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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Looks like they're simply cancelling out of political situation in Ukraine itself, not the entire conflict. If they did, they would've cancelled Russia as well. I suppose they just don't want to get molotov'd while there.
  2. sai

    This took me 3 days to get jesus fuck
  3. sai

    Agreed with Eraser on the 12012-thing, lol. Hopefully it isn't as bad as said album. Both the tracklist (all caps) and the cover remind me of SHADOWS as well. I wonder if this is similar of the album content.
  4. I really can't wait for the new episode of Kill la Kill. This show is brilliant! QUEEN SATSUKI IS GOING TO KICK SOME SERIOUS ASS. I also finished the first episode of Noragami, and I thought it was pretty nice! I watched both first episodes of Noragami and Kyoukai no Kanata to see which one I would watch first, but I'm liking Noragami better than KNK at the moment. Once I've caught up with Noragami I'll finish KNK, then start Psycho Pass.
  5. sai

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-gRCaUTmiQ I'm sort of curious, is this considered "forced" as well, or is this more related to classic rock vocalists considering DEAD END's inspirations? Which brings me to the question, for how long has this been going on? Have bands like DEAD END/B-T/X/LUNA SEA started this trend, or is this something that happened later on?
  6. sai

    You remind me of Florence Welch, hyura, and that's a good thing!
  7. Apologies for the double post, but I finally caught up with Kill la Kill. HOLY SHIT THINGS ARE GETTING CRAZY.
  8. sai

    I only just realized now that legendaries are genderless whoops. My bad. I...might have a spare Rayquaza, thinking of it. I caught one in Pokemon Ruby and one in Pokemon Emerald. I transferred the one from Emerald to Diamond, but I can't transfer it to White 2 because it knows the HM Fly (so I need to get it to the move deleter first before I can get it to White 2 and from White 2 to X). I never transferred the one from Ruby however, yet I can't seem to find my gamecard for Ruby as it's still in my GBA but I recently deposited my GBA somewhere I can't remember. I'll let you know when I find it. I don't need 2 Rayquazas anyway, though I do have one trading condition: I want either a Latios or a Latias, though Latias is preferred. I never managed to catch them in Ruby because I wasted my masterball on Rayquaza and I'm not sure if I can still catch them in Emerald, though I'll be trying so.
  9. Despite how much I liked Titan, I have to agree on the pacing. The battle of Trost district had like 7-8 episodes and this was really unnecessary because at some point I was like "OKAY WHEN IS THIS ARC FINALLY GOING TO BE OVER". The Female Titan arc was better in that aspect.
  10. sai

    evolution definitely sounds different from how I remember it, so maybe several tracks ARE re-recorded?
  11. sai

    I really like your new hair CAT, I think it suits you
  12. I'm totally missing the joke because I don't see no motorcycle helmet anywhere tbqh. Fitz, explain!
  13. That chorus really didn't fit the rest of the preview. NIGHTMARE has basically caught the GazettE's disease of "we don't know how to make memorable choruses anymore", though they've been doing that for a while too I guess. Idk, I agree with ShanethVarosa; it sounded pretty rad until the guy started singing, lol.
  14. Watched Kill la Kill until bedtime yesterday and it's such a beast of an anime whoa. Currently on episode 7, cried legit tears at episode 4 with the buss equipped with the machine gun. ALSO NUDIST BEACH (pervert guy is amazing lol)
  15. I do buy stuff here and there, but I don't buy multiple versions of one release. I feel like it's sort of a rip-off, so I always just go with one version (usually the reguar). Depends. I never understood why people want chekis so badly, to be quite honest, so I'd never spend money on them. What I do buy though is mostly posters and tour shirts...that's it really. I do like catching picks and drum sticks though, I see it as a nice souvenir from a concert! (even though I've never actually caught one because I'm a midget) No, I can't understand what they're saying, so I don't see the point, haha. No, I wouldn't. I feel like following them in the street seems like a form of harrassment? It's hard to explain but when these people are outside just minding their own business I feel like you should just let them do that once they give off signals that they don't want to be bothered. It's different if the artist approaches the fans themselves though. Nope. I don't think it does? Of course I have songs that can cheer me up or get me off my feet, but not much more than that. I never dressed or changed my personal life due too music. Yep! I'm not planning on moving there, but I would love to visit one day to see some of my favourites live and do some sightseeing as well. I'm not interested in gossip surrounding the bands I listen to. I really don't mind if someone has 200 love children all throughout Japan or if they spend all their money on cocaine, as long as their music is awesome! (unless it's extremist cases like them supporting neo-nazism or smth of the sorts lol) Sometimes I think "hey, it would be fun to hang out with the guys from cinema staff because they seem pretty funny", but that's it really. Friendships come naturally after all, it's nothing that can be forced. Sadly I lack any form of musical talent for being in a band, haha. I think I'll just stick to enjoying music instead of (poorly) attempting to make it
  16. sai

