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Original Saku

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Everything posted by Original Saku

  1. Original Saku

    that's awesome, EVGA is great at stuff like that, their customer service is god tier. I haven't really done anything to my rig since summer when I upgraded my GPU to the1070. I'm planning on upgrading my cpu & mobo soon though, just waiting on RYZEN to drop so I can decide whether I wanna go AM4+ or Z270.... I'm leaning towards AM4+ though, Kabylake was overall very disappointing and not much of a leap past Skylake.
  2. Original Saku

    I got over VK around 2010 or so, but recently I've been discovering bands that have interested me... such as Dezert, Grieva, Kuroyuri to Kage, KEEL, IX -nine-, and most recently DECAYS. now I'm sorta enjoying the scene again It just happens man, being too over saturated in one scene or genre will burn you out, try to mix other kinds of music into your listening tendencies.
  3. Original Saku

    I have a pair of the GP nippers and I can already tell you it's a great set of clippers, the cuts are so smooth and leave almost no stress marks when done right. people were not kidding when they called these nippers "the poor man's godhands". That's an awesome friend you have there I also have a 6th form Barbatos to build, maybe after the reginlaze I'll start on it. I'm looking forward to seeing that 3.0 when you finally get started on it! Yeah it's nice to have a small little place within this community for our little hobby, I mean I could always post on the subreddit (which I do), but then I wouldn't be able to spread the gunpla love here on MH. I'm all into getting people interested in the hobby.
  4. Original Saku

    update on my HGBF Wing Gundam Fenice Imgur Gallery Here! pretty much just waiting on my custom water slide decals to get here in the post and then a final matte topcoat and I'll be done with this one as a bonus here's what I've been building in my downtime while waiting on supplies for the fenice.
  5. Original Saku

    Are we doing the usual session Sunday? I'm off of work for once, so I'll be able to make it this time
  6. Original Saku

    Hello and welcome to the community! Sorry for the wait, I'm glad that you decided to wait it out though If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any other the other staff members (green, red, blue names).
  7. Original Saku

    Final Fantasy XV, post-game is pretty fun in this game, I'm pleased Working my way up to Lvl.99 and doing all the optional bosses and dungeons, as well as the platinum trophy. Can't wait for the carnival DLC later this month
  8. Original Saku

    lol Canada and Europe always getting the shaft on these things, I'm sorry I don't think it's a Wii U situation at all tho, there's so much buzz and hype around this thing that's totally different from the WiiU, nobody talked about he WiiU like how people are talking about the switch, it's totally different from a commercial standpoint. Nintendo has actually done a really good job this time around with letting people know exactly what the switch is and what it does, and not beat around the bushes about it. Their advertisement and marketing is on point as well. Now the press conference did leave a bad taste in my mouth like most people, but let's be real, that has always been the case with Nintendo conferences, they just don't have that spark that the western conferences have or more recently the Sony conferences. That's part of the reason why they went to the online video method, and also that's why the wiiU was such a misunderstood console XD but I digress, the launch lineup at this time doesn't look the most exciting, will most people buy the console just for Zelda, probably. Is it a smart decision, absolutely not. Can we talk about the fact that this thing is not gonna be region locked for a second tho? Because that shit is huge!
  9. Original Saku

    Just so you guys know this has leaked and has been on JPS for the last two weeks, in case anyone is interested, just sayin
  10. Original Saku

    Just wait till you get to season 2, shit gets nuts glad you're enjoying it, I am too.
  11. Take my money Nintendo! please take it all :D 

  12. we are doing late night plug, come hang out if you want :Dhttps://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. shiroihana


      i fell asleep lol

  13. Original Saku

    My new one
  14. Original Saku

    I don't think most of the stuff they are gonna add in ch.13 in that patch will even be story related.... I believe it will be mostly game play related tweaks. without going too much into detail, let's just say ch. 13 is a totally different experience from the past chapters and does something interesting game play mechanic wise that a lot of people didn't really think worked too well or liked. I do think their are some things story wise that could be done a little bit better in ch. 13 however. I just don't think it will be the drastic change everyone thinks it will be in the patch. In my opinion if I was you I would just go ahead and push through and beat the game, then when all the patches have dropped just do a second play through once all the really cool stuff like multiplayer, additional playable characters, hard mode, and a proper newgame+ have been added.
  15. Original Saku

    Beat the main story of FFXV, without spoilers all I can say is I'm pretty satisfied with the ending. The bond between the four friends, ahem.... the four 'brothers' is really compelling and by the end of the story I was really attuned and made to care about them in ways that not many video games have been able to accomplish this generation. I really felt their relationships and development were very well done and was awesome to learn more and more about them. MILD SPOILERS AHEAD, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
  16. Original Saku

    Put together my new action base tonight, and snapped a quick picture of my HGFC Shining Gundam doing his thing
  17. Original Saku

    Also I want to learn how to airbrush custom gunpla kits
  18. Original Saku

    What are yours? Mine are to organize my digital (read: pirated) music collection, proper tags, album art, and folder structure. Also to play more of my backlogged game collection, mainly a lot of Japanese RPGs that I haven't gotten to.
  19. Original Saku

    I love them! Really enjoyed New Place in 2015, one of my favorite albums from last year New Generation is also a really good album. I agree that the music can be kind of same-y at times, but it's still so good regardless. As for Stage, I really like it. Pretty awesome single and the b-side are great.
  20. Original Saku

    That won't happen here. I promise as long as I'm the server owner, everyone will be treated equally and hostile and malicious behavior will not be tolerated. The reason the skype chat became like that is because it was unofficial and was out of our hands, none of us had any power over it. At the moment the only people who are moderated are the staff here that have joined the server. But like I said I'm looking into giving certain members limited mod powers to help out with the server, but of course that will be in the future.
  21. Original Saku

    Since it's finally the new year, and the holidays are over, I'm looking to grow the server. We already have a little group of active people in the chat and that's great that people have taken a liken to the service but I think it could stand to be a little more lively at times. To do this we need to find new ways to encourage members to give it a try, and also to give them reasons to stick around. So basically we need to get the word out in the community. We have a banner and this thread, but these things can be easily missed. So let you're friends know about the discord server and encourage them to stop by for a friendly chat when they're bored. On the other ticket, we need to make the server more inviting and piratical. At this moment in time there are only two channels within the server #General and #Random. these were just placeholder channels that I made when I originally created the server. If anyone has ideas for more specific channels let me know and I can add more to the server, both text and voice channels. Which brings me to another matter of contention, is anybody interested in voice chat? I know that some people can be a little shy, so no pressure on them to use voice. but I also know that there are others who are not so timid. I personally would love to talk to some of you fine people over mic. Let me know. And now the final piece of business. Mods. if you're interested in being a mod on the server let me know. Of course you will have to prove yourself by being active in the chat and having a good track record here on the forum, but I have no problem relinquishing some of that power to you lesser chatters
  22. Original Saku

    In all honesty I haven't used the voice chat much, so I can't really comment on that, but the text chat is excellent and leagues beyond what we've been using here on the forums.
  23. Original Saku

    YEP. My GOTY personally. it's just such a 'special' game that you just have to experience it for yourself. #worththewait
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