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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    I'm really digging this song, can't wait for a full length announcement
  2. Original Saku

    I just seen this video and laughed my ass off so bad.... there's no way I couldn't share it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDJ0oLg2GPE How Luffy became impervious to fanservice
  3. Original Saku

    25 minute Xenoblade Chronicles X gameplay trailer released by Nintendo today
  4. The new Sukekiyo album isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, actually individually there's more than a few songs I really like so far :

  5. Original Saku

    I'm so hyped for type-0 HD, it's gonna be awesome replaying this game on my PS4 with a dual shock 4 and in 1080p 60fps
  6. Original Saku

    man gearbox is doing god's work by remastering this I'm so excited New Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 gameplay Bloodborne is really starting too look pretty sweet, I'm vey interested in these "chalice dungeons"
  7. Original Saku

    I might pop in here in a little while
  8. Original Saku

    anything that's not VK and is still Japanese is allowed to be posted in the non-vk section, that also includes Jpop.
  9. Original Saku

    You do make some good points... I wouldn't be against it, especially if it spurs more non-vk news being posted more often
  10. Original Saku

    No review is gonna be totally bias free, but I assure you blackdoll's review is about as far away as you can get from being unbiased. I don't believe I ever said that I think it'll be a waste of time, if that was the case why would I even want an accurate review in the first place? I would just not bother at all... but alas I'm sorely out of touch with VK and I was thinking of trying Lycaon's new album since they seem to be rather popular around here, but when I go to check out a review everything is written with what I could best describes as a biased tinged filter. (I'm not bashing Blackdoll here, he/she has the right to write what they want and how they want it) I then ask if anybody is gonna write a unbiased review, but apparently the word "unbiased" is taboo around here since I got snapped on by a few members over it. It sucks when I can't type one sentence on here without some kind of backlash. Edit: but yes nekkichi is correct, let's get back on topic pls people
  11. Original Saku

    touche touche XD anyways I don't know why what I said was taking as bashing, I was just wanting to know if someone was gonna write up a more unbiased review so I could accurately evaluate whether or not I should waste my time listening to this album...
  12. Original Saku

    hell yeah, sample sounds pretty awesome!
  13. Original Saku

    Honestly there's no way in hell that I could ever take this review seriously when you gave all 18 songs a perfect 10/10.... is anyone planning on writing up an objective review for this album?
  14. Original Saku

    Awesome work guys! I'm definitely gonna have to check out some of this stuff when I have more time
  15. Original Saku

    My February Desktop <3
  16. absolutely nothing, nothing at all xD but no seriously, there seems to be a few good new acts from what I hear but nothing too amazing or fresh.
  17. ^ that's highly unlikely, It's no secret that they have been in dire straights for the last few years financially. If they did release a console I would be legitimately surprised and also worried as to where they got the money to finance the development of the console to begin with xD
  18. Original Saku

    yes this is on my most anticipated 2015 releases! less then a week away too can't wait xD
  19. Sega has been irrelevant a while now when it comes to developing games anyways, they're better off just publishing in my opinion....
  20. Original Saku

    pretty good, I'm looking forward to the album
  21. Original Saku

    another great chapter this week, but It's sad there's no chapter next week
  22. Original Saku

    Just finished re-watching Sokyuu no Fafner last night in preparation to start watching the new season... and damn I forgot how great a mecha show it is. Definitely one of the sleeper hits among mecha shows and totally gets a spot on my top ten mecha series list. Also a few weeks ago I decided to re-watch the original Mobile Suit Gundam for fun and nostalgia purposes and I had a great time reliving my childhood, so much so that I think I'm gonna be revisiting more of the U.C. mobile suit series here in the near future
  23. Original Saku

    Yeah I think I'm gonna get the limited edition as well
  24. Original Saku

    I'm not sure about the pad issue, but I've heard that dolphin has major compatibility and performance issues when it comes to Xenoblade Chronicles.... The best way to experience that game is on a actual Wii, i can confirm that from first hand experience. If by chance have a Wii but don't have the game itself (which is most likely the case, since the game is really hard to get nowadays without paying tons of money) you can always hack the Wii (it's really simple to do this) and play the iso file on it that way, which would have pretty much the same performance and compatibility as playing legit on the Wii with a disc. Other than that, if it's the pad that causing you the biggest discomfort try to google around and see if anyone else has had the same issue. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles configuratio9n guides/threads all over the net since it is one of the most popular Wii games to emulate since it is so hard to get a physical copy now.
  25. Original Saku

    nice! welcome to the community Zombie <3 I'm also adding you on last.fm
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