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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

  2. Anybody still around for dub? I'll be chilling in the room for a little while if anybody wants to drop by and spin some tunes. https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434

    1. doombox


      I'm able to hop back on now if you're still there!

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yes we've got a little group going!

    3. YuyoDrift
  3. Original Saku

    Man the Netflix MCU is so good, I can't believe they are actually doing series like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage... this one looks to be the best yet. I can't wait to see what they'll be able to do with Iron Fist and the Punisher next.
  4. Original Saku

    Yeah but you can still get it if you look hard enough, I suggest checking out the AM2R subreddit. It's really no surprise, Nintendo is so draconian when it comes to things like this, I'm sure he knew that it wouldn't be long before a DMCA was filed. Now what I'm really hoping is that this isn't going to affect him releasing update patches for the game, because before the DMCA notice there was talk of patches. The damage has already been done, Nintendo really didn't accomplish anything with the DMCA because the game has had ample time to circulate , Mainly thanks to all the main stream news outlets hyping it up, and if you don't have it yet it's trivial to find out how to get it. A DMCA can't do shit when it's being shared through a magnet link and a hundred different people are all seeding it on different PCs LOL.
  5. Original Saku

    ^ lol really? XD that's pretty funny
  6. Original Saku

    I've been reading a lot more manga lately, here's my currently reading list. Akame ga Kill! (this is my shit! so much better than the shitty anime, darker and bloodier as well. but Jesus the monthly release is killing me xD) Akame ga Kill! Zero Berserk (I started this back up a few weeks ago and fully got caught up) Bleach D.Gray-man (also recently started reading this again since Hoshino seems to be doing somewhat often releases again) Horimiya (My obligatory Romcom manga, but no srsly go read it. It's so cute.) JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (I'm in the middle of re-reading the earlier parts for fun since it's been so long) Kagerou Daze (I don't really know whats going on with this one, there hasn't been a new chapter in a while) Nanatsu no Taizai (One of my favorite manga's at the moment, good all shounen battle manga. It's getting really hype right now too) One Piece One Punch-Man (Epic hilarity, although I'm getting annoyed at the weird release schedule xD) Prison School (Hands down one of the funniest and lewdest manga you'll ever read. So good! although the current arc has been dragging on for a bit right now) Rakudai Kishi no Calvary (not a bad Romcom school battle harem manga. It has it's moments, I love how boss the protag is.) Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (Started this one because I read the light novel, but yeah not so great when compared) Tsuyokute New Saga (Started this one on a friends rec, it's not too bad. It has a very classic feeling to it and some of the things that happen can be a bit unpredictable) I'm looking to start reading HunterxHunter again soon, and maybe another new series.
  7. Original Saku

    manga is ending next chapter. Really sudden. Especially after Kubo has been dragging this last arc out for so long. I expected him to at least stretch it out till chapter 700 xD but nope next chapter is the last apparently. I sorta feel like this might be a troll in some way because when he announced it being the last chapter he also mentioned some kind of "special" announcement too.... I'm gonna shit if he's like "Surprise! spin-off manga coming next year!" LOL gonna pull a naruto on us.
  8. Original Saku

    Oh dude you have to continue, after this weeks episode I am convinced that this show is doing things for me that other series have never done. I am so invested right now it's crazy, don't get me wrong their was some rough patches along the way, but I am so glad I stuck through. Now I realize that those rough spots that annoyed me at first or put me off was something that was done on purpose just for this one single moment that the show is currently at... and now it's like I don't even mind anymore or to be more precise I understand and accept it now. I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that the build up is ridiculous all to one single moment where it's beyond despair and just absolute futility, and then you think that this is it. There's no way it can get worse but you'd be wrong it gets way worse than you could of ever imagined, all the way to rock bottom. And then it happens. Like a golden ray of sunshine bursting through the clouds on a stormy day, hope. There is hope. They really played the long game with this arc, and took great risks. I just can't believe it. AOTY. Ah wth.... Episode of the Year.
  9. Original Saku

