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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. vivi act as their support?! Okay, I should catch up with this band
  2. Currently addicted to Madeth Grey'll's Misantroop.

  3. Spectralion

    I feel strangely happy with those Sailor Moon's avi and siggi \o/ I'm curious what is the meaning of those usernames
  4. Spectralion

    KAI looks old :/
  5. Spectralion

    OMG! Hitomi's outfit is so majestic.
  6. MiA is kind of one of those Djinn in Magi manga
  7. Spectralion

    That new looks is awesome, way more better than their past looks
  8. Waiting patiently for Zeus's DOGMA review...

  9. Spectralion

    I was enjoyed by the guitar solo, but suddenly the song finished. That's just pure letdown.
  10. GOOD LORD! The song structure isn't like any other song and to me it's feel incomplete. This song kind of in the middle of something epic. it's making me more interested with their upcoming album.
  11. I need more Kyousei-ish song from them :/
  12. Spectralion

    So, homage-kei is great and The GazettE make GazettE-ish song is lack of creativity?
  13. Spectralion

    Sorry for double post. ...but, I don't really like UNiTE's UNiVERSE on first listen. Still it's a grower on me and I love it after tons of listen session.
  14. Spectralion

    Almost everybody love those homage-kei, but when The GazettE made GazettE-ish song, everyone throw things at them.
  15. Spectralion

    It's been a while since their last release...
  16. Spectralion

    Sounds bland, but Meji-ballad somewhat always grow on me ?
  17. Define Art-kei.

    1. Spectralion


      Okay, I'll go with Sakura Seven's.

    2. Senedjem


      peace why are you confusing me with junna this hurts me

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
    4. Show next comments  42 more
  18. Spectralion

    Final Fantasy Tactics : War of The Lions on android ...and of course, Ingress.
  19. Waiting until they releasing the Live DVD.
  20. Do you guys ever try this game? It's so good and addicting, my life is wreck right now http://lifehacker.com/how-ingress-googles-real-world-smartphone-game-got-me-1710320867

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Two people at work play that a ton.

  21. Spectralion

    I really hope I have mountains amount of money so I can throw it at them :"(
  22. The new song is awesome!
  23. Spectralion

    OMG! Is that Zeus behind you and Shane!?
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