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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. Spectralion

    Okay, count me in this hype train... The preview is promising
  2. Spectralion

    Too bad they used darker filter, if they use brighter filter, like they use in Kyousei, I think the MV will be better... ...but, that'll be inconsistent with that sad looking cute girl
  3. Spectralion

    I love that MV! I've showed that MV to my friends who doesn't know J-music and they instantly hooked!
  4. The longer preview Oh, they're adorable...
  5. ...and my laptop is broken when I must finish my thesis in just two weeks :/

    1. Tetora


      Dang, did you start it already?

    2. Spectralion


      Yep. Already got like 75% of it. Thank God I saved it in my cloud drive too...

  6. Spectralion

    My body is ready...
  7. Spectralion

    Definitely gonna buy this shit.
  8. Spectralion

    Why it's sounds like a farewell song?! I hope they don't disband :"( I love how they use their previous outfit for making some kind of story in that PV...
  9. Spectralion

    HOLY SQUID! I love that cover art!
  10. Spectralion

    OMG! EIKI IS SO CUTE! *nosebleed*
  11. Spectralion

    Their band name is Jupiter and they make a Venus song... I hope this album is as epic as solar system...
  12. Spectralion

    Their latest single was good. Still far from KAMIJO's works though... ...but, yas. My body is ready for their upcoming album...
  13. Spectralion

    Damn. I can't stop clicking this repeat button :/
  14. Spectralion

    WOW! Excited! I love how they still played Kassai to Gekijou no Gloria and GLORIA in the end of their live.
  15. I have PS1/2, but haven't used it in very long time period. I know it's very late but I still want to buy PS3...
  16. Waiting for DIV's new album announcement...

    1. Tetora


      Zero Two, can't wait.

    2. ShanethVarosa


      I hope it comes soon!! I am so excited for it!

    3. Spectralion



      I'm totally gonna buy their new album.

  17. DIMENSION-NEO-?! So, that song is the kind of sequel of DIMENSION-ZERO-?
  18. I hope HIZAKI will use super tick multi layered eskimo hoddie. ...but, I'm still expecting Teru gonna show his tight like ever.
  19. Vote for early 2000s till till 2000s, because my playlist is still heavily contained with songs from that era. Idk, I just clicked with the song from that era.
  20. I'm still waiting for another "Catharsis" epicness from Hizaki and Teru.
  21. I really want to listen instrumental version of UNiTE's REV

    1. Tetora


      You gotta buy the M version of the release then lol, I would like to have it as well but only got the Regular Edition for now.

  22. Spectralion

    Too bad they don't include Torikagogoten. That song is sure a nice one.
  23. Spectralion

    Wow. That's heartbreaking....
  24. Currently addicted to Chiaki Ishikawa's Hokkyokusei -Polaris-

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