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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Updates posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Royz' vocalist learning how to contour is one of the most important things to happen in recent visual-kei history

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II



      Awkward 7th grade prom photo

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II



      vs. puberty gone correctly

    3. emmny


      qweens of photoshop !

  2. S-Conscious never made any sense, and I think that's why I've always found it interesting.

  3. Shaking && crying @ Hizaki's Vivaldi cover

    1. Spectralion


      Is that Rookie Fiddler playing at Presto?

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I think so. By the way even the little homage to "Created Beauty" featured on the last track is incredible!

  4. So, are there companies that specialize in making those super elaborate bouquets of feathers, fake roses, bird cages, panties, and other misc crap that fans give to bands?

    1. saishuu
    2. inartistic


      Unhelpful answer: yes. I've stalked one before but don't remember much else.

    3. nekkichi


      >and other misc crap that fans give to bands?


      no i don't think custom-ordering a decadent STD corsage is an option x

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  5. Sometimes I buy CDs from bands I don't even really follow or don't like that much just because I'm tried of only finding 40x40 pixel album art for it

    1. fitear1590


      Media archivist par excellence!

  6. Spotify has lynch. tagged as "oshare-kei," just fyi 

    1. Himeaimichu


      Well colour me surprised. I guess they just don't know wtf OshareKei is, but they know Diru isn't 

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Really lame IMHO!

    3. platy


      But diru is the most  oshare of them all? Does lynch. even wear make up anymore wtf

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  7. Started playing CIV 5 again and my people are rebelling because "there's no food." God, you and your needs tbh

    1. paradoxal


      aaand now i feel like playing civ5 too, thanks

  8. Strut up 2 McRonalds and order yourself a large McBAM 

  9. The chorus of Marco's new single's title track is such a mess, but the rest is so good.

  10. This is probably why band profiles include blood-type: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type_personality_theory

    1. plastic_rainbow


      interesting, my japanese professor once said in simple terms that type B are strange/weird people, while AB are usually crazy/mad people. can't remember what she said about type A or O, but it was something more positive iirc.

  11. Today's aesthetic is: people who are militantly against bacon 

    1. Elazmus


      anti bacon officer's hat and armband<3

  12. Today's aesthetic is: the cultural dissonance caused by how British and Australians use "mate" to mean "friend," where as to Americans "mate" sounds like a completely sterile, National-Geographic-special-on-antelope, way of referring to a sexual partner.

    1. Elazmus


      We should all talk more like aussies, this country hasn't even begun to embrace the word cunt on an everyday basis!!

    2. nekkichi



      I watched two separate videos, one was BBC documentary on tiger sex, and the other contained erect pig penis some1 filmed for lulz and gigglez

      I literally don't want to hear about animals having sex anymore in my life

  13. Vidoll's "昔懐カシ人形集~其ノ壱~": discuss

    1. WhirlingBlack


      It's that band with Rame (ex. Eze:quL)

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
  14. Was it a common thing for vkei bands to announce their disbandment way in advanced? Avanchick did it like 10 months early, Grieva close to 5.  It just seems like older bands did it a lot more suddenly

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Back in my day it was just fuck your feelings! We're disbanding! It  honestly seems like a money thing to me. Now everyone will be throwing more money at them for the limited window for seeing them together...

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I assume it's so they can fill more venues, clear out their extra checkis, and pay back all the money they owe on their costume down payments.


      #neverForget Avanchick saying you have to spend $50 to get a picture with them lololol

    3. tetsu_sama69


      lol that's also probably true as well

  15. welcome x

    1. colorful人生


      Ask @suji. Part of the saga is in chat.

    2. platy


      @chemicalpictures ob7 was looking for a fight and started insulting a mod for no reason 

    3. saishuu


      pretty much what they said, @chemicalpictures


      typical bolsoincels edgelord behavior

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  16. Were CoЯe the Child popular here / in the Western fanbase at the time they were around? Sometimes it's hard to tell how people got into things. For example: a lot of people only tried Dué Le Quartz because Miyavi was in it, not the other way around. Trying to see if UnsraW's success was just a natural continuation of Yuuki's old band, or did he just happen to get lucky by doing the same thing but at the right place and time.

    1. xriko


      There was a last live single from CtC ?   didn't knew

      I never heard their version of -9-.

    2. WhirlingBlack


      It's track nr.9 on 『猪突猛進』 Vol.3 after 7 short tracks of silence.

    3. xriko


      shit i got only the original 『猪突猛進』 Vol.2

      can you give us the track ?

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  17. What's the sparknotes on what happened with KyoAni? An arsonist set the studio on fire?

    1. Tokage


      crazy 30- or 40-something year old dude set the studio on fire & killed around 40 people iirc

    2. YuyoDrift


      A random guy (not an employee) doused the entire first floor of their building with gasoline and lit the entire place on fire, all over some novel he had written and they supposedly stole (can't confirm).


      Witnesses claim that he yelled out "plagiarism!" and "Die Die!", and people who had tried to escape via the stairwell were burned alive as they we're trapped from a collapse. People fortunate enough to get on the roof of the building were also trapped, with some even jumping off the top in order to avoid being burned alive.

  18. What's ur fav ridiculous livehouse name? My vote is for "Salon Kitty," "Serbian Night," or "TOONICE"

    1. evenor


      bayside jenny and URAWA Narciss

    2. Himeaimichu


      Does Serbian Night come with free MREs, and the possibility of being killed by US or Yugoslav soldiers? 

      Does one have to bring their own gun?

    3. Duwang


      TRASH-UP, NEW SIDE BEACH!! (yes with the exclamation points), KRAPS HALL, CLUB JUNK BOX

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  19. What's your favorite musical discovery of 2016 (i.e. bands or songs that may not be necessarily new, but new to you)? Mine is probably Skeleton Witch, followed by Discharge.

    1. Visutox


      Cheers @Lestat! Lots of discoveries on my side. Would say ギャロ (Gallo) when it comes to vk and Hyperion on the international side (Swedish melodic black metal) with their debut album called "Seraphical Euphony". 

    2. IGM_Oficial


      More, for sure.

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  20. X Japan's "Miscast" but it keeps getting faster

  21. Yaasss @ Lineage reaching into Epica's "Design Your Own Universe"'s back catalogue

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