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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Finished my playthrough of MGS2 and MGS3 and I just started Peace Walker yesterday... I got a week to finish it So hype for the phantom pain!
  2. Original Saku

    Welcome back officially I hope you continue to enjoy the community!
  3. Original Saku

    preordered the limited edition of Disgaea 5 over the weekend!
  4. Original Saku

    Yep I love steam! add me if you want http://steamcommunity.com/id/OriginalSaku/
  5. Original Saku

    https://goo.gl/4OCYdr here's mine
  6. Original Saku

    playing MGS2 right now, when I'm done with this one I'll move on to MGS3 and Peace Walker... I'm not sure if I'll do MGS4 or not, I might if I'm not burnt out by then XD Getting ready for The Phantom Pain!
  7. Original Saku

    I can go ahead and tell you right now that it's not. I'm actually pretty into it and how it's not really like some of the other shows with the same kind of premises. Even though the whole scenario is something that's really popular (the whole video game world becomes reality thing) they seem to do a really good job of making it their own and making it seem fresh. This season for me is actually turning out to be pretty good, by far the best season this year so far. My favorites are; Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Charlotte Gakkou Gurashi! Gangsta. Himouto! Umaru-chan! Overlord Ushio to Tora theres a few other others that I don't think are to bad either like, Jitsu wa Watashi wa and Ranpo Kitan. Also this doesn't even include returning shows like gatchaman and durarara! and lets not forget dragon ball super which I'm still nerding out over. So yeah a very strong season in my opinion.
  8. Original Saku

    He actually was already in the JSDF before the attack. so no he doesn't use stuff he learned from video games to combat the monsters, he had already been trained before hand... just thought I should throw that out there. Just so you know this series is based off of the works of Ranpo Edogawa, a famous mystery author from the 30's-50's in Japan, he is pretty much the guy who put mystery/detective novels on the map in japan and is sorta their Author Conan Doyle in a sense. Also that girlish boy character is supposed to be like that, it's how the original character was in the novels and is also the character that pretty much started the whole girly boy character archetype in the first place. Also Akechi and Kobayashi are pretty much the equivalent to Sherlocke Holmes and John Watson in popularity within Japan. just a little info for you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edogawa_Ranpo
  9. Original Saku

    here's mine http://myanimelist.net/profile/OriginalSaku I'm a long time user of MAL actually, it's just about the most useful site ever for anime if you ask me, also combine it with MALupdater and it becomes even more awesome
  10. Original Saku

    That's something you should rectify really soon... Outbreak Company was really good, definitely one of the better shows from that season. It's a shame that the BD sales were abysmal for it, we'll probably never see a second season of it despite the fact that it was pretty popular over here in the west among online fans, just another case of Japanese anime fans not liking anything that doesn't have obscene amounts of ecchi scenes involved... of course that's not true for everything but a lot of shows that have uncensored BD's sell really well compared to non-ecchi shows.
  11. Original Saku

    please tell me you didn't watch the dub of Digimon... probably the single worse decision anybody could ever make xD
  12. Original Saku

    Awesome dude If you have any questions during the building process, just drop a post here and we'll be happy to help. good luck!
  13. Original Saku

    Ive been rotating between Witcher 3, Batman Arkham Knight, and GTAV at the moment. I also still hop on destiny one or two days a week to play with friends and do nightfall's and PoE's and stuff. I also picked up the new Wolfenstein during the Steam summer sale so I'll probably be playing through that real soon especially since I've heard nothing but great things about it. With all the Fallout 4 hype going around i also reinstalled Fallout 3 and New Vegas on my PC, so I'll be modding those two in preparation for a new play through before November. and with the release of MGSV fast approaching in September I'm probably gonna do a complete run through of the MGS games in chronological order.
  14. Original Saku

    Pretty much what every one else is saying is totally the way to go! The only thing I would do differently is with the money you're saving from not getting the K version of i5 and the windows disc, go ahead and use that extra bit of money and get a 970 instead of a 960, but that really depends if you even need that extra bit of graphical power or not... since we don't really know what kind of games you are aiming to play with this build the 960 might be enough for you edit: oh and I just noticed that you don't have a separate HDD on the list for game installations... while the sdd is gonna most definitely be your boot drive, just trust me 256GB doesn't go far at all, your gonna want a separate drive just for installing games on, probably a 500GB or 1TB drive.
  15. Original Saku

    new 40 minute game play demo from E3 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heohAR-Ov4s man every single time I see this game I get more and more excited for it, I'm so glad this is about to come out in less than 2 and a half months.
  16. Original Saku

