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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Man it feels so good being off of work  for the next few days. Perfect timing as well since the new downy album just dropped. Time to get some quality music listening in :)

    1. CAT5


      Enjoy bruh. Definitely keen to know how you like the album!

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I've only listened once through so far, but my initial impressions are; It's really gud XD

  2. happy B-day bro! keep being awesome <3

  3. Original Saku

    Ah shit! that was so good, only 2 more days
  4. Original Saku

    I highly doubt they will continue with a new vocalist, this has to be a tribute or something else entirely.
  5. Original Saku

    Fucking fantastic news, while I really enjoyed their movie soundtrack, there's nothing like an original album. I can't wait
  6. Original Saku

    very interesting, this could either turn out really great or really bad...
  7. Original Saku

    Naw don't worry about it, I'll grab it when it gets closer to release, I don't have the time right now anyways. I'll probably buy it full price at launch just because it's in that sweet spot for video game releases where there's really nothing better to play for the rest of December. I'm honestly not that put off by all the hype surrounding the game. I learned a long time ago how to keep my expectations in check, that's one reason why I enjoyed and still am enjoying No Man's Sky. I don't let unrealistic popular opinion sway me or load my expectations too high, I just try to see the game for what it is and not for what it's not, and also to see the intent of the creator. So yeah I do think it's ridiculous how much media attention and advertisement FFXV is getting, but I'm still somewhat interested regardless. I'll probably be one of those people who think the game is pretty good (unless it has shit optimization xD) when it comes out, while other people lament over how it's not what they expected/wanted and throw bitchfits about how SE screwed them and lied to them. (which is pretty much the norm in today's industry)
  8. Original Saku

    idk a lot of people have told me that watching the anime and movie has only increased their excitement for the game and have recommended doing so before the game comes out... I haven't yet, but I probably will. I expect it to be at least fun to play, I don't know if It's gonna be GOTY worthy , that in itself is a huge undertaking with great games like Quantum Break, Dark souls 3, DOOM, Uncharted 4, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, ect to compete against... but I have a certain level of skepticism and hope for the game. From what I've seen of the game it looks pretty awesome, for me what's gonna make or break the game is performance. It is so important that this game is able to run at a smooth frame rate with no stutters, hell that's pretty much the most important thing for any fast moving real time action game like this. I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason they delayed the game 2 months is so they can work on performance and optimize the game to run smoother.
  9. I gotta say I was a little more than skeptical, but this new MIYAVI album is killing it right now for me. I'm really enjoying it. Who would of thought?

    1. Hakari


      Same, it is super impressive. I went into it with zero expectations and have really enjoyed it.

    2. Jigsaw9


      Yay, more love for tha Fiya Biiird~ :3 

  10. Original Saku

    Not gonna lie, some of those environments looked downright stunning, If they look that good in game when it launches then that will truly be impressive.
  11. Well it's official, my reign and terror as a 'NEET' is finally over... It was a good run guys, but there comes a time when all good things must come to an end and yeah bills and shit happened too :lol:

    1. CAT5


      Good luck on your journey, saku!

    2. Chi


      oh no we lost a soldier! good luck saku-sama :(

  12. Original Saku

    Primarily video games and computer stuff, like parts, and food because I like food... yeah
  13. Original Saku

    YES! bring it on Mono, my body is ready
  14. Original Saku

    Hello and Welcome to the forum! Even if your not very into J-music this community has plenty to offer you in other discussions threads like the ones that can be found in our Entertainment and General Discussion sub-forums. On the other hand if you'd like a easy way to discover/sample Japanese music and find new music, you should check out our monthly 'Recommended Tracks' threads which can be found in the staff review sub-forum, here's the link to last months if you are interested; This month's (August) 'Recommended Tracks' should go live in the next day as well, so keep a look out if you want. If you ever need any help please feel free to contact a blue or red named member and we would be glad to help you out. Welcome to the community
  15. Original Saku

    That's nice news, I'm also a really big fan of the Ezio games so I'll probably pick this up at some point... I agree November is a very busy time for games this year. Here's some more gameplay from Watch Dogs 2 It's looking like a definite improvement over the first game, I still think co-op looks like a lot of fun. Also here's a interview with Hajime Tabata about Final Fantasy XV
  16. Original Saku

    lolololol yes. yard sales and garage sales are my mother's weaknesses, not to mention she recently discovered the magic of facebook sales posts
  17. Original Saku

    omg! Someone else who knows my pain xD I hate it as well
  18. Original Saku

    lol, I'm sorta indifferent as well, while his last album Fantastic Magic was decent and had some great tunes, all his music since then has not really been grabbing me in the same way... I'm hoping that he can surprise me with some catchy tunes
  19. Yo this is some great news, "0" is still one of my favorite albums and I still put it on rotation regularly. looking forward to new music from her
  20. Original Saku

    Yeah I seen the new video earlier this morning, sounds decent... we'll have to see
  21. Original Saku

    It just means that your taste has become more refined or focused over the years, so it takes more to truly impress you. You can listen to something and think "that sounds pretty solid" but if it doesn't leave a lasting impression or doesn't do anything different that grabs you then obviously it isn't AOTY material, even though it wasn't necessarily bad. I've started to become more refined in my musical tastes as well lately (obviously nowhere near your level of musical preference tho) but I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, just the natural evolution of my tastes. anyways I'm gonna stalk your list for music that I haven't checked out , as I'm sure there's a bunch of hidden goodies in there
  22. Original Saku

    They should have shown them 90's VK like Malice Mizer, then 00's like the Gazette or Alice Nine, and then showed them something from the past few years. that way they could of gotten at least a bit of an idea of the different eras and sounds that are associated with them. This was still hilarious though, it's so obvious that none of these people are music heads outside of mainstream radio crap other than the guy in the Pokemon shirt... he actually seemed to have some knowledge and it's pretty funny how into it he was XD
  23. Original Saku

    Shit is finally starting to get good again in the manga.
  24. Original Saku

    Decided to watch Criminal last night and.... it was a lot better than I was expecting! I really enjoyed Kevin Costner in this grizzled action role honestly, I hope he explores doing roles like this more often. Oh and he's a beast in this movie, so savage and gives no fucks. Good movie night material for when you just want to watch some grizzled murder and action.
  25. Original Saku

    It was obvious they were going for the shock value of those videos xD
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