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Status Updates posted by Zeus

  1. Today's the dreaded visual kei metamorphosis that happens approximately once every ten years. I'm curious to see what bands will fill the gaps...

  2. traces vol 2 is the best thing gazetto has put out in years...and i don't even like gazeballadz

    1. Zeus


      im gonna write a review soonish. maybe within the next week. but the long short of it is that a lot of the ballads are benefitting from the new production

    2. platy


      I hate ballads too, but this release was enjoyable.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, I'm not much into ballads, but they put some of the best ones they have, and I'm not even big into the GazettE in general. Especially when they completely changed their sound from experimental Alt Rock, Punk Rock and Alt Metal to whatever it is now.

      I miss when Ruki would trill his Rs and they were all literally Punk Rock gods. 

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  3. what ever happened to that guitarist from GALEYD?

    1. Jigsaw9


      He ga' leyd off.... :^)


      But srsly, good question. Last info I can see is that he's been playing support for KAMIJO live. He should start a new band tho, he's amazingly talented.


      edit: I just checked, his last tweet is almost 2 years old, oof.

    2. Spectralion


      Maybe become KAMIJO's support is way more financially stable than starting his own band

  4. what have the members of -OZ- been up to?

    1. nekkichi
    2. Zeus
    3. saishuu


      I hope they've at least managed to grab a decent paying job :~

  5. what's crimson shiva's best release?

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend


      If we’re counting Crimson Shiva and Shiva as one thing cause they are the same band basically... I like バラモンの教え (‘Teachings of Brahmin’ on Spotify)


  6. what's new with KEEL?

    1. Jigsaw9


      I guess they're on the backburner now. Ryo is busy playing gigs with DALLE and aie is his usual super-busy self juggling gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy and the god and death stars at the same time (and ofc there's the deadman reunion too).

  7. when did 4shared become cancer?

    1. nekkichi


      what do you mean???? 

    2. Chi


      one day i had my adblock disabled and 4shared almost exploded

    3. Seimeisen


      4shared is cancer? I did not know about this!

  8. who is seeing the gazette in new york tomorrow?

  9. y'all better buy hard drives and start backing up your collections....a lot of stuff is about to become rarez. i'm about to raid the DL section rn matter of fact...

    1. Axius


      Im about to as well. 

    2. chemicalpictures


      arrgghh don't do that to my heart, dude


      If MH is becoming read-only hosted on the new community we will still be able to access the DL section, right?

  10. you're not an old head unless you remember the days when mediafire wasn't trash

    1. nomemorial


      Soulseek vs. Google: "band name" + "mediafire"


      battle of the century

    2. Nighttime Jae

      Nighttime Jae

      Okay but. E-mule anyone?

    3. CAT5


      Yep, mediafire used to be my go-to for uploading music back in the day!

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  11. this whole surgery thing is overrated x___x

  12. this yoshiki ama is the most ambivalent thing ever

  13. where did singer sen go?

    1. Zeus


      its been far too long since she released something new .___.

    2. Jigsaw9


      She only ever released anything in like 2011-2012 as far as I can tell, so I wouldn't bet on seeing any new music anytime soon...

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