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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Working on my day off because I forgot today was a holiday when giving an estimate lmao kill me

  2. Working on updating my portfolio still. Maybe one day it'll be done and then I might get a job or something :3

    1. Jigsaw9


      Same. Good luck btw!

    2. LIDL


      Good luck, boo.

  3. Wow cat is old

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. CAT5


      I'm young 5ever just like gackt....no wait, on 2nd thought, I think i'll just accept the aging process lmao. Thank Piisukun!

  4. wub wub wub djent wub djent djent djent screeeeeee

  5. You're not a true j-fan unless the ending credits to your life story has at least 4 remixes of "Grimoire of Alice" in it.


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      God, I love Sailor Moon

    2. nick


      No, you're drunk. It's from One Piece.

    3. TheBistroButcher666
  7. Zess beat up my untrained fossil pokemon :(

    1. Augie1995


      Interesting~ Are you available now? PM your friend code.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      His friend code is in the X/Y thread. I'll pokemonsters battle you too once I have a good team >:) . I prefer double battling though

    3. TheBistroButcher666
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  8. お誕生日おめでとうございます!

    1. CAT5


      ??り?????????????????? ピース?ん??

  9. バックドロップシンデレラ are v. cool

    1. CAT5


      You should buy their 2013 album. It never surfaced :<

  10. ミサルカ has been fighting the "wish we were Versailles" struggle for YEARS, and yet "-The Butterfly Effect-" is still better than HoG

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Note: still not forgiving them for that Malice Mizer cover.

    2. fitear1590


      I see that the shit-tastic "Rosary" is not on there, so maybe I'll give the album a try. (Damn straight, on that MM cover tho.)

  11. "How could yohio get any worse?" : 13590307_1018500608266267_61815580309930

    1. itsukoii


      "My brother MiA from MEJIBRAY. We've been having fun for two days now. Brotherly love!"

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      His topic on 2ch went from like 20 posts to 1200+ in just a couple of days. Apparently he's running around drinking lots of booze and hanging out with different girls every day around Kabukichou lol

    3. emmny


      im so excited to finally die

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  12. *subtly starts stanning BFN*

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      emmny no, this is my sakuran trance destiny!!!

    2. leafwork


      this is


    3. leafwork


      it's all my fault and I am so pleased

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  13. #reMemberMonday When someone got so mad at @Zeuswriting a negative review of Lynch. that they joined the forum to disagree with him

  14. #theory : Tr*mbe was Yukari from Baiser, and that's why they had so much insider vkei info about no1cur bands performing at Cyber once ever 19 months

  15. #TrendAlert: Ethereal metal albums about space and the universe 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Devin Townsends' Transcendence and A7X' Exist are two recently released examples like this.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      A new subgenre called "spacecore"

  16. http://jame-world.com/us/articles-121682-interview-with-insanity-injection.html Insanity Injection's interview makes them seem kind of cringe-worthy / bitter haha

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      I want to scream out my feelings in this fucking world.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


       I love how Kyouka kinda made fun of this interview earlier, the author made a typo in Japanese at this line "Kyouka is also known as the singer in the 90’s visual kei band Aliene Ma’riage" and in Japanese it originally said "Kyouka is a 90 year old singer who is also known from the visual kei band Aliene Ma'riage" lmao

  17. A new 刹那 album except each track is a "new" circle that is literally the same thing as his other 80 projects

  18. Akina is feeling better, Mason is dead; today is turning out to be a pretty good day.

  19. All Stars 2 is intense

  20. Are Unlucky Morpheus considered vkei, or did they ironically rip off the Ruki neck lacerations look?

    1. Biopanda


      I don't think they've ever called themselves VK, but they might as well be? I know the leader used to float around in VK bands, at least.

    2. Himeaimichu


      I know they're associated with Shinjou Kasumi, AKA that really old OsareKei guy who was the vocalist of SMILE, and started the complete failure of throwaway bands that was Dear Dolce Records (Well, there were three good bands on it, only 2 relevant today).

    3. Shmilly


      That look is pretty badass though tbh.

  21. Ariana is the antithesis of The GazettE because most of her album is lowercase 

  22. Bring back the band-picture-on-that-curved-staircase motif

  23. Can't believe ya'll got NEGA cancelled lmfao

    1. Akrus


      @IGM_OficialI saw some micro tags with autismo supremo or austim. Funny as hell 😅


    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Dir en Grey is a massive band, no one can doubt of this... but why someone necessarily rates something saying "Hey is a XXX ripoff", "Hey that thing is too similiar to XXX", while appreciating it for what is in its core? I have seen this garbage happening in visual kei fandom, reminding of a similiar debate on other fandoms, such as GoT, where other new fantasy/sci-fi shows have necessarily that feature which gets a comparison to what GoT did... honestly this thing is bothering me a bit, but is only my opinion.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Who the fuck even cares if they copy Dir en Grey these days? They sound cool. It's music. It's just fucking notes, timbres and words that sound good together to our ears. It's not that deep lol.

      I personally like the Diru influence in Nega. I think Nega is a cool interpretation of different influences, including Dir en Grey, and they manage to stick some Gauze influence in the mid 2000's

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  24. Confession: when people change their avatar I usually forget who they are

    1. CAT5


      I may have neurotic avatar-changing habits, but bb, I can never be forgotten. :wink:



    2. fitear1590


      I'm back to being a shiba, just for you, bb!

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      @CAT5 same phone, who dis


      @doggo thanks!

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