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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    LOL, I honestly didn't notice till you pointed it out Thanks for bringing to my attention a 5 year old grammar mistake XD
  2. Original Saku

    I have wonderful eyesight so I don't need glasses, but I have been playing around with the idea of getting a pair of low light gaming glasses used for extended periods of gaming to take some of the stress off of my eyes.
  3. Original Saku

    Holy hell! Good luck with getting through that 600+ episode marathon... So worth it tho XD
  4. Original Saku

    Honestly y'all should just go ahead and read the manga for Tokyo Ghoul... the anime adaption is kinda awful compared to the manga XD
  5. Original Saku

    Spot on assessments flame! especially for Gundam... It's very hard to follow at times, I was even watching some episodes more than once and still had a hard time grasping everything in the story at times. I definitely agree it's probably better to watch all at once rather than weekly so things are still fresh in the memory from episode to episode. I'll definitely have to re-watch it some time, I was really loving the hand drawn art style. the only thing is that I was under the impression that this was gonna be a 4cour series, do you think that there's any chance that they'd do another season? I mean AGE got like 50 episodes and that shit was awful, you'd think sunrise would gives this more than one season just like all their other Gundam series from the past ten years (SEED, 00, AGE). Also I was wondering what you thought about Build Fighters TRY? I personally love it and I think it might be better than the first season for me, because lately I've noticed that I like a lot more of the characters from TRY than I did the first season... Also Try Burning Gundam is so much cooler than Star Build Strike Gundam XD
  6. Original Saku

    You guys make me really sad I'm loving the new tricot album.... I also don't understand the hate for the vocalist, probably my favorite thing about the band xD This album is definitely better than the last, especially since they got rid of the drummer (I really wasn't digging him) and became an all girl band
  7. Original Saku

    shit I might have to pick up the manga too...
  8. Original Saku

    Finished Shigatsu and damn that ending was perfect. Honestly I'm just all over this show, I know that there's other people who don't like it for whatever reasons , but I find it hard to give it anything less than a 9/10 because I truly enjoyed every single second of it. The only thing stopping it from the perfect score is the sometimes out of place slap stick comedy moments but even those didn't really bother that much in fact more than a few times I liked the placement of them, they did a good job of relieving some of the intense drama that was happening to the characters.
  9. Original Saku

    Aside from that, another character that deserves a mention is Soo-won. His presence makes the story quite a complex one because of his actions. After killing Yona's father (this isn't a spoiler by any means), the show almost makes you think he's the villain, however with so much emphasis put into his character, all the things he does afterwards puts him in a very gray area. Due to the fact that Yona's father was a peacekeeping king, his kingdom was in a dying state and Soo-won didn't want the kingdom in shambles. So impossible to hate on a guy like him who truly cares about the state of the kingdom. This very much reminds me of Char Aznable from Mobile Suit Gundam, someone who's not a villain but a sympathetic antagonist. The only cons I have on this show is the slow paced episodes in the beginning and a few comedic moments fell flat, but other than that, this is ranked very high on my list. It may as well be on my top 5 of 2015 anime. It would be very cruel not to have a 2nd season since it really deserves it. Hopefully they'll announce it soon. 9/10 YES. Exactly my thoughts! If this doesn't get another season I'm gonna riot XD
  10. Original Saku

    Bloodborne! Man I gotta say that From Software never disappoints, this game is awesome and it's just different enough from the "souls" games to set itself apart and have this fresh feeling to the gameplay. in Dark Souls the combat was very defensive and methodical at times where even backing off when the going got tough was a viable defensive strategy. In this game it's just so much more fast paced and aggressive and it's actually better to go in guns blazing all or nothing then to try to turtle all the time or be overly defensive in your encounters. There's definitely a difference to game play between the two games. Another thing that I have to praise this game for is the atmosphere and setting, of course that's nothing new to this series they've always had amazing feeling when it came to the game world and that has not changed with this game. The graphics aren't too impressive (just like the other games) but the beautifully creepy art style and aesthetic make up for that ten fold and is just absolutely breathtaking at times. Oh yeah did I mention that the game is fucking bloody as hell? because it is xD OMG there's so much blood and it is amazing! My one single gripe with this game is the fact that because Sony owns the IP it'll never get a PC port and thus it will always be stuck in a 30fps hell but I can live with it just like how I came to terms with Demon Souls never getting a PC port because Sony owns it. The 30fps isn't unplayable or anything anyways, also another thing people might bitch about is the LONG loading screens, but I'm actually okay with them because they give me plenty of time to cool my head right after I get slaughtered and have to go back in to retrieve my blood echoes (the equivalent of souls from past games) so the long loading screens are actually a blessing in disguise if you ask me. for a more in depth review I recommend checking out this one right Here it hits all the right points and pretty much is exactly spot on to my own observations so far.
  11. Original Saku

