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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    yeah overseas prices on these things are retarded, I'm with you there.
  2. Original Saku

    It's a 1070, picked it up for 430 US dollars... so it's not that bad considering at launch the 970 was $399 and this card basically outperforms 2 of them in SLI for $30 more and is for all intensive purposes mostly the equivalent to a Titan X for $600 less. check out the RX 480 man, it's looking pretty sweet. The only thing is to even be able to match nvidia cards you have to crossfire 2 of them and that might be an issue with some games. I always go for the more powerful card over the multiple less powerful cards in SLI/CF because games tend to always work better on a single gpu compared to multiple. I will say though that the 480 is extremely competitive right now at it's price point. Two of them in CF will destroy the 1070 nine times out of ten and is closer to being up there with a 1080.
  3. Original Saku

  4. Original Saku

    I haven't played resurrection but I've played the psp version of god eater which resurrection is an enhanced version of.... great game, really awesome if you're a fan of monster hunter like games and the anime style. I would say it's worth it.
  5. Original Saku

    No you're not the only one, I also really liked this EP ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Original Saku

    that season finale was intense!
  7. Original Saku

    The Vita is dope, there's a good amount of quality games to be played on them if you are a niche gamer, not so much though if you want the big triple A titles.... Plus you can have access to the PS1 and PSP library as well, and down the line you could always mod it and install Custom firmware and really open up the possibilities of the device.
  8. Original Saku

    Playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut atm. Started a new save file, this time around I'm doing a hacking/non lethal playthrough on the hardest difficulty This game still feels really fun even though its my 3rd? 4th? time playing through it... I can't wait for mankind divided. Gonna be picking up Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE tomorrow, I'm hoping that it's gonna be able to fill my Persona urges XD
  9. Original Saku

    bought me a few of these bad boys for a second windows installation (for win10) and a dedicated games drive!
  10. Original Saku

    yes. anime, video games, movies. it's all good! doesn't have to be Japanese either, so if you have some sick soundtrack music from western games throw that in there too I'll be there, I'll make sure of it.
  11. Original Saku

    Veronica 2 http://slowboyfast.deviantart.com/art/VERONiCA-2-502481907 check it out! pretty great skin with nice color customization built in, it does have a few issues but pretty good overall
  12. Original Saku

    hey don't worry we're not derailing this thread, this is basically the place for discussions like this even though it's called "What video games are you currently playing?", I would've changed the title and focus of this thread a long time ago honestly, but I didn't start the thread originally, so it kinda doesn't feel right... But for future reference this is pretty much the general game discussion thread more centered on games that are already released and related discussion like the one we are currently having while the other thread is for speculation and news posting for upcoming games that have yet to be released. No worries you are good. I do agree that I might have exaggerated a bit when it comes to the pay offs, because you are right it probably doesn't happen much these days... I still believe it happens though just not as much as it used to. Yeah if you had specifically said metacritic user reviews than I would have 100% agreed with you, that place is just full of trolls and fucked up people who just hate on games as a hobby most of the time. I don't know about Gamespot's passion or drive really, so I can't say. I don't usually frequent that place because their review system is a awful incoherent mess. I can vouch that there are people in the industry though that just do it as a job and a paycheck, I'm not saying everybody or even most, in actuality it's probably a small percentage. I still stand by the statement that game journalism is no where near as passionate and genuine as it was 10-15 years ago, that's just the truth... I can see it when I read reviews from back then and reviews from today or hell not even just reviews just journalism in general. It's cool people disagree all the time, it wouldn't be a fun discussion if everybody agreed with you xD
  13. For anyone interested in some of the lesser known video games coming out in the next year, be sure to check out part 1 of my top 10 overlooked games @ E32016 post here;

    There are some great hidden gems that might have been overlooked on there, tons of info as well. part 2 coming soon :)

    1. Tetora


      Cool stuff, I am a Gravity Rush fan, I used to follow Suda from Killer 7 but after some games after that stopped. Also I think they should have shown more of Yakuza, love those games.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Yakuza 0 is a must buy game for sure, in fact it's on part 2 of the list :D

