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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Well this was a pleasant surprise from last night conference... I was waiting for an announcement for a western release of God Eater 2 but I didn't expect it would be making the switch to PS4 as well.
  2. Original Saku

    The exploration and immersion factors are pretty similar, but metro is more of a survival fps that focuses on stealth and difficulty, now of course you don't have to play it that way, but it's meant to be. The developer really wanted to capture the setting and feeling from the books and make the gameplay feel authentic to what it would feel like if your were actually there. That's why the game is best played with a high difficulty and a focus on survival centric tactics, but you can also go guns blazing balls to the wall if you like, but I recommend doing that on the normal difficulty or else you will get mopped. Plus it really has no RPG elements like fallout but in my opinion if you like the new Wolfenstein or fps in general you'll probably like metro. 4A is one of my favorite up and coming studios and so far their track record is amazing.
  3. Original Saku

    for a beta it's looking pretty nice, let's see what it looks like in another 8 months
  4. Original Saku

    my September wallpaper
  5. Original Saku

    Yeah I feel like it could of been better if it was longer tbh. there's still a chance for a second longer season... but still it's disheartening knowing we'll have to wait for it most likely. It's still a great show, just this season would of been better if it was longer. But that's the anime biz, you can't always have 6 month shows especially when it's an unproven anime original series like this :/ I put money on it getting another season tho. unless something major happens in the next few episodes that virtually neuters the series... I doubt that though.
  6. Good news. I enjoyed their last single so I'm looking forward to this
  7. Original Saku

    Feast your eyes on the very first Persona 5 teaser kids! So pretty much we get introduced to the protagonist and it's probably safe to say the story will be taking place in Tokyo. Also it's not just coming to PS3 like it was previously announced but to PS4 as well.
  8. Original Saku

    I saw a advanced screening of As above, So Below Thursday night and it was okay, not as bad as I though it was gonna be and for a hand-cam movie it was actually not the worst I've seen. But hey it was free so beggars can't be choosers xD
  9. Original Saku

    Holy Shit! It's coming out so soon too wasn't really expecting this kinda news, but I'm extremely pleased.
  10. Original Saku

    I beat creed. Now I'm playing Metro 2033 Redux on PC and soon I'll move onto Metro Last Light but damn do I got to say I forgot how good 2033 is... the whole survival/stealth/exploration gameplay mechanics totally rock my world, It's so immersive too. The redux version for the most part makes it a whole lot better as far as can tell so far, there probably is a few things that aren't as good as the original version of the game, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons. And of course on the handheld side of things I'm still grinding Disgaea 4 Vita, nothing has changed there. I'm now playing Azure Striker Gunvolt and it's absolutely fantastic, So good and reminds of megaman so much... this is definitely a great way to stave off that mighty No. 9 thirst till it comes out next year. On a side note I went and fully paid off my Destiny preorder and bought the expansion pass while I was at it. Only 9 days left too! I'm so hyped.
  11. Original Saku

    I'm glad that this game is finally coming out here and all, but I still think it's a betrayal to the vita fans who have been patiently waiting for a Type-0 port for years... and then all of a sudden there is gonna be a localization but only on PS4 and Xbone? Pretty much nothing is stopping them from putting this game on vita except they want to make people buy the new consoles for this game so when XV comes out they'll have the install base needed for it to sell well I know that is business and it makes sense but it's still kinda shitty of them. Vita needs a game like Type-0 right now.
  12. Original Saku

    So it seems like things are working pretty good now... do you guys want to plan a session for tomorrow afternoon/night? I would say do one tonight but I think I'll be busy.
  13. Original Saku

    ^ that looks good just like the first one ^^ Speaking of Square Enix, here's a hour long interview with some gameplay in between for Final Fantasy Explorers I'm really hoping this game makes it out here, it's looking really promising so far I would also like more of the spin-off Final Fantasy games to come here because there are some pretty good ones that never did. btw who do I have to blow over at Square Enix for them to get Dragon Quest X localized over here?
  14. Original Saku

    Welp here we go Nintendo has a new 3DS model coming out in October in Japan. This actually sounds pretty sweet if this new model can really run more intensive games like Xenoblade Chronicles. Also the price point sounds pretty spot on. I'd upgrade for those features.
  15. Original Saku

    Destiny apparently has exclusive content only on Playstation that none of the other platforms will be getting, here's the video: I guess that's pretty cool, overall irrelevant but still I guesss I'm just a little bit happier I'll be playing on PS4 now. Also here's the trailer showcasing Dragon Age Inquisition Co-op multiplayer. I know some people aren't ecstatic about this, but I honestly think it has the potential to be pretty cool and fun if they can make it work. I wouldn't mind playing some co-op Dragon Age with a friend or two, it could be very successful.
  16. Original Saku

