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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. Spectralion

    Mine's in my sig. I do nothing, but rebloging. I ain't good writer or what :/
  2. Spectralion

    Too predictable!!!
  3. So, it's pointless converting .m4a to .mp3, then how about converting flac to alac? Is it a pointless thing to do too?

    1. Spectralion


      The problem surfaced because i use iTunes. iTunes can't play FLAC, so I convert it into apple lossless.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I've converted flac-->mp4 a few times just for the sake of being able to play stuff on iTunes. I always keep the lossless files, however.

    3. Spectralion


      Maybe I'll gonna keep the FLAC for my phone, and use mp3 for iTunes. Because my earphone is quite decent, but my speaker not.

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  4. I think I'm gonna spend the night with Shiina Ringo spammed in my playlist...

    1. beni


      We approve. ; )

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      welcome to the cult of shiina. praising utensils are over to the left, tears of joy to the right

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  5. Sure... Sure, if I find the right person! 。◕ ‿ ◕。 Because wedding is kind of sacred thing and when I don't get married, I'll gonna have those annoying question from almost everyone in my family and neighborhood and friends why you don't get married.
  6. Spectralion

    Damn... It's good I always love their MV
  7. I just listened to Sheena Ringo's latest album and I was pleased. So, I want to know more about her music and the question is what's her best album?

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      oh man, you're in for a ride

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      also, if your not already familiar with her band project "tokyo jihen" you should most def check thoses out ("adult" in particular...)

    3. Spectralion


      Noted! Gonna check it out too. Thank you all...

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  8. Spectralion

    Megaromania, who? Get Metis Gretel back already!
  9. Spectralion

    Whoa, there are two bands from my country. Too bad, I never listened to them... *awkward laugh*
  10. Spectralion

    What the hell?! Why they use SACRED ALTAR as album closer... That's bad sign
  11. Spectralion

    Still waiting for Code Geass : Akito the Exile.
  12. Spectralion

    I think their second major album, Kassai to Gekijou no Gloria.
  13. Spectralion

    ...they include JUSTICE, instead of Mousou Nikki... That's bold Nice track list, I can't be helped but excited...
  14. Spectralion

    My second package of Visual-Kei thing. I just utterly curious with the instrumental version of LILIA and RISK_144000, so I buy it. CODOMO DRAGON's VIper legit rip is never surfaced, so I but it too... My first buy is Kiryu's Kyouka Suigetsu. I feel like B.P.Record bitch right now, because I really want to buy CODOMO DRAGON's SODOM too :'|
  15. Spectralion

    It's time to show my face... After years lurking here... That photo taken in April 2014 and I just realize how rare I am taking picture of myself...
  16. Yeiy! My first upload! Actually, I bought Kiryu's Kyouka Suigetsu, but I'm kind of lazy...

  17. Spectralion

    Next release gonna be two more singles and then an album... Haha
  18. Spectralion

    So sad... Didn't their sales go well?
  19. I hate when my head hurt after 5 hours-ish anime watching marathon.

    1. beni


      Totally worth it though right? :P But I hope the pain in your head is gone now.

    2. Spectralion


      YAS! Already had a coffee and it's relieving the pain. Marathon watching Kill La Kill was SO satisfying... Gonna continue it tomorrow, I need sleep and my neck is stiff..

    3. beni


      Glad it's been going down! Kill La Kill looks golden, it's always awesome yet difficult being totally obsessed with something and doing, as you say, a marathon of it. xD Take care and have a good rest then. And don't sleep awkwardly if you can help it. Bad neck is ouchy. ><

  20. Just start watching Kill La Kill... I think I've missed the party

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      better late than never XD

    2. Spectralion


      Epic. I love it!

  21. Sorry for the double-post :/
  22. Still waiting for Sai's review of D's KINGDOM...

    1. sai


      sorry lmfao, I've been sick ever since Friday :< I'll make it when I get better

    2. Spectralion


      Whoa... Sad to hear that. Hope you get better soon :"(

  23. Why nobody called D as RPG-kei?

    1. Spectralion


      Not really, I think...

      D is like サウイフモノ, which each band member is assigned to some job system in RPG based game... XP

      (pardon my bad English)

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Well it may be more obvious with cosplay bands such as Psycho Le Cemu and Malice Mizer, but to me most VK bands operate according to the same model.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Because I pretend In the Name of Justice never happened

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  24. Spectralion

    My friend told me that the cover art is suitable with the single title otonari-san
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