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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. At last... I finished my Parks and Recreation marathon watch until it's latest episode. This show is dope!

    1. Jigsaw9


      yayyy it is! I'm so gonna miss it once it's over... ;w; </3

    2. Spectralion


      Yes. I still replaying the old episodes after I finished the latest episode.

  2. That new opening of Gundam Build Fighter TRY :o

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      that was episode 5 of unicorn I believe

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Also yes new build fighters OP is really awesome, the episode was really good as well

    3. Spectralion


      Episode 4 of UniCorn is totally depressing and that cliffhanger is just depressing too... Yep, the another UniCorn appear at the end of episode 4.

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  3. Mostly use Twitter for anything in my mind. Last.fm is a must. Barely use Facebook and Tumblr. Only use Google+ for Ingress (an augmented reality games) thingy and sometimes sharing visual-kei videos. Use Instagram only for filters, because it's easy and quite beautiful, but rarely share there.
  4. Spectralion

    WOW! That Golden-ish new looks! After that "easy-listening" and straight-forward Amaterasu, I have a feeling that this single gonna be wild.
  5. Spectralion

    Starting watch Gurren Laggan. Not as excited as when I watched Kill la Kill. Gonna stick until it's end...
  6. Lin-the end of corruption world- did really go back, but with 80% new members X)) La'Mule go back together only for the sake of announce their disbanding.
  7. Spectralion

    Damn. I wish I have that kind of self-portrait :/
  8. I don't think they are going back together any time soon, unless Jupiter sales plummeted and HZK begged KMJ to revived Versailles.
  9. No review for Merry's album? I'm waiting here...

    1. nekkichi


      arcana's 2014 vk aoty weave is still intact though

    2. Miasma


      typical mediocre merry album. only liked the title track and the guitars on Hide-and-seek

    3. Spectralion


      Ohkay, I'm gonna check this album out on this weekend...

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  10. Spectralion

    This new year holiday, we go to the beach... My sister take it for me. Kind of love it.
  11. I currently considering to buy this thing.
  12. Spectralion

    All I can think is Last Shell by -OZ- in their first full album, versus.
  13. Spectralion

    I don't know how to react. Should I happy or not :/
  14. Spectralion

    Definitely gonna try the non-Japanese one, after I completed listening to all album in MHmas list... ...but my head still kind of stick with Mono, Boris, and Tokyo Jihen. :"
  15. Spectralion

    I must finish my college soon. Too much procrastinating will kill me slowly :/
  16. Whoa. It's over... I've been checking almost every release in this review trains and it's feel great. Half of the list become my favorite albums now... Thank you for your hard works y'all. Still LOL'ed at Royz's though...
  17. Spectralion

    Whoa. Exciting!
  18. HALP! I can't stop listening to Tokyo Jihen's Adult :"

    1. Spectralion


      There are so many to catch up, but I'm stuck with this. Because this album is SO good and perfect and ugh...

    2. Jigsaw9


      welcome to adulthood

    3. beni


      Haha, smooth Jig. x'D I need to give it another listen now!

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  19. Spectralion

    Whoa, You've come to Jogja... Yep, i don't know why, but many people said that Jogja always be missed, no matter how...
  20. Spectralion

    Absolutely album. I rarely checked B-side songs and the bonus track. I always listen to title track and forget the rest...
  21. Spectralion

    At least they should put new outfit for Sugu. Oh, I'm watching Yu Gi Oh! Arc-V and that series is quite interesting. The character design is still ridiculous as ever, but the special summon variation in duel keep me entertained.
  22. Spectralion

    Idk why I can't enjoy Gundam Build Fighter TRY as I enjoy the prequel ...and SAO 2 was just a HUGE pile of shit period
  23. Spectralion

    After two days marathoning ALoK, my conclusion is season 3 was the best... Great villains, great story. Too bad, Bolin still can't defeat the lava guy alone, even after got lavabending. The best thing happened in season 4 was the original Beifong.
  24. That recollection of phoenix instrumental CD!
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