in my opinion have fun !
  24. Original Saku

    ODIN SPHERE LEIFTHRASIR My god this game is so wonderful! I've forgotten how fun and beautiful this game is... truly Vanillaware at it's absolute best, I's so wonderful how it feels like your are playing/reading a story book and the art is just breath taking, sometimes I find myself having to stop in between the action to just observe the beautiful backgrounds and character art. Of course this is a remaster and in that regard it is great one at that, every single bit of the game feels improved over the original PS2 version and it just makes a already great game into a even more amazing game. Also playing this game at 60fps feels butter smooth like a 9 year game should obviously. final verdict: Worth it! x1000
  25. Original Saku

    Well dual audio hasn't been announced yet but it could be included, Square has been doing dual audio on a lot of their games lately so.... but to be totally honest the English voices from that trailer are not the worst I've heard. They are not teribad or anything, a few really annoying ones here and there but overall it seems that it's at least bearable and includes somewhat of a decent effort.
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