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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Handwriting? what is that? no seriously though, I don't even remember the last time I touched a pencil or pen xD
  2. Original Saku

    Yeah I'm down. I added you already, my PSN is Zman_the_killer btw.
  3. Original Saku

    man i really need to find the time to finish playing this, I've just been so busy with other stuff. Would you say that SC is better than FC? because if so... holy balls that's ridiculous, FC is so good XD I've been playing Dark Souls III since yesterday and my god is it just perfect. Also I've gotten back on the Destiny since they just released a content update today Finished Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection a few days ago, all the games on crushing difficulty... which is balls hard. Now i need to do them all on the new nightmare difficulty, shit. Probably won't happen anytime soon though since that's gonna be nearly impossible xD
  4. Original Saku

    tell that to my steam library xD
  5. Well Dark Souls III unlocks in 12 minutes, so I'm gonna take this time to say goodbye to the forum for the foreseeable future. I will most likely slip into a rage filled hype induced coma so yeah... see you guys sometime next year :)

    1. beni


      This is me with Fire Emblem. X'D Enjoy, Saku-kun, and tell us all about it in your game thread. x3

    2. Tetora


      Is it not 12:00 EST???

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      naw it came out on steam at 5pm CST, i don't know about consoles...

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  6. Original Saku

    yeah two episodes so far, it releases on Fridays just so you know
  7. Original Saku

    yeah we need pics or it didn't happen xD no seriously though.. it just depends on the boobs, I have indeed seen some crazy ass boob physics in games and anime that have just turned me off, so it wouldn't be a stretch. Iall comes down to how well it's animated.
  8. Original Saku

    yeah Zestiria was very lacking I thought as well, I hope to god bersaria is better. Welcome to Sen no Kiseki xD The series is known for it's slow pace and tons of dialog and character and world building. I mean the things you named off are literally the reason why the series is so highly regarded as the best of all time among JRPG circles. Definitely should of gotten English version xD I couldn't even imagine trying to play a sen no kiseki game in Japanese, especially when the best parts of the game is the dialog and story Dark Souls III is in 3 hours! prepare for me to be a lot less active over the next few weeks, I'll probably just drop off the face of the earth honestly xD
  9. Original Saku

    I picked up this bad boy recently for my desk setup, gonna be sweet since I have a L shaped desk so I'll be able to put my monitor literally in any viewing position I want xD
  10. Original Saku

    thanks both of you It works great now!
  11. Original Saku

    I dropped that show because I got like 5-6 episodes behind and just didn't want to bother with the cryptic game it was playing at xD
  12. Original Saku

    oh cool, thanks for letting me know I still think it should work like it used to though.. why would anyone want to go to the first page of a 100 page thread is beyond me especially when they are trying to look up new content xD
  13. Original Saku

    I still haven't gotten around to listening to the new album yet, but those videos are hot as fuck.
  14. Original Saku

    Saw this today and almost choked xD http://haruhichan.com/wpblog/67122/shirobako-producers-discuss-possibility-of-sequel/ I would give so much for a shirobako sequel, really one of the hidden gems of the last few years. Started watching a few of the new shows, haven't started everything that I want to yet... I'm gonna hold off a few weeks until I start everything and get a few episodes in on each and then I'll make a master post with my impressions and thoughts on everything this season. I will say though that JoJo is so good! like hell yeah I'm so hype... David productions hitting it out of the park once again, doing god's work
  15. Original Saku

    1.) Firefox. I just checked and it does the same in chrome.. after some further testing it seems that it only skips a line when the Source is activated (deactivated?) in the post editor... 2.) okay got it. well it's something to keep in mind for when we do start looking for a skin. 3.) dope. 4.) Whatever it used to be would be fine... I think it was width="560" height="315". maybe try out those dimensions and see how it looks. 5.) cool, because it is seriously annoying to have to go to the last page of the thread every time... also I noticed that it doesn't do this when you click on the last posted in thread on the main forum index, it actually works as intended. I don't know if that helps or not.
  16. Original Saku

    Nice! that's only a few days a way xD will definitely check it out, I like them a lot.
  17. new layout and features are pretty cool, it's gonna take some time to get used to and there's a ton to be improved on, but for the most part the forum has this fresh feeling that I think we've been needing for a very long time.


  18. Original Saku

    I'm still exploring the new functionality but overall looks decent for the moment. A few things in particular I've noticed; 1.) When I type a post and then press the enter key to make a new line it skips a line instead of going directly to the next line. please fix it's really annoying. 2.) the avatars as mentioned above are way to small for my taste, would be nice to have them the same size as they used to be. figure it out please 3.) for some reason my post count has been reduced? I had over 3000 posts before the update and now I'm under 3000. Not really a big deal but just something that caught my eye. I'll check back with anything else i notice once I play around with the forum some more. 4.) youtube videos are a tad smaller than they used to be when embedded, not really the biggest issue but nonetheless still a bit weird. 5.) when browsing unread content, when I click on a topic instead of redirecting me to the latest post/page in the topic like it used to, it now redirects me to the very first post of the topic... this is inconvenient to say the least.
  19. Original Saku

    sigh... square why? This is even worse than I initially predicted, I knew they were getting greedy, but I never thought they would get this greedy xD
  20. Original Saku

    Sounds pretty great! I really like that cover art though, will be looking out for this when it comes out
  21. Original Saku

    Yeah I can relate, hopefully they won't be too spoilerish and ruin what the game has in store... I doubt that will be the case though. Probably more along the lines of a enhancer or a prepper series that will make the game more enjoyable maybe.
  22. Original Saku

    Yeah I can attest that you will get used to the battle system after a while. The first time I fought the boss I didn't do too hot, but after fighting him about a half dozen times or so it became pretty second nature for me. Also just in case some people don't realize, there is actually a little plate on the ground in the back of the boss arena that you can activate after the fight that starts the fight over again. so you can fight him as many times as you want without playing the whole demo over again.
  23. Original Saku

    Yeah it was only 4 episodes.
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