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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. I start listening MAN ON THE MISSION because of Gundam and they're amazing. Looking forward to their upcoming album.
  2. Just two more days and I don't know what to say about chanty become the second runner up of AOTY :"))))
  3. Every time there is news about "X-something", I remembered Xodiack :"(

  4. Highly possible going to grab the regular one.
  5. Damn it. I can't stop listening to 水曜日??カンパ??ラ :/

  6. I need to eat something :/

    1. Nagisa
    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      free yourselves of the chains of natures temptation! cast away the shackles of your bodies constraints! Join [insertwhackyreligionhere]!!

  7. Exactly after I wrote that "first visual-kei band on the list", suddenly I somewhat remember that XI-NINE is kind of visual and googling how they look. I must keep up with this list. Just finished 水曜日のカンパネラ and it was a pleasant. Going to try PELICAN FANCLUB and IX-NINE tomorrow~
  8. Whoa. First visual-kei band in the list. I've been listening to them since Shuuen. I don't really listen to Dir en Grey so, I don't really know how they play homage to them, but I really enjoyed their discography so far.
  9. BIG NO to 致命傷 (chimeishou) :/ ...but still looking forward to this album.
  10. Wow, this thread is unbelievable quite. Looking at last year list, the number of visual-kei bands who appear there is really small. And I don't think it's gonna be different this year. DOGMA is quite a pleasant listen for a while, but it's not that awesome to be included in AOTY-tier album. Definitely agree with Sukekiyo's Vinitium. EDIT : Whoa, I didn't read the whole first post, just jump in :/
  11. Spectralion

    Totally agree! 叫声 still be my favorite, even though I already listened to it like a billions times. They already released three singles, I wonder if they gonna release another single or straight to the album, but my gut says they'll release another single before releasing another album.
  12. Paradise kiss looks fun ...and I curious how red, red crimson is.
  13. Spectralion

    looking forward to it.
  14. Spectralion

    Both songs are amazing~!
  15. Spectralion

    New GLAY is nice.
  16. My addiction to ????戯ゎ??魔々団×??PaRADEiS】's 夢????る樹 is back :"

  17. Spectralion

    I never really paid my attention to them.
  18. Listening again to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas's All That We Have Now. Definitely my favorites album from them.

  19. Spectralion

    I'm in love and hate relationship with BPRecords. They got Kiryu, Royz, and Codomo Dragon in their management and they generous enough to put every music videos of their bands in YT. Also, I love them because they released the instrumental version of their bands songs. ...but, their multiple CD versions scam are just too hilarious.
  20. Spectralion

    OMG! Sana dressed as a girl!!!!! I'm screaming!
  21. Digging the new font.

    1. beni


      Bless you for noticing. :3

  22. Spectralion

    Yuki, Y U dressed like that?! :"<
  23. Spectralion

    It is fun to know another fancy Christian vocabulary
  24. Spectralion

    OMG those tracklist! Me want ?
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