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Status Updates posted by saishuu

  1. imagine if emmurée put out a shoegaze/blackgaze album

  2. LM.C covering ツメタイヒカリ is the worst thing that has ever happened to Plastic Tree and also my life

    1. Seimeisen


      ^ LM.C recording something good? Don't count on it! This is LM.C we're talking about, they'll never do anything good.


      The only thing I'm really looking forward to is acor's 梟 cover, and maybe the re-recording of ZERO.

    2. emmny


      yall don't count out pelican's cover of mizuiro girlfriend its gonna BOP

    3. saishuu


      the People in the Box cover might actually be good too, who knows

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    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      ride the beat, ride my face

    2. saishuu


      me flirting

    3. Takadanobabaalien
  4. oh, the bass is strong in this new Chanty EP. pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed every song on it right on the first listen. :)

    1. leighla


      I noticed that too cuz my car's speakers were complaining about it (I tend to blast my music), but I'm happy with the mini overall. Haven't quite taken a look at the poster that came along with it, either. :3

    2. Elazmus


      My reaction was the same !!

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Indeed, they have great bass lines :)

  5. people need to stop sleeping on these new NoGoD singles, even the b-sides are good (if not better than the actual title tracks). seems like their uninspired period has finally ended starting from their latest album.

    1. Zeus
    2. saishuu


      Missing (the entire single really), 鮮やかな矛盾 (from Arlequin), Emotional Disorder

      from their 2016 album Renovate: 魔法, 方舟, キラー・クラウン, カミサマの言う通り, 光, 桃源郷へようこそ

    3. Komorebi


      I have to agree on the b-sides being better than the title tracks.

  6. puer et puella is perfect

    1. saiko


      I still can't get into baroque. I've listened to them and could understand why they are one of the key acts in the history of VK's development. They were/are very good musicians indeed, but all they've put out doesn't touch my soul enough to go back to listen to them again.

  7. so what the hell happened with aichuun? is it gone? I haven't been able to load it for weeks now

    1. Tokage


      ummm i think u mean ''itunes''

    2. saishuu


      i'm sorry sir, what's an ""itunes""

    3. Tokage


      i dont know......

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  8. so what's everyone's explanation as to why "allure idea" is arguably the greatest vk band name in history? there's gotta be SOMETHING that explains why it's so pleasing to the eyes

  9. Thank you for answering me, mr. baka_neko. Just wanted to make sure I've been doing this whole "gay thing" right!

    1. Biopanda


      Always willing to lend a helping hand :v

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      i am a Gay

  10. The main track from the new Chanty single kinda sucks, but damn do the bsides make up for it. 半透明 is great.

  11. these ~alternative versions of vanitas and 愛憎につき... in the live-dist single are sending me lmao what the fuck were they trying to achieve with those

    1. colorful人生


      *sho groans in a closet*

    2. evenor


      stream NAZARE on Spotify™

    3. Duwang


      Vanitas is a new thing but there's a story behind aizou ni tsuki...
      Last December at the Metal Square event (Cazqui and Daichi's last live with Nokubura) they had really bad technical difficulties when they were about to play aizou, and since DIMLIM doesn't MC, Sho had to find a way to stall so he did an acapella version with Retsu making ambiance  with his guitar while Hiroshi was trying to fix shit but they couldn't recover in the end.

      Pretty much that version of aizou is exactly what he did that day (plus adding in some yelling of "gomennasai" and other words of frustration) , though to be honest I'm kinda surprised they recorded it and released it. While Sho did a great job coming up with that shit on the spot and following through to the end, but that was NOT a good day for the band.

      Maybe putting it on CD was a way for them to come to terms with happened that day, idk I can't say, but I do agree it's awkward to listen to. I think they should've added a little guitar at least.

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  12. those hots

    1. Jigsaw9


      I think nots!

    2. Tokage


      thinking about thos

  13. what the hell happened, someone fill me in

    1. saishuu


      I'm never in my life leaving this forum #ebmortlives

    2. suji


      I have screenshots of the whole thing if anyone wants to see~ #iwasthere

    3. IGM_Oficial
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  14. yaaaas loving the new look!

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