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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    No you do not have to play 1 or 2 to understand infinite, but if you ever get the chance to buy bioshock 1 for the cheap do it and play the hell out of it. The original bioshock is one of those games that even after 7 years it still sucks me in every single time I play it, and the PC version is gorgeous.
  2. Original Saku

    Ah i see. Well just from the first screen cap i can already definitely recommend that you should play Alan Wake if you have not already. It's a great game with tons of atmospheric and visually immersive aspects and also the story is pretty great. it's a little on the creepy side of things though, so if you don't mind that i definitely recommend playing it at night by yourself with no lights on and using a headset if you have one for the full experience. Next I would say for a little bit more of a fantasy rpg experience I would recommend you play Dragon Age: Origins. This game is all about story and if you're worried about difficulty then don't worry because the learning curve is not huge, after a few hours getting used to the keys and you'll be fine. DA:O is my absolute favorite western rpg from the past 15 years, nothing can compete with it so far except maybe Witcher 2 but even then they are totally two different types of games. Okay we got the thriller/suspense and story/rpg REC's out the way it's time for a action hack n' slash recommendation. Darksiders I & II are some of the most satisfying beat em up games I've ever played. Sure they have story and there's nothing wrong or bad with the story, but the main attraction is the mindless violence on the screen. pretty much these games are just really fun to play and sink some time into and if you by chance follow the story while doing that then that's a plus okay there you go there's a base for what I would start with if I were you. there is other stuff on your list i would recommend as well if you haven't played them yet.... like Bioshock infinite, Batman Arkham Asylum, Dead Space, and Deus Ex: HR to name a few. but the ones above are some of the more must plays.
  3. Original Saku

    I agree with flame. But yeah it will most likely come out later next year with a big release date and Gameplay reveal at E3.
  4. Original Saku

    What games do you have to choose from champ? I'm always down to give a recommendation
  5. Original Saku

    It took a few (2-3 days) we we're on the last boss for like 4-5 hours alone. and btw if you add me make sure to tell me who you are please! Also when I said PSN I meant for the PS4... just in case there's some confusion on which version I'm playing. either way add me
  6. Original Saku

    I just finished the vault of glass raid with a group of buddies online and damn that shit was so fucking hard but so satisfying! Like holy shit I don't think I've ever played something that hard before in any game. Kudos to bungie as well for not making it just artificial difficulty either, because that shit has hella puzzles and actually is pretty interesting when it comes to some of the mechanics. I hope all the raids from this one forth has the same level of quality and thought put into them... holy shit my adrenaline is out the roof right now btw I'm Lvl. 27 Hunter with all legendary and exotic gear. if anyone wants to play hit me up. my PSN is Zman_the_Killer
  7. Original Saku

    So yeah the last Tokyo Ghoul episode was pretty fucking brutal if you ask me... me and a friend were just kinda sitting here wincing at certain moments throughout the episode. That being said this episode was fucking amazing, holy shit balls I was really not expecting that total 180 in personality there at the end. Now I'm sitting here wishing there was more... hopefully it'll get a second season and soon (preferably by next spring or summer). I will definitely be looking forward to re-watching this in it's uncensored glory when the BD's come out. In the meantime I might just have to go pick up the manga Also JoJo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders just ended and it's already confirmed it's coming back in January during the winter season to finish off part 3. I'm definitely gonna be missing it, this is one adaption that I literally have no complaints about whatsoever. David Productions are doing god's work by animating this beloved series .
  8. Original Saku

    You can actually disable a lot of those touch screen centric features in win8 i believe.
  9. Original Saku

    WTF! I'm fucking scarred for life after watching that, like srsly that shit would fuck little kids up if they just came across it on YT....
  10. Original Saku

    Okay now I'm fucking excited. This is exactly what the ps4 needed a deep grind heavy SRPG for me to sink hundreds of hours into even though we probably want see this localized anytime soon (probably a year or so after it releases in Japan) I'm still really excited about it.
  11. Original Saku

