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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. Spectralion

    What the fuck is this?!
  2. I'm obsessed with Osomatsu-san's Jyushimatsu :|

  3. Spectralion

    I never bring my phone to toilet, when I bring my phone to toilet, I dropped that damn thing on the toilet and got shit all over it :/
  4. One week till my graduation. I really don't know what to do from now on :|

    1. Tetora


      Step One: Listen to VK.

    2. Spectralion



      Step two. Sing it all out. 

  5. Spectralion

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which performed lap dances which seemed very outerspacey wtf? Followed masturbating on my frisky frisby with rage and passion
  6. Spectralion

    Royz with the flavor of FaLiLV
  7. Spectralion

    I just listened to his latest single yesterday, of course by illegal downloading... ...and now I feel so guilty :"( May he rest in peace.
  8. Spectralion

    AKANE? Are they covering Sebastiano Serafini?
  9. Spectralion

    Necro time! I got mine from Spectral and Lion. I pick Spectral from Spectral Theory, one from my thesis material and Lion is just to make it sound badass... I made that username to remind me that my thesis is haven't finished until last two months, so if I see my username I remember my thesis and start working on it. Turn out, it just useless X) ...and after some coincidence, I discovered that my great great grandfather's name got some "Lion" in his name. So, I kind of descendant of the Lion and my username is way more perfect now
  10. I think Soshi is wonderful vocalist, it's just taste and preference. Is there any chances they will perform together? I would be wonderful... ...or it'll be a massive train wreck.
  11. Spectralion

    Seconded that motion
  12. Spectralion

    My favorite is definitely "甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅". My main concern about them is Satoshi's drumming. Since they go EDR, they kind of downplay his drumming like a lot. So that's why I really love "甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅" because he really shine in that song.
  13. My laptop is useless when power outtake happens, cause it's battery is broken or something. So, I will go out to my so-called friend or just buy something to drink.
  14. Spectralion

    That encore!
  15. Spectralion

    The price is surprisingly cheap for a three CDs album.
  16. Waiting for Zeus's review of Charisma.com's AidoroC patiently :3

    1. Zeus


      it might take me a bit but i won't let you down!

  17. Is zetsubouron combination of zetsubou and moron?
  18. The longest three minutes song I've ever heard... The chorus is weak.
  19. Spectralion

    Stunning looks, beautiful cover art, and the numbered song is officially ended.
  20. Spectralion

    First of all. 摩天楼オペラ's FANTASIA. This is good. Real good. Seconding 凛's Mist in Reminisce and D's 光の庭. And then Moran's Scent of Dream, also The GazettE's CODA.
  21. It's just a spot, I hope this song still has it's hook just like Kyousei, which is easy listening too with so many good hook and totally grap my attention to this band.
  22. It's Kyouka Suigetsu 2.0 Totally easy listening.
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