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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    slays everything tbqh
  2. sai

    I agree! Drunk Sherlock and Watson was spectacular.
  3. Hmmm... I doubt it. I remember SCREW being sold out really quickly and they weren't promoted that much more than Jupiter is.
  4. sai

    You think Sherlock lied to Anderson? Then again there should be no reason to tell the complete story to Anderson, given their relationship. Anderson's actual theory at the beginning of the episode was probably the most bad-ass though with him throwing himself through a window, haha.
  5. sai

    Welcome to the forum John! I hope you'll have a great time here, and if you feel like it, drop by in the chat sometime, we talk plenty about music there
  6. sai

    Did you mean the Reichenbach Fall /can't believe we had to wait two years to find out how that one ended lmao
  7. sai

    I got the game today and I'm just going through the main story atm, haven't really figured out how everything works yet. I bought Pokemon X and went with Froakie as a starter (water starters ftw! Ever since Red/Blue I have always used a water starter)
  8. sai

    I saw it too, it was a great episode! John assaulting Sherlock several times was rather hilarious, haha.
  9. Congrats to CAT5 to making another great year list! Go read it and leave a comment, he deserves it! http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/25756-cat5s-best-of-2013/

  10. sai

    Whoa that looks cool! I have the most recent iTunes version, but where did you get your skins?
  11. sai

    LMAO. If they retreat on their word then the only reason they were doing this was to attract attention. I mean, sure, it's hard to finance a visual kei band (even when you do make your costumes yourself and do your own hair and make-up) and all VK bands need ways to attract attention but imo it's sad if you do it in a way like this. You should stand out by making good music or promote yourself at other events or so. There are plenty of ways to promote yourself as a band without pulling a dickish move. They got what they deserved imo.
  12. For once a rather simple question: do you prefer live or studio versions of a song, and why? Does the audio version of a live song remind you of the concert/live DVD and the great visual (and audio!) performance of that song? Or do you prefer the studio version, because the artist can't quite perform the song live as nice as it sounds on record (due too unreachable notes for the vocalist, etc.) or if it just doesn't hit you live, for example? So, what do YOU think?
  13. It's quite possible that there are delays due too the Christmas season. I remember ordering a package from Hong Kong a month before Christmas and I got it around mid-January. Ooooor it could be stuck in customs.
  14. sai

    Wasn't too big on INFERIORITY COMPLEX nor EXODUS, but I did like LIGHTNING and BALLAD and since I guess these two will be most probably on the album, I'm curious to see what it'll bring.
  15. downy's album was released after the deadline we'd been given by Ito to post our votes, so there wasn't a possibility for us to submit it to our lists (or it certainly would've made the list! afaik at least 3 of us loved the album).
  16. sai

    Nice! I didn't really dig his last solo EP apart from a few songs (I don't know why, too many slow songs at the end probably) but since RTS is TK's baby, I'll be looking forward to this! Also 1,500yen is a nice price for an EP!
  17. sai

    I wonder why the Audio Technica M50s got such a low rating. I've read nothing but praise about them (after about 800 ratings on Amazon their average score is 4.6/5, which is really good imo). I actually own a pair myself and tbqh I feel like they're amazing headphones for their price quality. Then again, only one of the headphones he reviews receives a mark above C+ so idk, lol.
  18. sai

    Love Actually It's that time of the year again (but then again, who doesn't enjoy Hugh Grant as the prime-minister?)
  19. sai

    Your wedding photos are the absolute best omfg.
  20. Tbqh Praparat isn't my favourite release of theirs either, but I still really much enjoyed it. They played two of the new songs live a few months before the release of the album (I was there) and I have to say I enjoyed them live better than on vinyl.
  21. sai

    Welcome to the forum! I love NICO Touches the Walls too! We even featured them on our best of 2013 staff list Enjoy your time here, and if there's anything you need, don't be afraid to ask!
  22. sai

    None in specific terms. I'm just going to try a few in that price category. The shops have them on display with a plug, so you can plug them into your mp3-device and give them a shot with your own music. I think I'll just give them a listen and pick the one that I like best.
  23. You JUST HAVE to listen to downy, fitear, it's a fantastic album. I haven't really gotten through the god and death stars yet, I'm not sure if it has to grow on me though. What would you guys dub as their greatest release?
  24. sai

    Bumping this because I'm going to buy a new pair next week. I've been thinking of getting Audio Technicas, but I'll give a few headphones a sample to see which one sounds best imo (or well, which one fits best for my kind of music anyway). Also lol @ people who wear enormous headphones in public. It's kind of annoying though, because I've had to do plenty of emergency brakes in my car because they're cycling/walking with their headphones on (volume set to max, of course) and just cross the street without looking. Young'uns today *shakes fist* The only people I see wearing headphones in public are the ones wearing Beats by dr. dre and I think they're wearing them more as a fashion statement/accessoire than actually wanting to enjoy music to the fullest while on the road (I mean you already don't want to enjoy music to the fullest if you buy beats anyway, lol).
  25. I felt this sort of thread was relevant, because I've seen a lot of this in (especially) VK communities, both on this website as on other websites like tumblr, twitter, etc. And as a side-question, do you think certain bands have a large anti-following because they're popular, rather than because their anti-following doesn't like their music? Lastly, without all of the negativity, do you think Japanese rock / VK discussions would still happen / be as interesting to engage in? I'll post my opinion later when there are a few replies.
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