  14. Original Saku

    I would like to disagree. I personally don't even pay attention to major game outlets when it comes review time. It is widely known that a lot of these sites get sponsor money and "review" money from companies to make their shit look good, and if that's not the case most video game journalists (the big sites mostly) these days don't even care about video games and it's just more a paycheck to them or a thing that they have to do for their job. There is a clear loss and lack of passion in the gaming journalist corner over the last decade and we've been seeing less and less genuine reviewers, it has been proven time and time again with shoddy reviews with unfounded opinions based on inconsistencies. The point I'm trying to make is most of the best reviews out there are from the consumer who don't have a stake in the review who can just plain out give their opinion on it with out any consequences and genuinely show their passion and enthusiasm in their review, of course you will have to read between the lines with some of these due to bias. Overall it is way better than big industry publications in my opinion and I always go to you tube and check out impressions and opinions from many different people in the fandom before I even think of checking IGN or Gamespot XD As far as Mighty no. 9 goes I will hold my peace. I have not played it and I probably won't play it, because based on everything I've seen of the game over the lengthy development time, the game just looks bad (to me). Uninspired ugly art style, horrid voice work, a cool game mechanic (absorption) that ultimately looks like it never left the concept phase, and the inability on Inafune's part to prioritize the health and well being of his game instead of the money and crap that none of the fans ever asked for. of course just my opinion formed through many years of trailers, demos,and interviews that released during and after the development cycle.
  15. Original Saku

    Okay so now that E3 is over and done. I would like to take the time to highlight some of the games that might not have gotten as much attention as some others, basically my top 10 overlooked games of E3! These are just different games that got me excited this year, but might not have gotten as much exposure as the bigger titles. Kingdom Come: Deliverance This is a little game from a small team called Warhorse Studios in the Czech Republic, comprised of veteran game designers in the industry and founded by Mafia Creator Dan Vávra. Okay so this is basically a medieval simulator being created with a focus on realism and historically correct events and mechanics. Quite honestly one of the most surprising games to come out of E3 for me, in the sense that I can't believe I haven't heard of it til last week. The whole Idea for this game is so compelling and right up my alley, they've definitely got my attention. Let It Die Finally it's that time again, when we can finally get a look at the latest game from Goichi Suda AKA Suda 51 and Grasshopper Manufacture. Once again Suda has presented us with something that is wholly unique and just what we'd expect from him in Let It Die and it's gore-y goodness and weird art and character design, of course with a side of vagueness when it comes o the story and plot I'm a big Suda 51 fan and I didn't even really know what he was working on recently, so I was quite surprised when I saw him showcasing this game at E3 and even more surprised to hear that this is a collaboration project with Gungho Online and a free to play game as well! Sounds like this could have the makings of something awesome, I'm most interested in hearing more about the online features, but we won;t have to wait to long for this info since the game is also coming out this year! Aragami This next game is something that has me really excited and I can't wait to play it. Aragami is a stealth/action adventure game that is best described as a supernatural Tenchu. It is being developed by Spanish game developer Lince Works and takes inspirations from Dishonored (super natural powers & stealth), Tenchu (stealth & punishing difficulty), and Metal Gear Solid (enemy A.I.). This here was enough to get me on board but then I saw the beautiful art style and aesthetic and instantly became enthralled. Game play is choice, meaning you can choose to go stealth or head on, it's up to you . The game incorporates Shadow (you) vs. Light (enemies) which I think is pretty cool. Vampyr Now this one is quite interesting and I have some pretty high hopes for this game after what I saw last week. Vampyr is a semi open world third person action RPG that takes place in 1918 London right after WW1 and the setting is based on the 1918 London Spanish flu pandemic. You play as Jonathan E. Reid, a doctor who has recently became a vampire and is struggling between his human conscience and medical upbringing to save people and his newly acquired vampire instincts and urges that compel him to kill innocent people. From what I've seen there are some pretty cool vampiric powers that can be acquired for use in battle and out of battle which leads me to believe that this game will have some pretty cool moral options for where you can take the story. Also it was stated that there will be a sort of detective aspect where you'll have to gather info on certain people throughout the game to decide whether you spare them or eat them. Overall this game looks really promising in my opinion. Gravity Rush 2 How could I not talk about this game? I mean come on xD This sequel to the 2012 vita launch game and beloved cult classic among fans. This time around the game is being released on the PS4 and oh boy the advantages of the added horsepower is ridiculous. This game is for reals one of the best looking games I've seen on the system art wise and it's like night and day between this and the remaster version of the first game. You return as Kat from the first game and this is supposed to be a direct continuation for the end of the first game and also that not a lot of time has passed between the two. One thing I'm most excited is the gravity powers, while being very awesome in the first game there were times when it was a bit clunky and awkward, but from what I've seen so far it looks like they've been totally polished and work flawlessly. The new setting also excites me and has me interested to explore this colorful open world especially with the awesome world traversal mechanic this series is known for. Also the new powers look sick, I don't really know to much about what's going on in the story because I had to stop myself from spoiling in some of the longer showcases. I'll post the second half of this in a day or two when I get some more time in the meantime I hope I've been able to introduce some new games that might have flew over your head last week.
  16. Original Saku