    That looks pretty solid. If you wanted to save a bit of money and not be so over budget you could always go the AMD route and that should save you a bit of money.
  17. Original Saku

    As far as I know they haven't confirmed anything specific pertaining to how the game is going to play, so I'm gonna say that is merely a rumor or just plain old speculation. Personally I hope they find a way to keep it turn based but make it interesting and improve on the materia system and hell maybe even add a whole new system to the game... maybe something similar to the grid system from past games. Right now it's just all up in the air and I have feeling it's gonna be some years until we find out any of the specifics. My estimate is we probably won't seeing anything substantial about the game until 2017 and even then I doubt it won't come out till 2018 at the earliest.
  18. Original Saku

    If anyone hasn't seen this game yet the need to check it out. Probably one of my favorite new IP's from the show this year.
  19. Original Saku

    That's one of the few things I actually am excited for when it comes to the FFVII remake, seeing what they change from the original and what improvements they make to the game, but I know a lot of people who doesn't want the game to change whatsoever other than the graphics and I'm just like why? Those are the kind of people I'm mainly fed up with at the moment. Personally I hope they change a lot of different things about the game and improve on it as a whole, while still keeping the nostalgia aspects as well... if that's even possible.
  20. Original Saku

    Yes it was! just fucking speechless
  21. Original Saku

    Thanks, I did some testing last night and played Witcher 3 for like 4 hours, and it beasted the game so hard on full settings (without hairworks) and with a reshade framework... a constant 55-60 fps which was beautiful. Also temps didn't go past 68C the entire time which is just absolutely nuts. the card is insanely quiet too, I'm thoroughly impressed. @Zeus that's awesome, but you might want to do some serious cable management xD airflow is one of the most important aspects of a gaming pc. try using http://pcpartpicker.com/for starters so you can have a neat and easy way to outline the build and prices so you don't go over budget.
  22. Original Saku

    Just got this bad boy in the mail I was a amd guy but with the release of the 900 series I seriously was having a hard time staying faithful and then to find out that the 300 series was pretty much a rebrand from amd, that really was the last straw and I couldn't stop myself from making the switch although the fury and fury x are totally new cards they are way to pricey for my budget xD I'll post more pictures later after I get this monster into my system
  23. Original Saku

    The only thing that matters to me right now is that NieR 2 is a thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEAzs9Jbs_w I never thought this would be happening in a million years and was totally out of left field, omg this was such an amazing surprise that totally left me speechless. also I couldn't think of a better studio than Platinum games to be working on it.
  24. Original Saku

    First of all I have to get a little something off my chest. I'm sick of everyone fawning over a FF7 remake... I've had to listen to this shit for the last 10+ years of how everyone wants a FF7 remake and then it was announced today and I have to hear about it just as much as i have the past ten years and then some. Don't get me wrong I'm hype, I'm most definitely gonna play it when it comes out and will probably love it, but I'm so sick of how overrated Final Fantasy 7 is compared other FF games, holy shit the game wasn't that great people, there's at least four other FF games that are better than 7 that i could name right now. /rant/myopinion/ okay now that I got that out, omg last guardian was an amazing surprise and I'm so glad it didn't become vaporware also Uncharted 4 is seriously looking beautiful and I'm still shitting over how awesome it's gonna be to drive. there's about a million other things i'd like to talk about that I've seen over the past few days, but If I was to do that this post would go on for days so instead I'm gonna do something like this. My top 5 highlights so far at E3 2015: #1 Fallout 4 #2 Dishonored 2 #3 Star Wars Battlefront #4 The Last Guardian #5 Uncharted 4 There was a lot of other really awesome things I saw but these were definitely the five that I'm the most excited about at the moment. Happy E3 everyone <3
  25. Original Saku

    I don't use it anymore nor did I really use it that much before when i was on it, but I would be up to give it another whirl if you decide to create a MH room
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