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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    THE ORAL CIGARETTES - FIXION The Oral Cigarettes just put out a new album to kick start the new year and I couldn't ask for a better way to start off 2016. Their music has this sorta playful atmosphere that just infects you from the very first minute of listening and this album is no different. fun band, fun album, and fun music. 赤い月 - LADY Akai Tsuki is one of my most recent discoveries and my first new discovery of 2016. I guess if I had to describe them in a nutshell I would make this statement; Female vocals with a kick... lol that's really how I feel though, lately I've been listening to a lot of "cutesy" female vocalists and Akai Tsuki definitely was just what I needed around the time I found them. A little rough around the edges but that's just what I wanted! Galileo Galilei - Sea And The Darkness Galileo Galilei releases their fourth full album Jan.27th, 2016. 2 days before the release they announce that it will be their last album and they're disbanding... impending depression ensues... but only for 2 days because this album is so awesome that I couldn't stay depressed after listening. It's for sure sad that they are breaking up after 10 years of wonderful music but they are all still really young since they started the band at a early age, so I have no doubt they will all move on to other projects. This album was/is the best way they could of gone out and I'm so happy about it. If you've never listened to these guys don't get discouraged of trying them out because of the disbandment I couldn't recommend this album enough.
  2. Okay my interest has been piqued, will definitely watch out for this.
  3. ^ Woah that's awesome, gonna add to my watch later list so I can watch it when I have more time.
  4. Original Saku

    Ah man this is a tough one xD I love both of these bands, so I'm gonna vote both in the poll. If I had to choose one over the other with no exceptions tho... I would have to go with Pura since I've been listening to them for over 10 years now and they're one of the bands I can trace my love of Japanese music roots to, whereas the Novembers I've only been following for like 5 years and I was already an avid fan of Jmusic by the time I caught wind of them. Awesome choices for a band battle though!
  5. Original Saku

    I actually think I did sign up for that... (I did just checked) still didn't get in tho, probably because they are giving priority to all the people who pre-ordered. Still doesn't change my stance on "pre-order for beta access". They should just let everybody download the beta for free and do a proper open beta instead of this shit. One example is star wars battlefront, they did a purely open beta test before that game came out and it was pretty well received and drummed up a ton of hype for that game.
  6. Original Saku

    I wanted to play Division beta but I'm not gonna preorder a game to get into a beta... that's retarded and totally a scam to bolster their preorder numbers. Now if they were really worried about testing the game for bugs and server issues they would make the damn thing public instead of hiding behind a pay wall. I'm getting tired of developers doing this whole preorder for beta access thing, it's so ass backwards that I can't even begin to fathom. but I hope The Division turns out to be a great game and not another Watch Dogs... but in all honesty though that seems to be the case from what I've seen so far, graphical downgrades and a lack of a compelling story being the biggest similarities between the two. Definitely a game I'm gonna wait till after release to check out so I can watch some streams and read some reviews and get opinions first. It's funny though because that seems to be the norm with Ubisoft games lately xD
  7. Original Saku

    Yeah but it's still awesome, spent all day yesterday playing... and then I got stuck lol gotta get back on with a fresh mind and sort it out xD
  8. Original Saku

    yeah I slowly trudged through Punch Line myself back when it was airing, definitely slow but I guess it kinda got good towards the end when you sorta saw the big picture and what was going on... probably a good call to drop it tho, because the payoff wasn't really worth it.
  9. Original Saku

    I plan on playing Mighty No.9 when it comes out... whenever that may be xD by the way, found out after posting but that turtles platinum game is gonna have 4 player online co-op.... I know awesome rite?
  10. Original Saku

    I wanna see someone review Galileo Galilei's new album Sea and Darkness that just came out 2016/01/27! not only is it a great album, but it's also their last album before they disband, so I think it would be neat and relevant to do a review.
  11. Original Saku

    Speaking of Gravity Rush, I just posted a new interview with the director over HERE for anybody who is interested in the remaster.
  12. Original Saku

