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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. apparently not man... have you tried looking online else where like ebay or auction sites? That might be a better bet.
  2. Original Saku

    Alright man take it easy and I hope everything works out for you. We'll be here when you get back
  3. Original Saku

    To each their own i suppose. Yeah ToAru is pretty much considered shounen, and it's awesome. actually one of my favorite series too.. but that's going off topic.
  4. Original Saku

    Fuck Yes! I'm excited now
  5. Original Saku

    I'm super tempted to buy this.... But I just don't know right now
  6. Original Saku

    here's a video kinda explaining what these projects are
  7. Original Saku

    Oh I see. yeah the show definitely isn't for you. Shounen's aren't all about the action especially one piece and not all the character can be super badass and win all the time... that would be pretty boring. Sanji is a good character, Yes I can understand you don't like his chivalrous personality and the gags that it incorporates but honestly that's just Japan for ya. I'm getting the vibe that fun shows like OP is not what you're looking for, if you dislike the strawhats for thier care free nature (as pirates should be care free) then I'm willing to bet you shouldn't be watching this type of shounen in the first place. You should probably focus on the more dark and edgy stuff. like what you already stated Tokyo Ghoul btw on a personal note just insinuating that avatar and ben ten is better than OP is ridiculous. I don't know if it's just you didn't grow up with one piece for the past decade and a half like me or not, but you got some serious taste issues if you really truly believe that shit.
  8. Original Saku

    only a few more days I wonder how long it will take to surface on the net? If I had some cash I would totally order it...
  9. Original Saku

    omg what have they done with one of the best games from last generation... this is why I hate mobile games.
  10. Original Saku

    What I want to know is how obsessed to VK does some one have to be for it to be affecting their life to a degree that they have to force themselves to leave a online community to suppress their urges? Jesus Christ it's music not the end all be all of all music either, it's fucking crossdressing dudes that play mediocre to semi-average tunes with the occasional gem that's above average. If you don't have the time to frequent the site anymore due to real life things then just don't come on as much and take care of what you need to take care of. You don't need to make a thread about it and make a big deal out of it all. One thing I've noticed over the years is people who make these sort of threads always end up coming back eventually. basically why can't people just use the forum normally? login once every day or two check shit out, join a conversation or two if your bored, and then go about your lives. It's not something that should take over you lives or should warrant a goodbye post stating that it's ruining your life so you have to call it quits. The forum is just here come hang out when you have the time. /my 2 cents but anyways I hope you can get your shit together i guess, we'll be here when you decide to come back and all that jazz. Words of encouragement; Don't let VK ruin your life I guess... if that's possible.
  11. Original Saku

    PLASTIC GIRL IN CLOSET - eye cue rew see

    PLASTIC GIRL IN CLOSET『eye cue rew see』2014年9月3日発売 [収録曲] 01. NEW VIEW 02. ERROR 03. STARRY STAIRWAY 04. TENNIS COURT 05. E.Y.E 06. CITRUS KISS 07. VAMPIRE 08. FERRIS WHEEL NIGHT LIGHTS 09. SAD DREAM 10. AFTER DARK 11. COLOURS OF THE WORLD DQC-1345 / 2,000yen(without tax)
  12. Original Saku

    UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - Catcher In The Spy

    1. サイレンインザスパイ 2. シューゲイザースピーカー 3. 桜のあと (all quartets lead to the?) 4. 蒙昧termination 5. 君が大人になってしまう前に 6. メカトル時空探検隊 7. 流れ星を撃ち落せ 8. 何かが変わりそう 9. harmonized finale 10. 天国と地獄 11. instant EGOIST 12. 黄昏インザスパイ
  13. Original Saku

    I mean I probably wouldn't get that shit since I live the NEET life and never leave the house anyways but it's still scary to think about
  14. Original Saku

    Fuck this is kinda scary to think about ...
  15. Anybody want to plug for a while? http://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven/ I'll be there idleing for a bit if anybody wants to come chill and spin some tunes :)

  16. Original Saku

    Just got back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy in IMAX 3D and damn that was fucking amazing. The movie is really good but what really blew me away was the IMAX experience, I haven't been to IMAX in years and I have to say that they've really came a long way since the last movie i saw there, almost 6 years ago. I don't think I will ever be able to see a movie regularly again after that....
  17. Original Saku

    Exactly. there is nothing wrong with liking the lolicon subculture, no matter what anybody says. unless it leads into irl offenses which almost never is the case.
  18. Original Saku

    How is he stupid and dumb? in what way? Is he literally dumb or do you find his character dumb? at least back your opinions please. I already kinda have an idea of why you don't like his character though. I don't think this show is for if you think Law is the only good character because he is not a bad character but far from the best. What exactly do you have against the million other characters in the OP universe to say that you like none of them? Also I'm curious since you don't think the show is impressive anymore, when was the last time you did think the show was impressive? Because this arc is actually the best arc since the time skip and I would probably put it up there with some of my favorites from before the time skip as well.
  19. Original Saku

    Yeah that's pretty tough.... Vertical alignment just might be best, either that or get a bigger desk
  20. Original Saku

    Just heard about this. So sad T.T
  21. Original Saku

    It looks cool, but it seems basically like a more streamlined and simpler version of MyAnimeList... I can bet that there's no real reason to switch from MAL to this :/
  22. Original Saku

    pretty good read sai, made me chuckle more than a few times 7th rose was an alright album for me, it came out around the time I was making my exit and distancing myself from the scene but I remember liking some songs from it... still gots nothing on classic D though, I totally agree about Asagi shouldn't be doing harsh vocals xD
  23. Original Saku

    Like I said you can get two different sizes then, it's not gonna matter in the long run. I have two monitors both are different sizes, the only thing is if you're OCD it's probably gonna bother the shit out of you XD
  24. Original Saku

    Depends what the rig is for, if it's for gaming you don't need the two screens to be the same size unless you're doing some eyefinity shit where it spans multiple monitors. Other wise for a normal gaming setup I would recommend at least a 22" LCD for the best experience. Now if it's not for gaming but for other stuff or for both you can always get two different sizes... it's not gonna matter unless you are going for a eyefinity setup. Basically if your gonna game on it make sure your main monitor is at least 20" otherwise it doesn't really matter, it's up to you. Screen resolution is more important than size, there's no real reason to go any bigger 24-26" on a desktop PC imo. If your looking for a good and affordable LCD brand for gaming I recommend ASUS. Just curious what kind of build are you going for? Post it here and I can give you some pointers if you like.
  25. Original Saku

    I mean I don't think they are the best thing I've ever heard and I probably wouldn't rate it higher than some of my other favorites from this year so far, but it was good and I enjoyed it... Basically I would listen to it again and yeah that's a pretty big deal for me I guess XD
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