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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. Still doesn't have time to download KAMIJO's new album. Any review?

  2. I don't know, but NoGoD's new album sound nice to me...

  3. Spectralion

    For me, the only thing interesting part of PHASE 2 is Virtue and Vice.
  4. Spectralion

    When I start reading your review, suddenly 7th rose is played in my player... Maybe it's destiny... This is hilarious, this is good, keep it coming, Sai... Looking forward for your other blast from the past review...
  5. Spectralion

    I'm not too interested with Fate/Stay Night, but Fate/Zero is completely blow me up... I think I'm interested with more mature character... Ehe
  6. Spectralion

    Absolutely The GazettE... They're the one who made me into this scene... The only Nightmare stuff that I liked are that Death Note opening-ending and Deus ex Machina...
  7. Spectralion

    Absolutely Kiryu, I even bought their latest album. The only member of Royz I found kawai is Kazuki. Since he's departed, I kind of lost interest in Royz...
  8. MaiDura double PV is out, guys...

  9. Spectralion

    Thank you very much. You must be saint or something like that.
  10. Spectralion

    Their latest album, Kyouka Suigetsu, still can't beat the epicness of Shunka Ensen...
  11. Spectralion

    Can I request 一日の孤独 百年の孤独 (Ichinichi no Kodoku Hyakunen no Kodoku) and How Do You-Die? lyrics? Judging from the title, the first one is a very sad song. Thank you in advance.
  12. Spectralion

    Me! Me! James Spader really did a great job here. I really love his act. ...but Keen (I forgot the actress name) is on the other side, I hate her...
  13. This album leaves me somewhat unfullfied. Still can't surpass the epic-ness of Shunka Ensen I think.
  14. Spectralion

    Awesome looks. Looking forward to this album. 12 songs in one album with only 2 released songs is really great.
  15. Nostalgia. My Lord

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      did he enter the realms of lordship? congrats!

    2. nick


      P: aww *blushes*

    3. Naaaaani


      No, only mine

  16. So, still no decent rip of NoGoD's Shikisai. I want to hear Sakura acoustic so badly now :/

  17. Another link for the full MV http://vk.com/video92380736_167656463
  18. I'm shocked with DIV's new looks.

  19. Twitter is down, where should I rant and lament :/

  20. Spectralion

    Yeah, it's about time they come back together, with a new concept maybe... but I know it's unlikely..
  21. Spectralion

    I hate this kind of camera work. Sometime the zoomed out in a perfect scene. I can feel ZIN's energy. The only cons in this song is solo bass. ...and YUKI and MASASHI should get more shoot and spotlight. They should continue their works, even if they revived Versailles... ZIN is great vocalist.
  22. Exactly what I'm thinking when I see this thread title.
  23. Spectralion

    Low quality of first and second track can be found here. http://www.psck.net/english/DiskContent.aspx?DiskID=25038
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