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Everything posted by Spectralion

  1. Spectralion

    I just wish that dream became reality... I really miss them...
  2. Spectralion

    I just need sometime for re-listening to my -OZ- collection... It's been a while since last time I hear their release... They have been became my TOP 5 band... VERSUS are so great, but ROUGE are kinda bland in my ear...
  3. Spectralion

    The one and only ViViD's song in my playlist are Precious.... Their last works are too resembles each other, yeah, I can't tell the different... and it became bored.... Kinda waiting for this release... but, I don't expect too much, cause expecting too much making disappointment feels soo bad....
  4. Spectralion

    It was changed back almost immediately. Here is the comparison of what I changed and the original: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?tit ... =448342183 How cah you?! LOL Ow... That's just too funny.... It's a pity I can't see them in this world tour...
  5. Chijou are so far from par with DIM SCENE of even Chizuru... REMEMBER THE URGE are kind of catchy and easy listening to me, but if it compared with RED, it's kinda underwhelmed... CLEVER MONKEY are hilarious, RUKI's laugh are cheap, and tre rest are generic... Yeah, I don't expect it's a good release from them, but the title song only from REMEMBER THE URGE are quite enjoyable... Overall 2/5
  6. Spectralion

    ^ looks fine for me. I'm fine too with that... They are major... It's okay for tune down their make up... half blonde karin making me get a major headache...
  7. They love use "sekai" words.... It's feel like another ballad song
  8. Spectralion

    I very-very agree with you... I can't really enjoy Kakera... There too many mid-pace track... Although Kakusei and II-Kaigi are great...
  9. Spectralion

    all what i can say is the title song are much much better than two previous single...
  10. Spectralion

    Err.... I just finished listen to this album... and I already forgot everything in this album except the album version of Kamikaze.... I will not give rating right now... Yeah, I really really want they back to mugenkyou era... That's the best album they ever release... EDIT : After a more and more intensive time listening to this album, after 天馬、空を行くが如く the album become awesome... 天馬、空を行くが如く are great instrumental, I think it's par with 青空 机上の空論 are AWESOME! this is one of best track in this album. III-実存 give me a chill... It's great... after the greatness from previous four track, 恒星 making a great epilogue for this album. アイデンティティー are too far from 夢, it's only just little better than アイ Now, I will give rating... it's 4/5...
  11. Spectralion

    I still downloading it now... So, maybe i give my opinion tomorrow.... My feeling say it's a great album, still i don't expect as par as mugenkyou
  12. Spectralion

    Is he really really not good looking?! Okay, their look are quite unique... But, I kinda not into Danchou makeup
  13. Spectralion

    I don't know why, this album don't come to my ear.... It's just everything are forgetable...
  14. Spectralion

    Rest in Peace Isshi... Oh, My father has high blood pressure too... It's kinda dangerous...
  15. Spectralion

    Excited! The last single are quite interesting, expecting more than last single....
  16. Spectralion

    Kamikaze single are quite decent and amusing.... I think, Dachou should toned down his make up... It's kinda annoying look some major artist with that kind make up...
  17. Spectralion

    Haha, I don't know how to use last.fm... Sorry guys, I can't give you some entertainment...
  18. Spectralion

    I hope you also renamed the song to just "Decision." Yeah, I renamed it to just "Decision"... And that song always hanging in my MP3 player...
  19. Spectralion

    Great single.... THe title track are AWESOME... I never disappointed with Daichou's voice... It's perfect... The both B-side are quite great, but not so memorable... Love Seijaku no hate'solo in first time listen... Looking forward for the album...
  20. Spectralion

    I cut the instrumental part from Faith & Decision, and I found it more listenable...
  21. Spectralion

    So fast?! The preview are great, Gives high hope for this single and next album... Album title are so meh... TOXIC...
  22. Spectralion

    Ehh,,, Is there is none interesting for making some review about their new release?! I think I will give a punch then... 1. Blue - Not too interested with this title song, since I've heard it as Bleach opening song. ViViD's music typically. Just decent not great. Easy listening, cause this song become an opening anime song. Reno's solo are just OK. 3/5 2. Crisis - I hate Shin when he use too much vibrant in chorus. Plus the rap are bit pushed. The positive side are Reno and I.V.'s solo are quite great. 1/5 3. Re:Load - This sing are much much better than title song and B-side. The music are more memorable and Shin's vibrant are tolerable. And AWESOME, they only use I.V.'s bass solo in this song without guitar solo. 4/5 Overall, 2.5/5 Lil bit disappointed with this single. It's took so much time, but the single is not too great. The only song that growing inside me is Re:Load. They are became major, but they musicality isn't improved yet... *sigh*
  23. Spectralion

    Their music are still great although Perestroika influence in their music are kinda annoying... I never liked Jin's voice... And this single making me hated his voice more and more over...
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