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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. New DIMLIM song sounds so good 🔥😩👌 


  2. So, are there companies that specialize in making those super elaborate bouquets of feathers, fake roses, bird cages, panties, and other misc crap that fans give to bands?

    1. saishuu
    2. inartistic


      Unhelpful answer: yes. I've stalked one before but don't remember much else.

    3. nekkichi


      >and other misc crap that fans give to bands?


      no i don't think custom-ordering a decadent STD corsage is an option x

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Strut up 2 McRonalds and order yourself a large McBAM 

  4. congrats, ur still 12

    1. emmny


      12 and a half* THANK U

  5.  bataar drama

    1. nekkichi


      I highkey prefer her prev woke reincarnation more than this one...



      it feels v. exploitative to latch on the poppy lawsuit for likes and viewz doesn't it

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I just don't get why all these electro bois are sad + abusive #teamAliceGlass 

    3. nekkichi


      I'm not really sure, maybe a mild meth addiction shapes their character that way?


      it's certainly not known for contributing to balanced, poppy personalities.

  6.  this song is fun b/c it rips off good diru and due'le quartz all at the same time

  7. Happy birthday, Mr. 26

    1. Mr.0


      Thanks! ✨ (Loved that pun)

  8. HaPpY BiRtHDaY

    1. CAT5


      tHaNk YoU, PiIsU-kUn!! :D 

    2. The Moon
  9. omei de'toe goza imasu

    1. suji


      arigato gozaimasu!!! :lovely:

  10. Sometimes I buy CDs from bands I don't even really follow or don't like that much just because I'm tried of only finding 40x40 pixel album art for it

    1. fitear1590


      Media archivist par excellence!

  11. Happy birthday!!

  12. Akina is feeling better, Mason is dead; today is turning out to be a pretty good day.

  13.  this is honestly one of the most important interviews in gay history, especially the Faye Dunaway story

    1. nekkichi


      the chole soêvignëaire skit gets SO MUCH better on three effexors, I'm re:living it again r.n.!!!!!!

  14. Were CoЯe the Child popular here / in the Western fanbase at the time they were around? Sometimes it's hard to tell how people got into things. For example: a lot of people only tried Dué Le Quartz because Miyavi was in it, not the other way around. Trying to see if UnsraW's success was just a natural continuation of Yuuki's old band, or did he just happen to get lucky by doing the same thing but at the right place and time.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. xriko


      There was a last live single from CtC ?   didn't knew

      I never heard their version of -9-.

    3. WhirlingBlack


      It's track nr.9 on 『猪突猛進』 Vol.3 after 7 short tracks of silence.

    4. xriko


      shit i got only the original 『猪突猛進』 Vol.2

      can you give us the track ?

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Smart marketing: uploading your songs to YT before jajaBijiaruBR does so you get ad revenue and control over distributed quality.


    Dumb marketing: 


    1. Himeaimichu


      "Death Penalty" Ohhh what are they gonna do? Come to my house all the way in the United States and lynch me? 

      Actually, I'm tempted to go to whatever video that was on and reply that to them for shits and giggles

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
  16. Happy birthday :spin: 

  17. Not to be Like That™, but I just tried Berry and I like them a lot better than most of Lynch.'s discography :x 



  18.  I watched this, so now you have to too

    1. lichtlune


      Kamijo better watch out!

    2. madygrain


      Clearly influenced by baroque's sug life

  19. Mago who???

  20. tumblr_ovx0je2Qmm1ufu590o1_540.png



    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      happy birthday, from your me + ur faveorite band unsraw

    2. Zeus


      u idyit that's dad aroma n ty <3

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