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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    cool I'll try to make it
  2. Original Saku

    lol I didn't even notice those parts, which means they were short as fuck. But yeah for the most part I did mean fully (or mostly) sung Japanese tracks. I've been thinking and I do feel like the band is more focused on becoming successful in the west then actually pleasing their current fans at the moment... I don;t want to call it "selling out" but it's kinda hard not to. I might not feel as devastated as some fans(like @MikuKun) over this album, but I do feel that it's somewhat sad to see them go this direction even though I still really like a few songs from this album. btw didn't touch upon it yet, but I might be one of the few people that really liked Paper Planes. I love how different it is than what they are used to and really enjoyed hearing Taka sing with a featured vocalist.
  3. Original Saku

    I love Alfred Beach Sandal, Oh man I need a longer sample The way the song starts up and then he starts singing just has me like "oh my god so wonderful, i need moar" XD
  4. Original Saku

    Yeah this is still better than any American radio rock band that's playing on my local rock station so...
  5. Original Saku

    I have mixed feelings about this album, on one hand the album as a whole has grown on me more and more with each listen and I have come to enjoy more than a few tracks, On the other hand I detest the fact that there is absolutely no Japanese tracks whatsoever on this album. Look I'm glad that Taka's English has improved even more (who'd thought that was even possible) with this album, but to have no Japanese sung songs at all? To me it just feels like a lot of these song are what I would call "Americanized" and seems like they are trying to hard to make it big in North America... Because of that a lot of the songs are overly polished and feel not as unique as older English sung songs on older albums, that's not to say that these songs are bad, but I can't help but feel kinda like wtf when listening to the album. Still why is there no Japanese songs on the album? I'm a fan of OOR's English songs and always thought it was cool that they have both English and Japanese sung tracks on their albums but by no means are they my favorites. I feel a bit alienated because of it too... and if I feel that way I wonder how their Japanese fans feel? Good review though <3 I really enjoyed reading it and for the most part I agree with you. It's funny though... like I mention above the album has indeed grown on me over the past few weeks, but on my first listen I was really not feeling it at all. If you were to ask me my opinion on the album at that time I probably would of told you it was there worst album ever xD but that's not the case anymore. EDIT: My bad there actually is a part of Heartache where Taka sings in Japanese for around a minute or so, but still that's one songs out of thirteen and it's not even the whole song.
  6. Original Saku

    This is awesome news, ready for some great stuff.
  7. Original Saku

    It actually is selling pretty well in Japan right now...
  8. Original Saku

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm in love! Can't wait for the album
  9. fuck that made me depressed from just reading it.... man I'm really sad for her If I could I would go to her shows, but that's impossible right now. this is just such a bummer!
  10. Hell yeah! I'm so ready for this
  11. Not gonna vote because I actually haven't decided which songs i like or don't like yet... I need to listen some more honestly.
  12. Original Saku

    Fucking japan limited.... :/ whoever decided that makes me want to stick my foot where the sun don't shine.
  13. Original Saku

    From what I've heard, each one is gonna be single cour... but still that's at least 36 episodes right there! I agree though about being so hyped for each new episode, when watching I feel like it's 2010 again watching the first season xD every episode just feels like it's full of so much excitement and wonder and I'm very interested to see where it's all going, one of the things I love the most so far is learning about all the new characters
  14. Yep this is a bummer... I hope she decides to not retire, but you know stuff happens and if she thinks it's what's best for her then so be it. this news has me wanting to go listen to midori now >.<
  15. Original Saku

    Ah that's awesome, you guys are lucky... I hope they do a US tour this fall/winter
  16. Original Saku

    I finally checked out Sanzoku Musume no Ronja and oh boy I can't believe I didn't start watching this sooner! Went on a marathon and caught up to the currently aired episode, and damn am I impressed. It is definitely everything I would expect from a Studio Ghibli anime series, they need to do more TV series instead of movies if you ask me, because this shit is perfect. I have like no complaints whatsoever so far after 19 episodes, and at this point in time I would probably give the series a perfect 10/10 score
  17. Original Saku

    Just Cause 3 reveal trailer! Here's the reveal trailer for Dragon Quest Heroes.... I wonder if this one will ever make it over here /Le sigh
  18. Original Saku

    Okay guys let's please stop this before it escalates any further, we get that you don't like the album, now please move on. and @blackdoll I would really appreciate it if you would ignore any other instances like this from this point on.
  19. Original Saku

    I've gotten addicted to Rogue Legacy lately it seems... Really good rogue-like btw, can't believe I didn't check it out sooner xD I'm currently taking a good long break from Destiny outside of weekly nightfalls and such, So I've been playing a lot more Dragon Age Inquisition as of late. I also played the new Game of Thrones Telltale episode from this month and that shit is wonderful, I'm so glad Telltale decided to do this license. On the Jrpg side of things, I've started playing The Guided Fate Paradox from NIS and it's pretty awesome so far, love the story and characters, and the game itself is a interesting mix of rogue-like and Jrpg mechanics that make for a pretty unique experience.
  20. I remember this being played in plug the other day, they definitely have my attention so far... need to listen to the mini when it comes out to see if they can win me over, but at this juncture it seems like they have potential. just have to wait and see in April
  21. Original Saku

    ^ that's gonna be one hell of a marathon! Lot's of great stuff to watch
  22. Original Saku

    I agree with this 100%
  23. Original Saku

    making me want to re-watch Geass so hard xD
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