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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    Oh don't get me wrong I like Inquisition, and I thought it was definitely a good step in the right direction after DA2. But I honestly detest DA2 idk... I think it was just expectations and excitement for that game were just so high for me and then I played it and the disappointment literally crushed me and all hope of me ever liking the damn game xD But I can understand what's good about the game and how some people would still enjoy it regardless of its shortcomings. Yeah I have to agree with you about Inquisition though, they definitely pushed the whole open world skyrim thing a bit too hard....
  2. Original Saku

    Went and saw The Revenant last night at the cinema. I have to say that I was really impressed.. I really really enjoyed the way the movie was shot in natural lighting and all of the scenes were shot magnificently. It really gave off this genuine feeling while watching almost like it was real. There was also a ton of symbolism in the movie which I found to be really cool and it worked as intended. both leads Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy were perfect, great acting all around. A very brutal yet very emotional movie.
  3. Original Saku

    Here's another one of my all time favorites from last generation; Dragon Age: Origins probably the single greatest western RPG of the last decade, with only a few others able to come close to what I consider perfection. It's such a shame that Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition wasn't able to live up to Origins... I had such high hopes for both as well. Origins was just good in everything it did and was almost like a perfect combination of micromanaging party combat system, superb and interesting characters, really strong world building and lore, and RPG stat/class and equipment building.
  4. Original Saku

    Watched in the heart of the sea a few nights ago with some friends and it was pretty decent I like how it wasn't technically about the book moby dick but about the true story moby dick was based off of. so that was a interesting aspect and caught me by surprise.
  5. Original Saku

    Started Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen on PC and it is surprisingly a very good port. It runs almost flawlessly at a solid 60fps without me really having to tweak any settings at all and only dips by like 5fps in select areas and certain intensive combat situations. I'm very pleased, good job Capcom anybody else buy this PC port and is playing? If so let me know and we can friend each other on steam and share our pawns with each other!
  6. Original Saku

    yeah I was always under the impression that VK isn't terribly popular inside of Japan other than a few select bands. atleast not popular like VK was in the 90's and early 00's
  7. definitely that feeling of finding a good band and only finding out later they are either disbanded or on hiatus.... or finding a really good band and then they disband shortly after you discovery because of "musical differences"... : /
  8. Original Saku

    I just use google music to upload my entire 500GB music collection to their cloud service and then stream it anywhere and everywhere I want, on my phone or in a browser on any computer. The only thing is if you have a huge music collection like me then uploading it all to the cloud will use a fuck ton of data so you might want to make sure your bandwidth can handle it or just go to a friends house or somewhere with free wifi (like McDonald's or Starbucks) lol. best thing ever and I don't have to worry about space constrictions or tagging issues since I've already correctly tagged it all myself.
  9. Original Saku

    sure go ahead! my psn ID is Zman_the_killer
  10. Original Saku

    Bloodborne there we go that should be enough love honestly tho the soulsborne game's OSTs are the GOAT I think
  11. Original Saku

    srsly one of the best video game OST ever created imo. This thread is seriously lacking some From Software love, that needs to be fixed. Demon's Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls II
  12. Original Saku

    Just got my platinum in Bloodborne and finished my NG+3 run as well. Pretty satisfying but I think I'm finally burnt out since I've been playing nothing but this since the beginning of December.... Kinda proud that I beat every boss (including DLC and chalice dungeon bosses) solo in NG+3 though, and most of them i beat the first try too xD Now that I'm taking a break from Bloodborne my plans are to start playing Dragon's Dogma PC when it comes out tomorrow! So hype that Capcom decided to do a PC port and so far from what they have showed us it looks to be a pretty good port Can't wait to play it in 1080p and 60FPS!
  13. Original Saku

    played the DLC twice already and it is awesome. Might actually be better than Dark Souls DLC... it has a great amount of content for the price tag and adds so much to the game. Also it fills in a few gaps and unanswered questions in the lore which is awesome. I really hope they do another DLC but I'm pretty sure that they are done with Bloodborne since Dark Souls III is coming out in a few months.
  14. Original Saku

    12 getting a remaster is just a rumor, some performer from the final fantasy distant worlds orchestra said something about it on stage apparently but it has not been confirmed nor brought up again since. Although I personally think it is very likely that this will be the case and they are working on it. Btw I love 12... it's my Favorite FF from the last decade and the one with my favorite combat system in the entire series. The only FF game that has even came close since has been Type-0 for me. Also the International Zodiac version of the game is seriously so good, you can only play that version in English on emulator atm, so if there really is a HD remaster I'm really hoping it at least includes that version of the game as an option.
  15. Original Saku

    My three favorite RPGs from last console generation are; and then if you count Dark Souls then I would put it on the top of that list xD
  16. Original Saku

    Bloodborne!!! the game that just keeps on giving, like holy shit it's so good xD Seriously can't wait to see what Miyazaki is gonna bring to us with Dark Souls 3
  17. Original Saku

    Xenoblade is a lot funner when you play it with other people or friends imo. I can see how it would get boring for some people who aren't into open world online Jrpgs like this though xD I've been playing a SHIT ton of Bloodborne and just recently started The Old Hunters DLC. Loving the DLC so much, it's awesome. also been playing Xenoblade Chronicles X as well but not as much as I should be... lol
  18. Original Saku

    You know you could just branch out into other sections of Japanese music besides VK, where there seems to be no shortage of up and coming promising bands. when I started getting tired of all the stagnation in the scene back in 2010-2011 that's what I did and it pretty much revitalized my interest and love for Japanese music. Just a thought.
  19. Original Saku

    yeah if you wanted to watch a a good school battle anime this season you should have went with Rakudai Kishi no Calvary, it's way better than Asterisk IMO. Consider checking it out if you have sometime, I've pleasantly enjoyed it a lot more than ever thought I would.
  20. Original Saku

    oh wow that's ridiculous... it's been so long since I watched D.Gray-man xD
  21. Original Saku

    OMG! I've been waiting so long for this album to be announced... "TATAT" was the Indie rock album of 2012 IMO and I've listened to it too many times to count since. Definitely gonna buy this if I can
  22. Original Saku

    I just want them to fix the search, it's so hard to find Japanese bands when they only let you choose from 5 search items per search.
  23. Original Saku

    Absolutely love the fin. they're so mellow and just perfect for when I need something to just chill to. Haven't checked out Cohol's album yet, but I'll get to it soon.
  24. Original Saku

    I've started playing Bloodborne again, this time I'm doing a skill/arcane build using Burial Blade as my main weapon and blades of mercy as my secondary. Fun times and I'm gonna start the DLC soon, I've heard that it's really good Still waiting for my Xenoblade Chronicles X in the mail, should get here this week along with the collectors edition guide. I sorta wish I would have gotten better shipping, but I'm cheap xD
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