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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Some people just love drama on the internet man, it's a part of troll culture. They feed off all the negativity and stupidity. The thing is there's such a thing as "good" drama that is legitimately funny like the Kisaki thread or the gay Egyptian thread from TW days and then there's "bad" drama like this that is just nothing but a big ball of negativity and does nothing but hurt the community. But sad thing is trolls don't discriminate between the two, it's all the same in their eyes, anything to keep the flames alive and the hate flowing.
  2. Original Saku

    While I haven't agreed with the way Trombe does things I do respect and appreciate all the years of hard work they have contributed to the forum, I'm sure you will be missed. Good luck in all of your future endeavors, whether that means moving on to something else or returning here.
  3. Original Saku

    You actually can use the PS4 controller with PS3, either by using a cable or with a bit more setup you can get it to work wireless through bluetooth... http://www.cinemablend.com/games/PS4-DualShock-4-Can-Become-Wireless-PS3-Controller-Here-How-Do-It-65034.html
  4. Original Saku

    Yes. If you're a hardcore batman fan (and I don't just mean the movies) Arkham Asylum and Arkham City are considered the best batman games to ever come out and the best super hero video games to be released. If you're not so much a comic fan and just maybe have a mild interest in batman, maybe seen some of the movies, but are a action game lover then I would still say that they are worth playing through because they have one of the most addicting and fun combat and combo system in gaming as well. If none of those things interest you then it might not be for you. Play 1 first and then 0. Normally I would recommend playing them in order of release and not timeline, but that would require you to play 2 and 3 before 0 since that's how they we're released. I'm assuming though that is not an option, so the next best thing is to just play 1 first and then 0.
  5. Original Saku

    Like @YuyoDrift said Okami is one of the best games to come out in the past 10 years, definitely worth a play if you've never experienced it. I would personally urge you to play Divinity: Original Sin as it's probably the single best CRPG in over a decade and many people consider it the game that saved/ is saving the genre in modern times. A really great role playing game that has a lot of personality and great things going on and still holds onto the genre's roots. Also I don't know if this is a factor for you but it has co-op as well, which is always fun an extra pick would be Batman Arkham Asylum, as it's the best superhero game ever released. and if you are a batman fan then it's pretty much a must play that should not be ignored. I know right? lol my consoles are severely underused these past few weeks XD
  6. Original Saku

    I Am Setsuna Started playing earlier today, I'm about 5 hours in right now and... loving every damn minute of it honestly. I'm really digging this game and it's throwback style and beautiful scenery. The music is god tier and as of right now is probably my favorite VG soundtrack I've listened to this year. This game is just scratching that old school JRPG itch right now in ways that I didn't even know were possible xD I'm very impressed with Tokyo RPG Factory right now with this being a very solid first game from them. Gonna continue playing before I really pass judgment on the game, because we all know that opinions can easily change in a 30+ hour JRPG, but as of right now I'm pleasantly enjoying this game so much.
  7. Original Saku

    I'll try to make it if I can... It's EVO weekend so I don't know for sure xD
  8. Original Saku

    LOL I was pretty on point xD I just rough estimated that shit
  9. Original Saku

    Man I have just the biggest smile on my face right now I love Terry Crews and this was just awesome to watch, I love to see the enthusiasm for PC gaming and the fact that hes gonna learn how to build it himself instead of paying somebody else is just awesome (because let's be real, he totally has enough money to pay somebody). Mad respect and a little bit of jealousy because damn that's gonna be one bad ass rig when it's done, he didn't skimp on parts, were talking probably somewhere in the ballpark estimate of $4,000 for all that stuff he showed off. I guess go big or go home xD
  10. Original Saku

  11. Original Saku

    I pity people who think Pokemon is just for kids that shit came out in 1995, original fans are now of at least adult age and some are 30+ years. I'm willing to bet there's more adults over the age of 20 that play Pokemon than there are kids under the age of 20. In fact I'm almost certain most kids under the age of 10 don't even know what Pokemon is because their too busy playing minecraft or whatever it's called. Sure Pokemon is targeted at kids, but Nintendo would be crazy to think that's where their market resides XD You're never too old for Pokemon, we have grown with the franchise over the past 20 years and we will continue to do so for the next 20 years.
  12. Original Saku