    Yeah but XIII-2 also had the best battle system out of the three so... I'll take fun gameplay over story in this case. At least I'm having fun while i play the game and not bored out of my mind
  12. Original Saku

    okay so TGS just happened and we have some new videos for MGSV. in this one I've been told that miller wants Quiet dead but ocelot wants her alive and then big boss comes in and says to just put her in a cell for now. then the conversation between big boss and miller is big boss saying that when the time comes he'll kill her himself. then there's this 20 minute gameplay demo! I know I've probably said this before but damn fox engine looks so damn sexy!
  13. Original Saku

    honestly I'm glad he's going to work on KHIII because to be real I'm hype for FFXV and all but I've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts III a lot longer than XV and tbh if I had to say which game I'm more looking forward to it would be KH. Also Zess you do realize Type-0 is a game that has been fully released on psp almost 4 years ago right? A large part of it had already been localized as well before they even announced this port... I would be surprised if it wasn't coming out before XV to be real. okay on to other bigger and better things, like say this new awesome amazing spectacular Bloodborne trailer! Like holy shit wow! I need this in my life like right now xD and a release date for February is great, i really didn't expect it to come out so soon. and then there's capcom's new monster hunter/Dark Souls hybrid thingy called Deep Down I gotta say it's looking pretty sweet but I'm not totally convinced on it yet.
  14. Original Saku

    do a clean install of your current windows. if the problems still persist then it's a hardware issue and upgrading is not gonna fix it.
  15. Original Saku

    Anyone that says FFXIII story is "top notch" wouldn't know a great story or plot if it hit them square in the face. That's the biggest problem with the XIII trilogy is the sheer inconsistency of the story, I felt like they were really trying to go for something great at the beginning but the longer it dragged on between games the more shit it became till eventually you end up with a mess of convoluted inconsistent can't tell what the hell is going on plot that is the Fabula Nova Crystallis trilogy. Now this game coming to steam is really great for a variety of reasons... Most importantly because steam has a serious lack of support from Japaneses developers and even less when it comes to Japanese RPGs. Even though more and more JRPGs have been making their way over to steam it's still not that great. This will hopefully spur other developers to port their JRPGs to steam in the future Also I bet this game will look absolutely amazing on a high end PC xD
  16. Live action Ghost in the Shell? Awesome! Live action Ghost in the Shell done by Hollywood (America)? Fuck that! Immediately disappointed.... Like seriously why doesn't Japan just make it instead? Why the fuck does it have to be done by America? This is gonna blow so much.
  17. Original Saku

    Good news, I'm glad they're trying to release more often... I'll be waiting for more info about the remixed songs
  18. Original Saku

    It was a really good episode though. I really do like Dolfy as a villain, he's probably one of the most nefariously evil characters in the series and he makes a great antagonist. Also I really like his character design and his back story
  19. YES! Nobunaga Concerto ED FTW! My First Story is really killing it lately... I'm really excited for the new album
  20. Original Saku

    playing the hell out of Destiny currently and will probably stay that way for a very long time...
  21. Original Saku

    I have high hopes for inquisition as well, but after the horrible disappointment that was DA2 I will most definitely be talking a wait and see approach for the game... Bioware has to earn my trust back after that travesty but I will give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the fact they only spent a year and a half in development for DA2 and were pretty much rushed out the door by EA. If you look at it from that perspective DA2 is actually quite a feat and could be considered decent when keeping in mind what they were able to accomplish with that very short development cycle... I mean come on, even Call of duty has longer cycles than that (2 years) EA are a bunch of scumbags xD I full well expect Inquisition to be really good since they've had ample time to develop it, but I do have worries about it so therefore I will wait to hear some stuff I just came across this official trailer for Fatal Frame V while I was browsing youtube, It's coming out in japan later this month. Man this looks really good. This is probably something I would buy a WiiU for, but of course you know this would actually have to released here for me to buy it... come on Nintendo this is the kinda third party games we want. We don't want ports of games that can be played on other better consoles, we want games built from the ground up for your console intended for your hardware and most importantly we want these games to be from third party developers because there is just so much mario and zelda that one can take before it starts getting old.
  22. Original Saku

    Speaking of Unity here is some gamrplay of Unity's co-op heist missions Not gonna lie that does look pretty fun... I'm gonna have to find some people to play co-op with when this drops here's a trailer showing off Call of Duty Advance Warfare's new Exo abilities in multiplayer This game has me feeling very optimistic... this might just be the Call of Duty that pulls me back in... and finally a new Bethesda Underground video for The Evil Within LMAO.
  23. Original Saku

    Well damn that shit is breaking records left and right >_<
  24. Original Saku

    yeah I'm not too hyped about rogue myself... but Unity is a different story, I will definitely be grabbing it day one. Also Black Flag wasn't that bad from a gameplay perspective! Just people were pissed that it didn't really have anything to do with assassin's... and even then the story was not that bad. Although definitely gotta say it's the worst creed story wise, but at least Edward isn't as bad a protagonist as Connor
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