    Visual Novels have puzzles and mini games all the time incorporated into their core mechanics. I think the thing with Ace Attorney is that it's quite a well known and popular series. While in Comparison most VN's are niche and lower budget affairs, so you wouldn't normally associate it with them especially if you don;t have a good grasp on what a VN is in the first place. But to answer your question, yes. I personally consider Ace Attorney to be a visual novel with puzzle mechanics.
  10. Like it wasn't already a shitty enough series before... jeez now it's really gonna be a shit show.
  11. Original Saku

    Idk I stopped watching the anime whenever this bullshit filler started around episode 430.... really what's the point? I've already finished the manga, so I know what happens and the anime is shit compared to it, plus I have to sit through 30 episodes of low budget filler.. fuck that. Studio Pierrot is just milking fans at this point, they have no reason to drag out this shit even more when the manga been completed for over a year now.
  12. Original Saku

    Yeah I know that's why I'm excited for it, there was tons of gameplay demos during E3 for it that showed what it really was. If somebody had the wrong idea about the game then that's there fault for not actually delving deeper than a trailer. Most people I've seen with negative opinions are people who had the wrong idea about the game and people who don't like survival indie games.... so yeah big surprise there. The game looks awesome though, and there's a lot about it that's pretty unique. I'm excited for it, I hope I can get access to the beta sometime before release. What interests me the most is the procedural generated stuff they were talking about and the setting for the world... like what the fuck is going on and why is shit so messed up?
  13. Original Saku

    Listen, the trick is to not care what other people think, just do you and don't worry about it. If you have a particular opinion about something and someone else doesn't agree or is being overly sensitive or rude towards you because of it, then my biggest advice is to simply agree to disagree with them or ignore it altogether and get on with your day. your always gonna find people who disagree with you, the important part is understanding that's just how life is and that you shouldn't feel bad about voicing your opinion whether it's an unpopular one or not.
  14. Original Saku

    Yeah this looks wonderful, reminds me of a open world Devil May Cry with some FF character inspiration. Good stuff. Just goes to show what you can accomplish by applying yourself and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, oh and a good engine to work with This guy obviously has skills and knows the ins and outs of game development, but I've seen a lot of people praising him for being able to make a "full game" in only 2 years when it takes teams of 200 people or more way longer to make games that look not as good.... I just want to clarify the game is not complete, nowhere near in fact. It took him 2 years to make this trailer. It would take one person a sizeable chunk of their life to make a game of this scale to completion, lets say something akin to the size of the upcoming FFXV would take one person a decade or more to do on their own. I just wanted to point that out because lot's of people who have only seen the trailer and not properly dug deeper are under this strange assumption that this guys is putting game companies around the world to shame or some shit xD. Which brings me to the elephant in the room, will this game be completed in a timely manner? who knows? maybe. maybe not. I can only speculate that the goal of this trailer is to get the word out with the intentions to start a kick starter or a publisher to take the reigns and fund it along with a team to work on it. We Happy Few looks balls to the wall insane and it's definitely on a lot of peoples radars after it's great showing at E3 this year.
  15. Original Saku

    Jesus, I can't wait for that new album
  16. Original Saku

    Quantum Leap is my shit. must watch TV series if your into sci-fi and time travel !
  17. Original Saku

    Well technically it's filler, but relevant filler since it has to do with the new movie that just came out in Japan, also there was a 2 hour special that just aired last week that was sorta a prequel to the new movie. It's called One Piece: Heart of Gold and it's not bad, check it out if your interested... it's pretty much a movie on it's own. At least the One Piece manga is amazing compared to the latest bleach manga chapters.... that shit is so bad it's really getting hard to continue it.
  18. Original Saku

    yeah it's unreal how may games are coming out in the Sept.-Nov. time frame that I'm gonna be getting. Destiny: Lords of Iron Dragon Quest VII Final Fantasy XV Mafia 3 Battlefield 1 The Last Guardian Dishonored 2 and those are just the ones that I've definitely decided on getting, there's still grey area games like Titan Fall 2 and Watchdogs 2 that I want to play as well but are on the fence about... too much
  19. Original Saku

    Dude I really want to get World of Final Fantasy, it looks cute as fuck and seems like a good time sink for FF fans and possibly a replacement for people who aren't into XV, but it comes out the same day as The Last Guardian.... man that's such a bummer.
  20. Original Saku