    Here's an interview with Keiichiro Toyama, the director of Gravity Rush 1&2. talking about the upcoming PS4 remaster of the 1st game. really great interview, made me even more excited! I especially can't wait to play the game in 60fps also here's the trailer reveal for Platinum Game's TMNT game! lol... I'm so excited for that game xD Love the comic book art style and the hack n' slash stuff we see in the trailer looks top notch as I expected. Platinum Games are so awesome, I love that they do all kinds of different games like this.
  13. Original Saku

    not really. other than a few bands that catch my eye every once in a while.... like DEZERT or IX-NINE- or KEEL.... okay quite a few VK bands have got me hooked lately xD
  14. Original Saku

    Gravity Rush is amazing! totally hard to believe it was a launch game for the vita but yeah really cool idea and was executed great. The only problem with the game was the controls took a while to get used to, but that's a non issue now since the remaster is coming out on PS4, so controller is gonna be so awesome in this game xD also they have a sequel coming out as well later this year.
  15. Original Saku

    lol... Visual novels are great, played a few in my time, some of the best I've played are; Steins;Gate Clannad Fate/Stay Night Danganrapan and a few others I can't recall at the moment. What's really cool is that steam has started selling more VN's lately, it's actually starting to catch on here more now, which is fucking awesome because before back in the day your only chance was if someone did a fan translation and you had to patch the JP version of the game.... that's how I originally played a lot of the games above xD
  16. Original Saku

    Yeah this has gone on long enough actually, I'm Locking the thread and letting the poll speak for itself. We really don't need this back and forth argument to go on any longer. opinions are.... well.. just that. opinions.
  17. Original Saku

    Agreed about Hunter x Huinter, Togashi is such a great mangaka, I really hope he gets out of his current slump and comes back hard.
  18. Original Saku

    Just bought Darkest Dungeon and The Witness, Darkest Dungeon is so awesome played it all night and I'm really digging the unforgiveness and punishing in depth DnD gameplay style of it all! Haven't played the witness yet, probably will do it tomorrow, but I've heard amazing things and I'm a big fan of puzzle games not to mention I love Braid to death so...
  19. Original Saku

    Oh man this shit looks so good! For Fuck's sake bring this shit over here Sega please! This is one of your only IP's that still has weight and popularity, don't wait forever to localize it.
  20. Original Saku

    Well Keiji Inafune just burst everybody's bubble (again!) regarding Mighty No. 9 Delaying it for a third time to a unannounced date. Source / Kickstarter this sucks, but I can't say I'm surprised, honestly I kind of foresaw it being delayed again, I can't really complain I didn't back the kickstarter to begin with so I'll just have to wait, but I can't help feel frustrated and sad for the people who did spend money to fund this game and it taking so long to come out. I'm still hype for it and all these delays will in the long run make the game better, I mean every single time I see a new build demo of it I get more excited and start noticing things that are better or improved over the last demo. Here's to hoping it gets released before Summer. I do hope Inafune-san has learned his lesson and next time (if there is a next time) when making a community funded game it probably be better not to give yourself too much work and attempt to release the game on every damn system under the sun, because lets be real we all know the reason it's been delayed so much is because of the multi-platform aspirations of the game.
  21. Original Saku

    thanks for the info <3 yeah I noticed Vertigo wasn't on either mini album so I hope for a album or EP as well
  22. Original Saku

    recently discovered this band and I'm really digging them atm they just released their 2nd mini album last week
  23. Original Saku

    man that's a bummer they have some really good music. 10 years is a long time tho, many bands never make it that far so I guess there's something positive there. Will definitely be checking out their new album when it comes out, need to listen to this last piece of material from them and send them off in glory
  24. Original Saku

    awesome! I just attained 100% on it a week or two ago and finally got the Platinum... It's not terribly hard to get just really time consuming since you need to do a minimum of 3 playthroughs to get all the ending trophys and then Chalice Dungeon trophy is such a chore xD good luck and hang in there
  25. Original Saku

    lol people were saying that back in 2008-2009 XD Oh how funny a thing time is huh?
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