    Finished Wolfenstein The New Order and started Rise Of The Tomb Raider
  13. Original Saku

    my body is fucking ready!
  14. Original Saku

    To put it as simple as possible. A Pokemon game on mobile. just minus the story elements. Instead we got a gimped game with micro transactions, but anyone could have seen this coming, mobile games by nature are gimped. They are targeted at the casual market and thus are not very deep nor fun in the enjoyable sense, but in the addictive sense. So to answer your question I was hoping for something less shallow and truly enjoyable. This all is more of a wider issue than just Pokemon GO but the mobile game industry as a whole. I don't want to be that guy but I will if it means one less person will fall victim to the scummy politics and nature of mobile game companies. Again I'm not talking about Pokemon GO right now, so don't jump down my throat please XD
  15. Original Saku

    I finished my hard pacifist/non-lethal run of Deus ex Human Revolution, it twas really great.... reminded me of all the things that were awesome about that game and also the things that were not so awesome. Looking forward to Mankind Divided now more than ever! My modded Witcher 3 playthrough is still on hold due to a few mods that still need to be updated to the latest patch :/ Since I finished deus ex I finally decided to get around to start playing Wolfenstein The New Order and damn this game is so good! People have been telling me for years that they really hit it out the park with this game and I just sorta kept putting it off, but damn I'm digging the game so much right now. I have sort of a guilty confession, and that's that I never completed Fire Emblem Awakening for the 3DS... yeah i know i know. Well no more because I'm knee deep in a new save file right now and I plan to take it all the way and rectify this great misdeed. And yes after I'm done I'll probably buy Fates. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is still going strong and I'm loving every minute of it, It is such a solid RPG and it most definitely is scratching that persona itch. Quite honestly the best JRPG I've played this year so far and in fact probably the best JRPG on the WiiU. Furi on the PS4 one of the free games this month for PS+ and damn has this game really just charmed the hell out of me. I love the afro samurai / samurai 7 sci-fi look and vibes this game is giving off, and the combat as a mix of hack n slash bullet hell mechanics is just wonderful. Great game that I would of easily payed 20 bucks for, for free. good job.
  16. Original Saku

    just an opinion. I was disappointed in the game and that's all my fault for setting my expectations too high.
  17. Original Saku

    Hey @finnthesubhuman if you just want to check out new stuff and branch out to new things, go check out our monthly recommended tracks thread, It's full of all kinds of different music both vk and non-vk and overall is a great way to find new stuff to listen to. I'll link you below. that's the one from last month and you can find past ones in the same sub forum. Happy listening
  18. Original Saku

    dumb game is dumb, I'd sooner just play actual pokemon... what's even the point? With that said I do realize that their is a market for this game outside of people like me, I'm just extremely disappointed by all the lost opportunities and what this could of been... instead it's a shallow brainless mobile game with no reason to keep playing after the first few times other than the scummy "addictive" nature of it all. Hopefully after some updates they will be able to change my mind, but I highly doubt it. /opinions
  19. Original Saku

    I believe we usually start at around 8pm GMT.... Which is like 2-3pm CST (my timezone)
  20. Original Saku

    I'm right there with you man! We should convert everybody to our side XD
  21. Original Saku

    Is everyone down for the usual free-for-all Sunday session tomorrow?
  22. Original Saku

    I think the correct question is what happened to Visual Kei? Because Japanese rock as a whole is fine and thriving, It's just that VK is extremely short lived to the point where most bands form and disband within a few years of time. It's the main reason why I drifted away from the scene and found love in other areas of Jrock. In my opinion it's just not worth getting involved and attached to these VK bands much less spend money on them when they could disband at the drop of a hat. VK just hasn't been the same since 2007-2008.
  23. Original Saku

    lol... that's because the current forum was built upon the old TW.net archive from back in 2007, so there's a lot of older posts. There should be a huge time blank gap somewhere in the posts where we were on one of the other TW iterations that wasn't brought over. Take your time to get up to speed
  24. Original Saku

    Welcome back! I remember you from TW era, long time no see also added you on last.fm
  25. Original Saku

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