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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    I still think Log Horizon is better than SAO and I think it's pretty good actually.... I don't really mind that the plot is pretty slow moving. The way I see it is that the plot is literally them living in the world the best they can, since it doesn't seem anyone is really trying to find a way to go back to the real world nor does it seem like a lot people want to xD I also like all the mmo elements they are incorporating in the story..
  2. Original Saku

    diamond is fucking amazing and I agree on your thoughts. I'm glad the mangaka went this route instead of them winning and going to nationals. it was just so much more interesting and really hit home emotionally. Never though I would be so interested in baseball but this show does a really great job of making it intense and facinating.
  3. Original Saku

    This arc is the best arc since "impel down" and "war of the best" imo. maybe it would help if you explained what exactly you find "bad" about it instead of coming in here every week and essentially flaming the series and it's characters for what appears to be out of spite. Nobody is gonna take you seriously if all you do is bitch and moan and slander the series without backing up your reasons. In my opinion this is one of the strongest arcs in a very long time. Just so you know I'm basing this all off of the manga not the anime. there is some truly amazing shit coming in the anime that I can't wait to see. namely laws flashback arc
  4. Original Saku

    My thoughts are pretty much the same as yours on those three. I would probably have a little bit different score for Amagi tho, but I think that's just mainly do to our scoring scales being a bit different from each others I finally got around to watching that Ano Hana movie last night and I ended up crying like a baby all over again T_T The feels are so real with that series.
  5. Original Saku

    That's really great news!
  6. Original Saku

    I think it would amazing if we could get a Arukara and/or 88kasyo Junrei banner Arukara 88kasyo Junrei The Novembers Owarikara Gekitetsu Cinema staff That's pretty much the bands that I would really love to see on a MH banner at some point in time
  7. Original Saku

    Hey he's the one that called me out. I had no intention of ever posting in here after my first post (which btw wasn't specifically targeted at him alone) but then he wants to name drop (did I drop any names in my original short n' sweet post?). So yeah I responded to it. btw nobody is bullying anybody, if you think this is bullying then you obviously don't know what real bullying is like. and also where did the word "ban" come into the discussion? So i can't speak my mind without people thinking I'm gonna ban them just because I don't like them? That's stupid. So this will be my last post here pertaining to this matter. I'm not bullying anybody and I'm not gonna ban anybody unless they actually deserve it. This whole thing started because DogManX wanted to name drop and start something because he didn't like to be called a whiner apparently. I guess some people can't take being called a simple word like "whiner" when in reality there's about a thousand worse things I could of said instead. But if it ends this mess, then I apologize for my "inappropriate" and "rough" language. and btw while i might not ban anybody over stupid discussions like this, I wouldn't test Zess' patience on the matter... so let's all just stop right here.
  8. Original Saku

    wow it certainly does look pretty and OMG! Madara vs Hashirama FTW
  9. Original Saku

    looking good! I'm still have my doubts about the game... mainly the open world elements. But regardless it does seem to be looking promising so far. Also it has been confirmed that they will be releasing this Final Fantasy with dual audio! It's about fucking time Square about fucking time XD
  10. Original Saku

    It's a fucking poll. it's for fun. who gives a fuck. stop whining, it's annoying.
  11. Original Saku

    what exactly is funny about it? I don't see anything to be funny unless you just hate the character so much that you find it funny xD probably. I'm getting the vibe that it'll be ending in a few months. it's definitely towards the end of the arc right now.
  12. Original Saku

    Yeah I can understand this, but the manga is so good right now! I can't stop reading it honestly xD It's still not funny
  13. Original Saku

    I would like to think that it will be different since it's being developed for current gen, but who knows? xD
  14. Original Saku

    that's not funny
  15. Original Saku

    WOW 5/10? come on it's not that bad xD I haven't watched the last episode yet but overall I'd probably give it around a 7 maybe a 7.5 depending on how the ending is.
  16. Original Saku

    I'm actually thinking about resetting my charts after the new year, anybody want to take the plunge with me? XD
  17. Original Saku

    Holy shit this game is so ambitious! I'm getting more and more excited with every little bit of info I hear about this game, I really hope it turns out well because this tech that they are kinda pioneering right now could be a big turning point in the way we develop games in the future.
  18. Original Saku

    Some people just don't like engrish so it's understandable, for me it's usually a hit or miss... some songs with engrish I can really dig if I think it's done correctly, other's i can not stand xD As for Asobius, I've actually never listened to them ever... But after reading all the great feedback this album is getting I'll probably end up checking them out very soon when i have more time on my hands
  19. Original Saku

    I was rather surprised with how much I was into into ping pong by the end of the show, hopefully it gets better for you like it did with me Also yes Kyousou Giga is awesome! I need to actually re-watch it sometime, It's definitely one of those shows I feel like need to be watched multiple times to totally understand everything.
  20. Original Saku

    LOL. that episode was epic as fuck though!
  21. Original Saku

    I just really can't stand the engrish in 'Fantastic Magic' honestly... It's still a good song, but definitely not my favorite.
  22. Original Saku

    ^ what kinda of performabce are you getting out of your system if you don't mind me asking? any problems in particular? I have spent hundreds of hours modding skyrim and researching all sorts of methods to squeeze out that last bit of performance for my system, so if you have any problems or questions just ask and I might be able to help with them One last thing, just checking but you do have Skyrim installed on your SSD? because that is a must if you are heavily modding the game. Usually the only advantage to installing a game to an SSD is just a modest increase to load times, but it's a little bit different with skyrim. Because of all the heavy texture mod that can bog down your system performance wise, if you actually have the game installed to the SSD in most cases you can see tremendous performance spikes most notably in micro stuttering and some cases you can get some extra frames per second. That would be my first suggestion if it's not already the case.
  23. Original Saku

    pretty much my sentiment exactly LOL.
  24. Original Saku

    I think you'll be fairly impressed with how beautiful Farcry 4 is... I don't own it on PC but it looks breathtaking on my PS4, so I can just imagine how good it looks on a high end PC. Well then yes, art direction and actual graphic fidelity are two totally different things, so I can understand what you meant now.
  25. Original Saku

    It doesn't look too bad zess, but it could look a lot better imo. the video I posted above is a super modded out game and is definitely not normal. Dude probably had to spend hundreds of hours getting all the mods to play nice together and to get the stability showcased in the video, it's definitely not a mod setup the uninitiated or the unexperienced should or would attempt to accomplish.
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