    Jesus do you know how long it would take me to compile a list like this... I'd be at it for months XD
  21. Original Saku

    Get further in before you call it generic, because The second and third arcs are where it's at in that show. It has really impressed me on a lot of fronts, characters have been so wonderful and I can't think of the last time I've been so enamored with certain characters that I really care about whats gonna happen to them next. Also that brings me to my sheer awe of the voice work in this show, it's god tier, especially the main protags. They have done an excellent job getting across the sheer terror the protag goes through with just the voice work and the face animation, I've been really impressed so far. animation has been pretty well done as well so far. Music has also been really great and reflects the seriousness f some scenes very well, plus I'm addicted to a lot of the catchy animu themes that this show has going on. but I digress there are some generic things like certain characters and plot lines, but the rest makes up for those I believe. I'd say the show's biggest weakness might be the goofy scenes that the protag forces onto himself but I can forgive it because it actually has plot significance considering that's his way of coping with what's happening to him. Best part of the show in my opinion is how real the protag feels and his reactions and feelings that he is having seem more realistic to me than most anime protagonists. He has an ego, and pride , and sadness, and fear, and lust, and greed. They do a really good job of representing these very human feelings in a lot of the scenes to the point where sometimes I can see myself reacting in the same manner if I was in his shoes. Not many anime have characters that can do that I think. A very interesting show for sure, I hope you can make your way through it and maybe discuss what your take on all these things are.
  22. Original Saku

    Yeah the camera is teribad in that game. if it wasn't for the camera it would be a 10/10 game imo. Still though try to get used to it as type-0 is the best FF game in a decade since XII.
  23. Original Saku

    I don't think they will go the same route they've been going. I definitely believe that they want to change the third party support for the consoles. Now whether they will be able to capture the third party developers is a whole different matter. But they have to know by no that what they've been doing is not working. Yeah I think the dock for the machine will definitely add more power to the device, I think that this might be where the cloud computing from earlier rumors might come into play. Or maybe it will have a totally separate graphics processor just for the home side of things. But until Nintendo themselves announce all this themselves I'm just gonna treat most of this as just pure speculation.
  24. Original Saku

    Sounds very interesting. Color me intrigued. I will most likely get one if it's gonna be the replacement to the 3DS, as I love handheld gaming. If it's not and more of it's own thing then I'll just have to see how it turns out I suppose. I am very interested in the whole docking procedure and if it'll will include the cloud computing that was previously rumored to make the home experience more of a... well home experience xD I do find it quite interesting, before everybody had it pegged as a home console that had the ability to be taken on the go as a mobile handheld, but now with this news it seems that's not true and it's the exact opposite. A Mobile handheld that can become a home console... So they are in fact focusing on making it a better handheld than a home console perhaps? I can see this being really a low blow to a lot of Nintendo fans, as I know from experience a lot people don't care about handheld gaming and even though it will have the ability to be used as a home console on your tv, I can't help but to think a lot of people are gonna pissed off if that home experience is not a good as the handheld on or for instance if it's not as good as some other home experiences such as PS4 and X1. Which brings me to my no.1 concern and that is gonna be graphics. This thing is gonna have a Tegra in it which will by far make it the best and most powerful handheld system on the market without a doubt, but will it be able to compete with the PS4 and X1. I can see it now, the backlash if this system comes out and it's not better looking than consoles that came out 4 years ago.... people are gonna have a shit fit and overall it will be bad for Nintendo and will probably kill third party support. Best thing they have going for them after this news, is that they are basically combining their handheld and home market together, which will effectively boost their catalog and the amount of games coming out for this thing. The idea of this is also what I consider the most exciting of this news. and alone this could be enough for them to grab a lot of third party developers who are interested in making handheld experiences that can also be enjoyed on the TV and vice versa. This is all based on rumors and unofficially confirmed sources so we'll just have to see. but If this is all true it will definitely be interesting to see it all pan out. EDIT; also fuck yeah to the return of cartridges and Android OS! This thing could be ridiculous if the modding/hacking community can crack it open, and then we can do all sorts of cool stuff since android is technically open sourced.
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