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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Actually ffxv is gonna have dual voiceovers, it's been confirmed forever and both demos have included both English and Japanese voices. Times are a changing at square apparently. And actually releasing the anime series and movie before the game is a really smart move for square and should do the game wonders in advertising and hype building. Their marketing is doing an excellent job right now imo
  2. Original Saku

    Hyper Light Drifter!! so good... indie games are a booming right now, I love it!
  3. Original Saku

    new JoJo is awesome <3 this is gonna be a good season
  4. Original Saku

    thanks so much kaye! I will definitely check out the mini
  5. Original Saku

    lolololol this is definitely April fools xD
  6. Original Saku

    If you want to just have fun and not really worry about story stuff then I would recommend Black Flag... otherwise go for Ezio Trilogy.
  7. Original Saku

    lol damn... you must have shit tier internet or something. I literally just hopped on my PS4 and downloaded the entire thing in 15 minutes LOL
  8. Original Saku

    The thing is they don't necessary have to use any of their material from the last decade, they could possibly pull any song from their entire 25 year career to use for the show and even use some songs from the original anime if they wanted to as well... it really just depends how they want to spin it. I'm gonna guess that they will use some songs from the original FLCL and pull some good ones from their catalog as well. We might also get a brand new song made just for the show too, strong possibility.
  9. Original Saku

    yeah... I'm pretty iffy on this whole thing honestly. The one thing that has me hopeful is the fact that they have a lot of the original team working on it including the creator and the voice actors from the original, not to mention the pillows are coming back for the soundtrack... I'm glad that it's not picking up directly after end of the original actually.... the original is what I consider to be a perfect OVA and the ending is fine the way it is. so I'm extremely happy to hear this will take place far into the future and that it has a new main character and all that stuff, at least that way it will make it easier to say fuck this if/when they fuck it up xD Still not too keen on the idea of returning characters though... gah! I just kinda wish this wasn't a thing and they would just leave FLCL alone XD
  10. Original Saku

  11. Original Saku

    I feel like Batman vs Superman is a movie that we should of gotten like 6-8 years from now... I don't understand why they would start off their cinematic universe with something like this that takes place so far in the batman timeline.... and because of that the whole movie is a hot mess script wise, and has zero real character development. I feel like they are rushing to catch up to Marvel and that's just not realistic. Marvel has built their cinematic universe very well by developing characters across multiple movie franchises for almost 10 years now, establishing those characters, building them , then they do the big action mashup between said characters. When that time comes we already know who they are and what they've been through and most importantly we are emotionally attached to those characters, and that's why it works. DC it seems took the shortcut and decided not to lay any of the ground work, and this movie suffers for it. Don't get me wrong the action in this movie is terrific and the CG is out of this world, the movie itself is a very serviceable "popcorn" flick. And that is where the problem lies, it's supposed to be something more than that and it just isn't... really disappointing.
  12. Original Saku

    Haikyuu!! is awesome <3 they already announced a third season coming this fall
  13. Original Saku

    omg omg omg keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes Heaven's Feel is gonna be so damn amazing and it's 3 parts... fucking yes
  14. Original Saku

    Disgaea is Love <3 just so you know there are Vita versions of D3 and D4 and PSP versions of D1 and D2 which can also be played on Vita I'm glad you like D4 though, it's such a great game imo one of the best Disgaea games character wise besides the first one.
  15. Original Saku