    Ah Yes Destiny is going to be a day one buy for me, I've played both the Alpha and Beta with a combined 30 hours between the two and I can say confidently that the game is going to be amazing. and now for what will probably be the first of many news roundups As far as Creed goes I'm kinda glad it got pushed back a bit because October is indeed looking quite cramped right now. Kingdom Hearts news has me pretty stoked for all the new content they're adding to the game Yakuza Zero is some pretty awesome news but sadly considering the last two yakuza games didn't even make it over here I doubt this one will... such a shame too because they are great games.
  17. Original Saku

    Still focusing on creed right now, but I'm really close to finishing. I'm Also on that Disgaea 4 Vita grind in my spare time when I'm away from my house or just don;t fell like playing on a tv or computer screen
  18. Original Saku

    Ah yes Tales of Hearts R the game I've been waiting to come out here since I first heard about it. Probably my most anticipated Vita title this year besides Freedom Wars. The Vita really needs a quality game to help move units and a Tales game sounds like a great candidate. But speaking of Freedom Wars... Freedom Wars is pretty much a God Eater or Monster Hunter clone with some really interesting twists in gameplay and story plot. This is another candidate for the Vita game. So far from what I've seen it looks really fun.
  19. Original Saku

    I will take this opportunity to get this topic started by introducing you guys to a game that probably has flew under a lot of people's radars and is coming out tomorrow in fact. That game is called Azure Striker Gunvolt. So basically this is the other game Keiji Inafune (creator of Megaman) has been working on along side Mighty No. 9. It released earlier this year in japan and is coming to the west tomorrow on the 3DS Eshop for 14.99. This game could of easily passed under anybody's radar (hell it did mine until a week or two ago xD) so now you know
  20. Okay so I was thinking and came up with this idea. What I want to do is basically make this thread a place where we keep track of all upcoming game releases in a Google Docs spreadsheet in the opening post and the rest of the thread will be for people posting and discussing news relevant to upcoming video games that are coming out in the near future. I first came up with the idea when I was thinking of how the "currently playing" thread is used for a lot of different things pertaining to gaming and that it would be better to have a focused discussion over an all around discussion. So this thread will be exclusively used for discussing upcoming game releases as well as posting new information about said games. You can still use the "currently playing" thread for discussing older games that you might be playing at the moment, but I would appreciate it if we could move all other upcoming release discussion to this topic instead. Not only will this thread be used for discussing upcoming games but also as a place to discover new info on games that will be coming out soon. Originally I was going to do a list/directory in the OP of this topic, but I quickly re-evaluated that plan and came to the conclusion that the easiest and most productive way would be to make the list into a Google Docs spreadsheet. Now not only is the list easier to manage and present but also later down the line if people are interested in helping me maintain the list it will be a trivial matter to just give the correct permissions to edit the spreadsheet. The link to the spreadsheet will be located on this post and I'll also include in my signature, other people are welcome to do the same and you can also from time to time post the link in this thread once it starts to grow. My biggest motivation in starting this is to drum up more exciting and engaging discussion here in this sub-forum and also have a place where people can easily and quickly find new info on the games that they are interested in. Topic Guidelines Primarily when posting news it would be ideal to use YT videos even if it's only people discussing relevant info and no actual gameplay or cinematics. If a video is not an option then you may post the news in text form instead. When posting any news that's not in video format please use the quote feature for the text and include a source link at the end of the post Do not just link to the original article and leave it at that. It makes it easier to overlook cool news when it's just a link. Don't be lazy when posting news (especially videos), write a few sentences describing what the video is about and what game it is relevant to. Hell you can even share your opinion on the topic, after all discussion is what this thread was created for. Last but not least remember to have fun! Upcoming Video Game Release List ✧ Last updated September 5th, 2014 ✧
  21. Original Saku

    Tekken is a good fighting game though unlike dynasty warriors xD Obviously this is gonna appeal to both the pokemon fans that just want it because it has pokemon in it and also the hardcore tekken scene. I just hope this game is actually gonna be tournament worthy... it most likely will be considering it's coming to arcades and not a straight to console version.
  22. Original Saku

    It's arcade only because that just how it is in Japan with fighting games, Arcades are still extremely popular in Japan to the point where most new fighting games always come out in arcades there before consoles. One of the biggest advantages of releasing in arcades first is to allow them do what is called location tests and other things that gather data, so when they finally do release a console version they will have a lot of the bugs and problems ironed out. But yes since this is tekken and pokemon it's safe to assume we will eventually see a console version released here, sorry to break it to you though, because this definitely won't be coming to 3DS.
  23. Original Saku

    So i guess if everything goes well and it's done tomorrow like they plan... Session tomorrow night?
  24. Original Saku

    yay! I'm down for a session when it's done updating
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