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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    it's not third person it's first person... and yeah it's the most pre-ordered game of this year, Also developed by Bungie so of course everybody is hyping it up. If I had to describe the game I would say it's like a cross between Halo, Borderlands, and Mass Effect. Honestly if you don't plan on playing with friends online then just don't get it at all, because otherwise it's a very boring game after a while playing by yourself. It's painfully obvious they made this game to be tons of fun when playing with other people. So far I'm like 12-16 hours in and just hit level 14 I'm playing a Hunter and I plan on going into blade dancer for my subclass. My impression so far is mostly good, of course there are a few things about the game that I wish were different but a lot of aspects I love. The game will probably just keep getting better and better from this point forward... I'm really curious as to what kinda content Bungie will bringing forth to the table with patches and expansions.
  2. Original Saku

    not really... the only good exclusives for WiiU are first party titles so... yeah.
  3. Original Saku

    Damn really? Nobody is getting this game? well here's a neat video breaking down the live action trailer I posted above. There's some pretty interesting theories discussed.
  4. Original Saku

    well at least they are considering it... I doubt it will happen tho. Hell I would be happy if we could get some fan translation patch of the game similar to Phantasy Star Online... but sadly DQ isn't that popular here...
  5. Original Saku

    nice I remember really enjoying their first album, but the second one not as much... it wasn't horrible though. I'll be keeping my eye out for this.
  6. Original Saku

    It's official pre-loading for PS3 and PS4 is live starting right now, so if you bought digitally go ahead and make sure you pre-load also; for you lucky people who get the game a little early.
  7. Original Saku

    i find it hard to take this seriously considering he is obviously basing his opinion on the western world (read America) and not the entire world. Hell I could of told you rock was dead in the west (America not Europe) and it's been so for some years now. All the new stuff coming of of the U.S. is uninspired wannabe shit IMO. It doesn't help that the youth of today are only concerned with artist's like Miley Cirus, Lady Gaga, and Justin Bieber... like how can you even call that shit music? So yes I'm probably of the opinion that hes saying all this shit just for the publicity XD
  8. These guys are starting to churn stuff out pretty fast, must be that major label putting pressure on them... here's hoping that they can keep the quality
  9. Original Saku

    Dragon Age Origins is definitely one of the best if not the best western RPG in the past decade, even the console port is enjoyable. If you haven't played this game then you are missing out on something special. Also about Divinity Original Sin... I haven't had in first hand experience with it but I only hear great things about ti's gameplay, now story.... that's another matter entirely because I hear the story is really the only negative about the game, supposedly it's not that good. but I hear the gameplay is so fun that it makes up for it. I finished Metro 2033 Redux last night on survival ranger mode and damn it was glorious. I really have to give it up to 4A on this, they made a already great game an amazing game with all the upgrades and additions. Fuck it's so satisfying playing this game in my room with all the lights turned off and my surround sound headset with hudless ranger mode and just getting so immersed in the game and the world. this is one of the very few game's that have been able to grab me in this way. Another game that has been able to achieve this feat is TES:V to name one. I want to go ahead and start playing Last Light Redux but I don;t feel like I'll be able to finish it before monday night when I'll be going to pick up Destiny so It'll probably get put on hold for a little while.
  10. Original Saku

    correct sub-forum would be the help sub-forum Moved.
  11. Original Saku

    Here's the first gameplay video of Assassin's Creed Rogue It looks good, but I'll probably wait on buying this one considering I'm already gonna buy Unity day one and plus there's gonna be a lot of other games coming out around this time. here's a tease for the new Sherlock Holmes game This seems interesting and I hope it turns out good but I'm definitely taking a wait and see approach on this one. And finally a nice chunk of goodness in this new Bayonetta 2 trailer ughhh... so good. Though I'm still salty at Platinum for betraying us and only releasing this game on what is virtually a dead console up to this point. I might have to buy a WiiU for this tbh, The first Bayonetta ranks in my top ten games of the last console generation.
  12. Original Saku

    Fuck that's a really cool collectors edition, I almost wish I would have ponied up the extra cash for it... also there's this live action trailer...
  13. Original Saku

    Update to the Upcoming Video Game List. - SEPT. 16th - Air Conflicts: Vietnam Run Like Hell - SEPT. 23rd - Slender: The Arrival Frozen Synapse Prime - OCT. 14th - Peggle 2 - OCT. 24th - Bayonetta 2 Spellforce Tactics - OCT. 31st - Moto GP 14 - NOV. 4th - The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - NOV. 5th - A Bird Story - NOV. 30th - Project Cars - JAN. 27th - Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - APR. 14th - Mortal Kombat X Full list of upcoming game releases HERE
  14. Original Saku

    Man Europe is so fucking lucky... If they were to come to the east coast I would go no matter what i would have to do to get there XD
  15. Original Saku

    Mono - Legend Right now this is the only one that comes to mind, but that's probably because I just got done with a mono marathon a few weeks ago xD
  16. Original Saku

    yeah the ONA was the original experiment to see if it was going to be popular and then it was and people responded to it well so they made a tv series. Don;t worry about the ONA's though because I'm pretty sure they included everything that was in those in the tv series and in better quality.
  17. Original Saku

    Oh PC? damn that sucks man... I feel for ya. This is pretty much one of the few games I bought the PS4 specifically for XD
  18. Original Saku

    after a second thought I decided to change to a Destiny wallpaper for this month since it comes out next week
  19. Original Saku

    Okay since Destiny is only 5 days away I figured we can go ahead and make a topic for it here. Pretty much talk about whatever here that has to do with the game. Are you getting the game? what platform? what do you think about destiny? etc. I'll be getting the game on launch at the midnight opening at my local gamestop for my PS4. My PSN ID is Zman_the_killer if anyone wants to go ahead and add me. I have a mic and plan to be very active in the game for the foreseeable future. so far bungie has made it clear that their will be no random matchmaking for raids, which has quite a few people worried because what are the odds that you'll be able to find 5 other friends that are available to play with for upwards of two hours. That's where the fans have come in and created a site called That Wizard Came From The Moon that will pretty much make it easy to meet people to play with when you can't find enough friends available to do that raid you want play. I've already made an account there and can already see that it will be a great place to make new friends. If you want to add me on the site, you should be able to find me through my PSN ID or my username (I go by Towa there). last but not least bungie has teamed up with google to do a "planet view" of the world of Destiny. It's pretty much street view where you'll be able to explore the moon, mars, and venus. Not only is there a lot of info that can be discovered in this but also if you complete the experience you'll get a code for a special in game emblem. The website only works on google chrome though. https://www.destinyplanetview.com Now go ahead and post away, I've been looking foward to this game for years, even before this game was announced or we knew anything about it. I'm so excited and can hardly contain myself... 5 days have never seemed so long xD
  20. Original Saku

    That's most definitely Kyousou Giga; http://myanimelist.net/anime/19703/Kyousou_Giga_%28TV%29 One of my favorite shows from last year, definitely worth watching
  21. Original Saku

    Wait a Second... not just one but two new mini albums? omg I think I just climaxed, please excuse me while I go change my pants now.
  22. Original Saku

    I broke my Samsung Galaxy S4 and fucked my wrist up at the same time.... this was a bad night.
  23. Original Saku

    ^ nothing wrong with that dude... I myself regress back into doujin music twice a year respectively summer and winter comiket time XD
  24. Original Saku

    yass! this is some pretty nice news I already knew about the single and the PV from when they posted it a few weeks ago but great to hear a full length album is coming out this year Also that song is really solid.
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