    Sorry Peffy I actually didn't see your post on the previous page... my bad But I can offer my opinions on those topics i suppose. - the Microsoft thing sounds good on paper, but in reality it's a very bad idea... if the windows 10 versions of Tomb Raider and Gears of War Remastered are any indication, they literally have no idea what Pc gamers want or how to even competently port a game over to the PC platform. We don't want to be spoon fed bullshit and we want to play games the way we want to not the way they want us too, it's such a joke that you cant even play Gears without having windows 10 installed and then we get to suffer through a port that looked like a team of monkeys worked on it for a week and was like "yeah this is good enough, right guys?". The sooner they realize this windows 10 store exclusive bullshit isn't flying and actually make the games available on Steam the better. The whole thing about revisions is retarded as well because at that point you should just say fuck it and buy a fucking PC instead of beating around the bush. - cross platform between console and PC is old news, PlayStation has been doing it for years with certain games and the game in question that Microsoft is talking about is "Rocket League" which Sony has had for a year now and also has cross platform play between the console and PC players. Now the aspect of Microsoft being open to connect networks and between Xbox Live and PSN is pretty interesting because that could be huge for the console industry but then again Sony has no reason to help their biggest rival when they have been destroying Microsoft this generation, so it's probably not gonna happen. - Fable has been shit for years and 3 tanked... so yeah really who gives a fuck at this point. let it die i say. - VR sounds pretty cool and from what I hear it is pretty cool, but VR is not gonna just take off like a rocket ship. I hear all the time that VR is the future of gaming and you know what? I really do believe that it is the future but that future is not now... It's gonna take a long time before VR becomes a staple aspect or platform in gaming and even longer before it becomes a household technology. VR has definitely taken leaps and bounds technology wise in the past 10 years but it's gonna take a bit more before it's quite there. I could honestly talk about this topic all day but I won't because that would be a huge wall of text explaining the future of VR and what it could become and how long it would take to get there and my own theories on what it will be down the road and yeah let's just not xD. - NX is pretty exciting right from the information the internet has gleamed so far from patents and other sources on the device. I myself believe it will be a cloud computing home console handheld hybrid that will take advantage of the cloud to overpower current gen consoles. it will probably be able to achieve 4k resolution at 30fps and 1080p at 60fps. and that's all i got on my predictions for the device. I do believe it likely we will get a full blown reveal and a actually name at E3 this year though and maybe a release date. - I literally have no idea what Rime is... never heard of it. - yeah that has to be a bitch for importers but yeah just download them digitally instead i guess? most people I know do that anyway because shipping is a bitch on imported video games.
  16. Original Saku

    imo it really just depends on a game to game basis, like for instance I would never use save states on game like Dark Souls because so much of that game's experience hinges on the unforgiveness and permanent aspects of the mechanics that save states would totally destroy that game's core concept.... but I would totally use save states for other games like most JRPG's for instance, say I was farming a specific enemy for a specific drop then I would just pop a save state so I could more easily do that without wasting a whole bunch of time. In my opinion as long as the use of save states aren't breaking the games core experience or concept then it should be totally fine. What kind of game is Plok btw?
  17. Original Saku

    What it really comes down to for me is what you think is gonna be the better game based on the two respective franchises. Now hear me out... there hasn't been a decent FF console game in over a decade, that isn't just my opinion but the communities collective opinion. SE's FF development team(s) has been stagnated for years with little to no promise or evolution in the way they make FF games (imo), couple that with the fact that FFXV has been stuck in development hell for 10 years to the point where it's been re-branded and has changed directors multiple times and you get the assumption at least from the outside that it might not be the safest bet when it comes to a day 1 purchase or hell even a week 1 purchase. on the flip side atlas and Persona has been booming since the last "good" FF game released and have managed to edge their way onto FF's turf and even has turned some diehard fans over to their side. they've released 2 excellent main franchise games (P3 & P4) that have garnered amazing feedback among JRPG fans and most important of all these games were both fundamentally different from what we had seen before in the industry and showed great innovation in the genre itself. now I love FF and I think/hope FFXV will be good and hopefully will restore the faith in the franchise among fans, but it's a no brainer which one I would buy over the other if the both had the same release window. You can't dispute that Persona has been very successful and has been a great thing for the genre while FF has been away from the throne. All the logic points to Persona being way more likely of being a better game, but of course that in itself is subjective since everyone will like what they like regardless of what's logical or objective. sorry for the rant, I just wanted to put out there my reasoning on going with P5 over FFXV
  18. Original Saku

    LOL I would totally say fuck FFXV if Persona came out at the same time tho xD no competition
  19. Original Saku

    Horimiya is love <3 yeah that's a lot of stuff, I wish I had the time to read more manga but I struggle just to keep up with the ones I read right now... Too busy with anime instead XD
  20. Original Saku

    man you don't play fair at all! anime? then it's Gintama manga? then it's One Piece
  21. Original Saku

    Salt and Sanctuary !!! So glad to finally be able to play this game after keeping up with the development for so long
  22. Original Saku

    Just found out that Salt and Sanctuary is finally coming out in 2 days! It's a souls-like 2D platformer that I've been following for the last year and I figured it was'nt gonna get a release for a very long time but what do you know they announced it's release today and it's so soon... man I'm so happy right now, what a great surprise.
  23. Original Saku

    really? you should try it out again maybe? if I remember correctly what it does is make out of combat movement more like how movement is when you're in combat (more responsive, not as clunky, etc.) when I was playing Witcher I remember liking it way more than the ordinary movement.
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