    I agree with Mi'ihen about how the Japanese language is more elegant than English. Maybe I'm just a massive weeaboo but idk, Japanese just sounds nicer compared to English, unless the vocalist can somehow bring it in a really beautiful way (I'm taking Florence Welch as an example). I feel the same about the post-rock genre, to be quite honest. I love my post-rock in French, because French is just such an elegant language and it fits the sort of music perfectly, as where English lyrics with this sort of music sort of...puts me off? I don't know, it just doesn't feel right.
  17. Finally started Kill la Kill. The first episode was pretty promising, so I'm going to continue this one for sure! /also pervert guy somehow reminds me of the new pokemon professor from X and Y, lol. Next on the list is Durarara (or whatever it's called), Kyoukai no Kanata, Norigami and Psycho Pass.
  18. sai

    Reviving this thread for really specific reasons. Found this gem on tumblr today, I'm in fucking tears jfc.
  19. sai

    ^ I'm actually happy that I can't. If I understood a song and found out the lyrics were ridiculous I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I normally do, lol. I don't understand Japanese by ear, so when I look for lyrics it's always online. I'm pretty sure most of the indie bands I listen to have horrible lyrics as well. As long as I don't understand horrible lyrics, I'm fine with listening to it. I've had plenty of English songs that were instrumentally really rad, but the lyrics were just so plain bad that I immediately deleted it, lol.
  20. sai

    Only raising my suspicions further that HIZAKI was the actual vampire in Versailles and they just shoved KAMIJO to the front to make sure no one noticed.
  21. sai

    ^ LOL @ buffalo sauce. I've experimented here and there with new flavours Lays brought to the market, but I guess they just aren't what I'm looking for. I prefer to keep it simple with cheese & union, haha.
  22. sai

    A friend of mine has a Rayquaza she's willing to breed for me, so Augie, if you're interested I could breed the one I get from her and pass that onto you? Also, I ran into South-American Jesus last night in the passerby section. Dude trades me 5-6 starters with at least 5/6 perfect IVs for everything I want to throw at him. I think he was one of those guys who had an overload on bred starters and wanted to get rid off some of them by making others happy with them. Anyway, bless him, I actually got the Mudkip I've wanted for ages. ALSO ASKING FOR ADVICE HERE: when a Pokemon has pretty much 6 perfect IVs, what do you train them in while EV training? Like for example this Totodile I got has 6 perfect IVs, and since he's a water type it'd be logical to train him the most in special attack and speed (or special defense), or do I have to wait for him to grow a few levels and see which parts of his stats grow larger than the others? Basically what I'm doing is breeding an entire new team, because when I played through the story I knew nothing about IVs and EVs, so my Pokemon are underleveled when it comes to stats and I'm not really keen on retraining them again through supertraining. I'm only keeping Lapras out of my old team because it's such a fucking tank that can't be killed no matter how many earthquakes you throw at it.
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