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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Sent ^^
  2. Original Saku

    Sorry for the lateness, but Happy B-day Para-chan <3
  3. Original Saku

    Oh man you reminded me that I need to get back to my PC playthrough, I stopped back in late march due to Dark Souls release... but yes DD is so good, and the PC port was really well done. I really hope Capcom will consider making a proper sequel that is not a MMO, or hell I don't even care if it's a MMO just localize if here please
  4. Original Saku

    lol good for you, I never finished it myself... just couldn't bring myself to go back to it, after taking a break xD I got pretty far though and yeah it wasn't that good. I hoping that Berseria can redeem the series.
  5. Original Saku

    Wow. If that's true then damn... that is just scummy as shit.
  6. Original Saku

    news round up time! 2nd week of May 2016 Gonna start trying to do one of these round up post at least once a week from now on, let me know if this is useful to anybody
  7. Original Saku

    The collection is totally worth it, great remasters. Also don't worry about difficulty, you can just turn down the difficulty slider to a setting that's more your pace and just enjoy the game story wise from there on out
  8. Original Saku

    Borderlands is definitely one of the best co-op FPS games you found a good one for sure. I remember sitting down and playing borderlands 1 couch co-op with a buddy of mine back in the day, and it was so much fun we literally sat on that couch all night until the next morning playing, was probably like a 13-15 hour session or some shit... it overall is one of my fondest memories in co-op gaming right next to all the Super Smash Bros and 007: Golden Eye overnight sessions me and my childhood friends had. I'm currently tearing into Uncharted 4 and my god this game is a technical marvel I swear. Naughty Dog must have some god damn coding/programming wizards over there or something because this fucking thing just runs and looks too good... you could show this game to some random gamer who knows nothing about uncharted and I'm most certain they would mistake it for a PC game graphics wise and performance wise as well. Other than that the story has been on point, and I have to say they have done a damn good job making the game feel like your playing a movie without feeling like your not in control or that you're sitting through a lot of cut scenes, the game cinematic wise is just terrific. Game play has overall improved ten fold over the last game, platforming is much more smooth and complex when it comes to how you can move, also the grappling hook mechanic adds a whole new dimension to platforming and even combat as well. Speaking of combat that shit feels amazing, what I mean is the guns are just so nice feeling... in past games the guns always felt a bit unrealistic and maybe a bit arcade-y but here they have definitely gone with the realistic approach and every gun feels unique and also sounds real for that matter as well.. which brings us to the sound design, absolutely spectacular, not only are the sound effects just on point but the soundtrack/score has been positively delightful, and then the voice work is just on a whole another level. The dynamic between Nolan North and Troy Baker is something to marvel at, not only are they both what most people consider the two leading protag voice actors in the industry, but they both are veterans in the trade as well, and when they come together in this game as Nathan Drake (Nolan North) and Samuel Drake (Troy Baker) as reunited brothers I can attest this is what I would call magic.
  9. Original Saku

  10. Original Saku

    Oh shit! They're coming to Nashville? Hell yeah, I'll be going for sure
  11. Original Saku

    That's nice to know, I do plan on reading the manga just for fun when I can get a chance.
  12. Original Saku

    That's awesome! I'm glad you liked it as much as I did, I actually heard that the manga is even better and apparently has a different ending... For some reason the anime opted to not use the manga ending, which is sorta weird xD
  13. Original Saku

    Ah so pretty much everything that put the series on the map you hate? XD lol I can agree with the voice acting complaint, I'm a avid hater of English dubs and almost always prefer the Japanese instead, but with that said Persona has had not the worst dubbing I've seen and I would hate myself if I hadn't played them just because of that. to each his own I suppose, but It really sounds like you are more into "traditional" RPGs, Persona is definitely not a traditional RPG it does a lot of things different from the games of old.
  14. Original Saku

    Damn sucks to hear that your experience was lessened because of rude people, honestly if it was me I would have snapped on dude... really though snoring? that's not cool.
  15. Original Saku

    Yeah it's inevitable that they will be compared since they are the two biggest JRPG franchises that are popular over here in the west. I agree that XV's UI is really boring, I feel like they tried to go for something really minimalist with it and just went a little too minimal xD Just curious but why don't you like Persona? Bad experience? don't like turn based? turned off by the Pokemon style persona collecting? Most people that have played the series that I know always seem to enjoy it on some level.
  16. Original Saku

    I think it looks pretty good myself, it matches the aesthetic that they have going for the game and honestly this is Persona, they don't really do things by the book like you'd expect from other big franchises (FF, DQ, ect.) If you go back and look at P3 & P4 UI you'll also see some of that same chaotic nature a bit in those games, but it seems this time around they went full in with it since the game itself this time around seems a lot more over the top and in your face then past games. Regardless we'll just have to see when we play it how awesome/annoying the UI is Also I called it, Persona will be competing with FFXV in the same release window... well at least in Japan, although I assume the western release won't be more than a month or two after Japanese release... I hope xD they did a good job of waiting to announce their date until after FF announced theirs. I'm gonna take a bet and say that a lot of the people who are upset over XV's action oriented turn baseless game play will be getting P5 instead.
  17. Original Saku

    I guess I just found the movie to be weird... in a good way though but definitely very surreal. I thought it was a very good movie regardless, just it sorta gave me this freaky vibe xD going to see it tonight, so excited people have been praising the shit out of it
  18. Original Saku

    Yeah I need a translation of these videos like ASAP
  19. Original Saku

    They're one of my personal faves for sure. Some people might argue that they were better before going major, but in all honesty they've never put out a terrible album, all of their albums have been at least decent imo. Just a really consistent band that appeals to a lot of indie/alternative rock heads. Also not a lot people realize that they've actually been around since 2003...
  20. Original Saku

    YES YES YES! This looks so good, and might I add sounds even better Sept. 15 released date for JP, still no date for the west, but I assume we'll get that at E3 in a month.
  21. And this is exactly why I don't use apple products nor download their shitty software... never have trusted them never will trust them.
  22. Original Saku

    Yeah it sucks, but nothing a little https://www.proxfree.com/ can't help
  23. Original Saku

    Sounds pretty great! can't wait for the album
  24. Original Saku

    According to my last.fm; inspire:tion amazarashi 凛として時雨 ONE OK ROCK GARNiDELiA cinema staff アルカラ 八十八ヶ所巡礼 Galileo Galilei ACIDMAN but that's not really all that accurate... considering I reset my scrobbles back in January of 2015 effectively cutting out 8 years of scrobbles from the data xD
  25. Original Saku

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