    geez this is such a mess, and to make matters worse I've also been hearing reports that the Wii U version of the game has been bricking Wii U's....
  17. Original Saku

    You can say that again! This weeks episode was like hype personified I'm almost certain it will get a second season, not only is the manga really popular but from what I can tell the anime is as well.
  18. Original Saku

  19. Original Saku

    Yeah I knew Mighty No.9 was gonna be a failure as soon as it got delayed like 5 times XD They really have no excuse for it either, they had somewhere in the ballpark of 4.5 million dollars from kickstarter and outside funding and over 3 years of development and just couldn't deliver... I feel really bad for the kickstarter backers.... It's funny though, people are trying to say that for that amount of money it's no wonder they couldn't make a good game.... like four million dollars isn't enough to make a good game or something? Just look at Pillars of Eternity and Divinity Original Sin , both were kickstarter games as well and actually raised less than mighty no.9 but still are some of the best games to come out in the past few years. some people are just either stupid, really uninformed, or both maybe if Inafune would of just made one fucking version of his game instead of splitting resources between a dozen different versions the game would have turned out better? who's to say? but right now I have a feeling nobody is gonna fund his next kickstarter project.
  20. Original Saku

    here's a chart for the upcoming season if anyone is interested http://anichart.net/summer
  21. Original Saku

    Don't worry guys this is just the beginning... We plan on doing more of these in the future, these were just the bands we decided to include for the first one I obviously voted for NUMBER GIRL, it would be a dream come true for them to come back together after all these years and drop a new album, I can just imagine now how amazing that album would be... especially considering all the new experiences and knowledge each member would bring to the table from the last decade of projects they've worked on.... Jesus that would be awesome. My second choice would be d'espair, they hold a special place in my heart as one of the first VK bands I listened to and it would be so cool to see Hizumi come back with a full recovery and a full on revival of the band... man that's just too much to think about right now. I don't care about DELUHI or Avelcain. SFP was good and all, but they started going stale towards the end of their career and I rather like the bands and projects their member went to afterwards, so I'm cool with them staying dead. PTP wouldn't be the same without K so I wouldn't want to see them come back or continue on.... the dream is dead unfortunately T.T
  22. Dammit I downloaded too much new music from JPS and now I'm close to being on ratio watch... looks like I won't be downloading anything new the next few days :(

    1. doombox


      Anytime. I forgot my name isn't the same over there. I send you a friend request too. 

    2. doombox


      @paradoxal I'm demiseandkiss! :DDD

    3. yakihiko


      damn you guys! I'm the only one who dislike the seed/torrent system ? :,o

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  23. Original Saku

    ^ I love that series admittedly one of my guilty pleasures.... if you get the chance check out the manga, it's a lot better than the anime. Probably the single greatest thing I've ever seen in my life, nothing will ever top this.
  24. Original Saku

    Steep looks really good! I give Ubisoft props for showing that game, especially as their new IP and closer of the show.
  25. Original Saku

    I'll stop by if I can remember free for all is cool with me, but one of these days though we need to do a Soundtrack part2 theme.
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