    Yes. This song is good! They don't disappoint. I'm gonna try to scrounge up the money to buy this album now xD
  12. Original Saku

    messy desktop screenshot
  13. Original Saku

    10/10 <3
  14. Original Saku

    you and me both XD
  15. Original Saku

    Yeah I just thought about what this means for the new silent Hill game, and made me sadder because i was really looking forward to seeing what Kojima could do with it...
  16. Original Saku

    Wait does this mean that after TPP that Kojima won't be involved with any more MGS... I don't like the sound of that one bit I honestly would rather the series die than to not play another MGS directed by Kojima.
  17. Original Saku

    that sucks
  18. Original Saku

    Really that's awesome Do you by chance have an official source for this info, I want to make sure xD
  19. Original Saku

    So far type-0 HD is an average port at best. I'll give you the run down. PROS The graphics. the game itself looks amazing and they did a pretty alright job with the graphics part of the remaster. You couldn't get this game to look this good even if you were to emulate the psp version on PC and upscale to 1440p with AA. here's a video comparison below in the spoiler. 60 FPS. Yes this matters and it does make a difference, this game plays so much better at a higher frame rate, it's just unimaginably smooth There is nothing in this port that technically makes it worse than the original, and by that I mean that it runs about the same (if not better) and there's no bugs that I can tell that were introduced in the porting process. CONS There is nothing in this port that technically makes it better than the original, and by that I mean that gameplay/mechanic wise they did not try to improve anything, everything is pretty much the same even though their could of been a few things they could of improved upon (example would be the god awful camera). The translation and dub. This is more of a personal con to me... The translation isn't the worse I've seen but overall the Fan Translation is miles above this official one and really shows that the fans that weren't even getting paid to do it, took more TLC translating the game then the actual people who were getting paid to do it. also the dub is just plain lazy and you can really tell that they didn't spend a lot of money on it. Thank god that Square has finally started to do dual audio in there games now. My biggest gripe with the game is that they took out the multiplayer aspects. Yes type-0 psp had multiplayer and they totally axed it from this version all together. Honestly I understand why they did this but that still doesn't make it any better when I start to wonder what could of been. With all this said, it's still worth the buy considering that the core game is intact and in some aspects the experience is a bit better if you care about graphics and frame rate. This version of the game is still just as fun as the psp and I welcome it to my collection.
  20. Original Saku

    I'm okay with this. Kojima and MGS was one of the best things Konami had going for them anyways, if this was a falling out then I would say Konami is pretty stupid for letting him walk... regardless I'm confident that Kojima will overcome this.
  21. Original Saku

    That's pretty sweet Champ <3 It looks like you spared no expenses with the graphics card, so you should be future proof for quite a few years welcome to the future! about dragon age, it's actually pretty well optimized for PC.... well the engine Frostbite is at least.
  22. Original Saku

    I'm Sorry Champ I didn't want to do it, but you left me no choice!
  23. Original Saku

    Watching Kazuki and Soushi being a couple of BAMF's in the last two episodes of Fafnir Seriously some pretty awesome mecha action in the last few episodes.
  24. Original Saku

    This is for anybody who is dying to see actual combat gameplay for Xenoblade Chronicles X <3
  25. Original Saku

    Holy shit this week's episode of Shigatsu was super heavy... man that was tough to get through without tearing up a bit. The more I watch the more I think that the show is going down the "bad end" route and is gonna be super sad and will make me cry a lot. Also the most recent two episodes of Death Parade were superb, and really well done.
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